Michael Hebert
Associate Professor
School of Education
School of Education
Faculty Director of Teacher Education
School of Education
School of Education
Director of the UCI Writing Project
B.S., Plymouth State College, 1999, Childhood Studies
M.Ed., Harvard University, 2002, Language and Literacy
Ed.D., Vanderbilt University, 2012, Special Education
M.Ed., Harvard University, 2002, Language and Literacy
Ed.D., Vanderbilt University, 2012, Special Education
University of California, Irvine
3100 Education
Mail Code: 5500
Irvine, CA 92697
3100 Education
Mail Code: 5500
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Writing, Writing to Read, Reading, Learning Disabilities, Assessment, Teacher Professional Development
Academic Distinctions
Early Career Research and Mentoring Grant (2013), Institute of Education Sciences
Institute of Education Sciences (IES), Experimental Education Research Training (ExpERT) Fellow, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University (2007-2012)
Writing Project Fellow (2005), National Writing Project, University of California, Los Angeles
Institute of Education Sciences (IES), Experimental Education Research Training (ExpERT) Fellow, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University (2007-2012)
Writing Project Fellow (2005), National Writing Project, University of California, Los Angeles
Awards and Honors
2019 Emerging Scholar Research/Creative Award (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Education and Human Sciences)
Short Biography
Dr. Michael Hebert is an Associate Professor in the School of Education, Faculty Director of Teacher Education, and the Director of the UCI Writing Project. His primary research interests include writing instruction, writing assessment, the development of writing interventions, the impacts of writing on reading, reading, special education, and teacher professional development. He is particularly interested in research on reading and writing for students with and at-risk for disabilities. He is the co-author two influential Carnegie Corporation reports: Writing to Read and Informing Writing. He is also the co-editor of the third edition of Best Practices in Writing Instruction.
Dr. Hebert has received more than $10 million in grant funding, including a 2022 Pandemic Recovery grant from the Institute of Education Sciences to test the effectiveness of the Workshops on Reading Development (WORDS) project, a professional development intervention to enhance reading achievement for students in grades K-3. He is also the Primary Investigator for Project VIEW (Visual Impairments Education in Writing), an exploratory project supported by the Institute of Education Sciences. He also received one of the first Early Career and Mentoring Program awards from the National Center for Special Education Research in 2013. He currently serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Educational Psychology. Dr. Hebert was previously a classroom teacher and reading specialist in schools in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, California, and the Navajo Nation.
Dr. Hebert has received more than $10 million in grant funding, including a 2022 Pandemic Recovery grant from the Institute of Education Sciences to test the effectiveness of the Workshops on Reading Development (WORDS) project, a professional development intervention to enhance reading achievement for students in grades K-3. He is also the Primary Investigator for Project VIEW (Visual Impairments Education in Writing), an exploratory project supported by the Institute of Education Sciences. He also received one of the first Early Career and Mentoring Program awards from the National Center for Special Education Research in 2013. He currently serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Educational Psychology. Dr. Hebert was previously a classroom teacher and reading specialist in schools in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, California, and the Navajo Nation.
Professional Societies
International Society for Advancement of Writing Research
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR)
Council of Learning Disabilities
Graduate Programs
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