Kari Kansal
Chief of Breast Surgery, Surgery
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
M.D., 2005
Email: kkansal@uci.edu
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Breast cancer in young women, new surgical techniques, high risk populations for breast cancer, breast conservation, benign breast disease
Thompson KJ, Kernstine KH, Grannis FW Jr, Mojica P, Falabella A. Treatment of Chylothorax by Robotic Thoracic Duct Ligation. Ann Thorac Surg, 2008:85:334-6.
Thompson K, Cook P, Dilley R, Saeed M, Knowles H, Terramani T, Kansal N. Internal iliac artery angioplasty and stenting: An underutilized therapy. Annals of Vascular Surgery. 2010. Jan;24(1):23-7.
D. Easter MD, K. Thompson MD. Invited Critique. “The Actual Three- Year Survival of Gastric Cancer after Laparoscopy-Assisted Gastrectomy”. Archives of Surgery. June 2009: 144;6. 565.
Jacobsen GR, Thompson K, Spivack A, Fischer L, Wong B, Cullen J, Bosia J, Whitcomb E, Lucas E, Talamini M, Horgan S. Initial experience with transvaginal incisional hernia repair. Hernia. 2010 Feb;14(1):89-91.
Ramamoorthy SL, Fischer LJ, Jacobsen G, Thompson K, Wong B, Spivack A, Cullen J, Talamini MA, Horgan S. Transrectal Endoscopic Retrorectal Access (TERA): A novel NOTES approach to the peritoneal cavity. Journal of Laproendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. 2009 Oct;19(5):603-6.
Fischer LJ, Jacobsen G, Wong B, Thompson K, Bosia J, Talamini M, Horgan S. NOTES laparoscopic-asisted transvaginal sleeve gastrectomy in humans—description of preliminary experience in the United States. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2009 Sep-Oct;5(5):633-6.
Blair SL, Thompson K, Rococco J, Marlcarne V, Beitsch PD, Ollila DW. Attaining Negative Margins in Breast-Conservation Operations: Is There a Consensus among Breast Surgeons? J Am Coll Surg. 2009 Nov;209(5):608-13.
Hagen ME, Wagner OJ, Thompson K, Jacobsen G, Spivack A, Wong B, Talamini M, Horgan S. Supra-Pubic Single Incision Cholecystectomy. J Gastrointest Surg. 2010 Feb;14(2):404-7.
S. Horgan, G. Jacobsen, D. Weiss, JS Oldham, P Denk, F Borao, S Gorcey, B Watkins, J Mobley, K Thompson, A Spivack, D Voellinger, C Thompson, L Swanstrom, P Shah, G Haber, M Brengman, G Schroder. Incisionless revision of post-Roux-en-Y bypass stomal and pouch dilitation: multicenter registry results. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 2010 May-Jun;6(3):290-5.
Engelbert TL, Scholten A, Thompson K, Spivack A, Kansal N. Early ambulation after percutaneous femoral access with use of closure devices and hemostatic agents. Ann Vasc Surg. 2010 May;24(4):518-23.
Hagen ME, Wagner OJ, Inan I, Morel P, Fasel J, Jacobsen G, Spivack A, Thompson K, Wong B, Fischer L, Talamini M, Horgan S. Robotic single-incision transabdominal and transvaginal surgery: initial experience with intersecting robotic arms. Int J Med Robot. 2010 Sep;6(3):251-5.
K. Thompson, A. Spivack, L. Fischer, B. Wong, G. Jacobsen, M. Talamini, S. Horgan. Video. Single Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Surgical Endoscopy. 2011 May;25(5):1664.
S. Horgan, K. Thompson, M. Talamini, A. Ferreres, G. Jacobsen, G. Spaun, J. Cullen, L. Swanstrom. Clinical Experience with a Multifunctional, Flexible Surgery System for Endolumenal, Single Port and NOTES Procedures. Surgical Endoscopy. 2011 Feb;25(2):586-92.
H. Tran Cao, S. Kaushal, C. Lee, C. Snyder, K. Thompson, S. Horgan, M. Talamini, R. Hoffman, M. Bouvet. Flouresence Laparoscopy Imaging of Pancreatic Tumor Progression in an Orthotopic Mouse Model. Surgical Endoscopy. 2011 Jan;25(1):48-54.
K. Thompson, J. Grabowski, SL. Saltzestein, GR Sandler, S Blair. Adenoid Cystic Breast Carcinoma: Is Axillary Staging Necessary in All Cases? Results from the California Cancer Registry. The Breast Journal. 2011 Sep – Oct;17(5):485-9.
Coopey SB, Tang R, Lei L, Freer PE, Kansal K, Colwell AS, Gadd MA, Specht MC, Austen WG Jr, Smith BL. Increasing Eligibility for Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy. Ann Surg Oncol. 2013 Oct;20(10):3218-3222.
Kari J. Kansal, MD. Laura S. Dominici, MD, Sara M. Tolaney, MD, Steven J. Isakoff, MD, Ian E. Krop, MD, Barbara L. Smith, MD, PhD, Wei Jiang, Jane E. Brock, MD, Eric P. Winer, MD, Mehra Golshan MD. Neoadjuvant Bevacizumab: Surgical complications of mastectomy with and without reconstruction. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2013 Sept;141(2):255-259.
Rong Tang, Suzanne B. Coopey, Amy S. Colwell, Michelle C. Specht, Michele A. Gadd, Kari Kansal, Maureen P. McEvoy, Andrea L. Merrill, Upahvan Rai, Alphonse Taghian, William G. Austen, Barbara L. Smith. Nipple Sparing Mastectomy in Irradiated Breasts: Selecting Patients to Minimize Complications. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Oct;22(10):3331-3337.
Maaike W. van Paridon BSc, Parisa Kamali MD, Marek A. Paul, MD, Winona Wu BSc, Ahmed M.S.Ibrahim, MD, PhD, Kari J Kansal, MD, Mary Jane Houlihan, MD, Donald J. Morris, MD, Bernard T. Lee, MD, MPH, MBA, Samuel J. Lin, MD, MBA, Ranjna Sharma, MD, FACS. Oncoplastic breast surgery: Achieving oncological and aesthetic outcomes. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2017 Aug;116(2):195-202.
Babette E. Becherer, BSc, Parisa Kamali, MD, Marek Paul, MD, Winona Wu, BSc, Daniel Curiel, BSc, Hinne Rakhorst, MD, PhD, Samuel Lin, MD, MBA, Kari Kansal, MD. Prevalence of Psychiatric Comorbidities Among Women Undergoing Autologous Reconstruction. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2017 Dec;117(7):803-810.
Sarah Kimball, MD, , Sherise Epstein, Ranjna Sharma, MD, Ted James, MD, Mary Jane Houlihan, MD, Kari Kansal, MD. Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer in Nonagenarians. (Submitted for publication)
Julia Eismann, Yuijing J. Heng, Adam M. Tobias, Jordana Phillips, Gerburg M. Wulf, Kari J. Kansal. Interdisciplinary Management of Transgender Individuals at Risk for Breast Cancer: Case Reports and Review of the Literature. (Submitted for Publication)
Thompson K, Cook P, Dilley R, Saeed M, Knowles H, Terramani T, Kansal N. Internal iliac artery angioplasty and stenting: An underutilized therapy. Annals of Vascular Surgery. 2010. Jan;24(1):23-7.
D. Easter MD, K. Thompson MD. Invited Critique. “The Actual Three- Year Survival of Gastric Cancer after Laparoscopy-Assisted Gastrectomy”. Archives of Surgery. June 2009: 144;6. 565.
Jacobsen GR, Thompson K, Spivack A, Fischer L, Wong B, Cullen J, Bosia J, Whitcomb E, Lucas E, Talamini M, Horgan S. Initial experience with transvaginal incisional hernia repair. Hernia. 2010 Feb;14(1):89-91.
Ramamoorthy SL, Fischer LJ, Jacobsen G, Thompson K, Wong B, Spivack A, Cullen J, Talamini MA, Horgan S. Transrectal Endoscopic Retrorectal Access (TERA): A novel NOTES approach to the peritoneal cavity. Journal of Laproendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. 2009 Oct;19(5):603-6.
Fischer LJ, Jacobsen G, Wong B, Thompson K, Bosia J, Talamini M, Horgan S. NOTES laparoscopic-asisted transvaginal sleeve gastrectomy in humans—description of preliminary experience in the United States. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2009 Sep-Oct;5(5):633-6.
Blair SL, Thompson K, Rococco J, Marlcarne V, Beitsch PD, Ollila DW. Attaining Negative Margins in Breast-Conservation Operations: Is There a Consensus among Breast Surgeons? J Am Coll Surg. 2009 Nov;209(5):608-13.
Hagen ME, Wagner OJ, Thompson K, Jacobsen G, Spivack A, Wong B, Talamini M, Horgan S. Supra-Pubic Single Incision Cholecystectomy. J Gastrointest Surg. 2010 Feb;14(2):404-7.
S. Horgan, G. Jacobsen, D. Weiss, JS Oldham, P Denk, F Borao, S Gorcey, B Watkins, J Mobley, K Thompson, A Spivack, D Voellinger, C Thompson, L Swanstrom, P Shah, G Haber, M Brengman, G Schroder. Incisionless revision of post-Roux-en-Y bypass stomal and pouch dilitation: multicenter registry results. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 2010 May-Jun;6(3):290-5.
Engelbert TL, Scholten A, Thompson K, Spivack A, Kansal N. Early ambulation after percutaneous femoral access with use of closure devices and hemostatic agents. Ann Vasc Surg. 2010 May;24(4):518-23.
Hagen ME, Wagner OJ, Inan I, Morel P, Fasel J, Jacobsen G, Spivack A, Thompson K, Wong B, Fischer L, Talamini M, Horgan S. Robotic single-incision transabdominal and transvaginal surgery: initial experience with intersecting robotic arms. Int J Med Robot. 2010 Sep;6(3):251-5.
K. Thompson, A. Spivack, L. Fischer, B. Wong, G. Jacobsen, M. Talamini, S. Horgan. Video. Single Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Surgical Endoscopy. 2011 May;25(5):1664.
S. Horgan, K. Thompson, M. Talamini, A. Ferreres, G. Jacobsen, G. Spaun, J. Cullen, L. Swanstrom. Clinical Experience with a Multifunctional, Flexible Surgery System for Endolumenal, Single Port and NOTES Procedures. Surgical Endoscopy. 2011 Feb;25(2):586-92.
H. Tran Cao, S. Kaushal, C. Lee, C. Snyder, K. Thompson, S. Horgan, M. Talamini, R. Hoffman, M. Bouvet. Flouresence Laparoscopy Imaging of Pancreatic Tumor Progression in an Orthotopic Mouse Model. Surgical Endoscopy. 2011 Jan;25(1):48-54.
K. Thompson, J. Grabowski, SL. Saltzestein, GR Sandler, S Blair. Adenoid Cystic Breast Carcinoma: Is Axillary Staging Necessary in All Cases? Results from the California Cancer Registry. The Breast Journal. 2011 Sep – Oct;17(5):485-9.
Coopey SB, Tang R, Lei L, Freer PE, Kansal K, Colwell AS, Gadd MA, Specht MC, Austen WG Jr, Smith BL. Increasing Eligibility for Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy. Ann Surg Oncol. 2013 Oct;20(10):3218-3222.
Kari J. Kansal, MD. Laura S. Dominici, MD, Sara M. Tolaney, MD, Steven J. Isakoff, MD, Ian E. Krop, MD, Barbara L. Smith, MD, PhD, Wei Jiang, Jane E. Brock, MD, Eric P. Winer, MD, Mehra Golshan MD. Neoadjuvant Bevacizumab: Surgical complications of mastectomy with and without reconstruction. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2013 Sept;141(2):255-259.
Rong Tang, Suzanne B. Coopey, Amy S. Colwell, Michelle C. Specht, Michele A. Gadd, Kari Kansal, Maureen P. McEvoy, Andrea L. Merrill, Upahvan Rai, Alphonse Taghian, William G. Austen, Barbara L. Smith. Nipple Sparing Mastectomy in Irradiated Breasts: Selecting Patients to Minimize Complications. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Oct;22(10):3331-3337.
Maaike W. van Paridon BSc, Parisa Kamali MD, Marek A. Paul, MD, Winona Wu BSc, Ahmed M.S.Ibrahim, MD, PhD, Kari J Kansal, MD, Mary Jane Houlihan, MD, Donald J. Morris, MD, Bernard T. Lee, MD, MPH, MBA, Samuel J. Lin, MD, MBA, Ranjna Sharma, MD, FACS. Oncoplastic breast surgery: Achieving oncological and aesthetic outcomes. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2017 Aug;116(2):195-202.
Babette E. Becherer, BSc, Parisa Kamali, MD, Marek Paul, MD, Winona Wu, BSc, Daniel Curiel, BSc, Hinne Rakhorst, MD, PhD, Samuel Lin, MD, MBA, Kari Kansal, MD. Prevalence of Psychiatric Comorbidities Among Women Undergoing Autologous Reconstruction. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2017 Dec;117(7):803-810.
Sarah Kimball, MD, , Sherise Epstein, Ranjna Sharma, MD, Ted James, MD, Mary Jane Houlihan, MD, Kari Kansal, MD. Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer in Nonagenarians. (Submitted for publication)
Julia Eismann, Yuijing J. Heng, Adam M. Tobias, Jordana Phillips, Gerburg M. Wulf, Kari J. Kansal. Interdisciplinary Management of Transgender Individuals at Risk for Breast Cancer: Case Reports and Review of the Literature. (Submitted for Publication)
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