Garrett Ward

Picture of Garrett Ward
Professor, Radiological Sciences
School of Medicine
Abdominal Imaging Fellowship Director, Radiological Sciences
School of Medicine
MD: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC (1990)
Fellowship: UC Irvine Medical Center, Abdominal Imaging (2015)
Fellowship: Pittsburgh Vascular Institute/UPMC, Interventional Radiology (1998)
Residency: Memorial University Medical Center, Diagnostic Radiology (1997)
Phone: (714) 456-6921
University of California, Irvine
101 The City Drive South, Rt. 140
Mail Code: 5005
Orange, CA 92868
Altered Doppler Flow Patterns in Cirrhosis Patients: an overview Ultrasonography. 2016 Jan: 35(1): 3 – 12 Pooya Iranpour, Chandana Lall, Roozbeh Houshyar, Mohammad Helmy, Albert Yang, Joon-Il Choi, Garrett Ward, Scott C Goodwin

Significance and Prevalence of Haziness Surrounding the Hepatic Artery and Celiac Axis On Computed Tomographic Imaging After Pancreaticoduodenectomy. J Comput
Assist Tomogr. 2018 Feb 27 Liu H, Imagawa D, Ward G, Dullet N, Lall C.

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