Laura Enriquez

Picture of Laura Enriquez
Assistant Professor of Chicano/Latino Studies, Chicano/Latino Studies
School of Social Sciences
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, Sociology
Phone: (949) 824-6190
University of California, Irvine
387 Social Science Tower
Mail Code: 5100
Irvine, CA 92697
Enriquez, Laura E. 2017. “Gendering Illegality: Undocumented Young Adults’ Negotiation of the Family Formation Process.” American Behavioral Scientist. (open access version)

Donato, Katharine M, Laura E. Enriquez, and Cheryl Llewellyn. 2017. “Frozen and Stalled: Gender and Migration Scholarship in the 21st Century.” American Behavioral Scientist.

Enriquez, Laura E. 2017. “A “Master Status” or the “Final Straw”? Assessing the Role of Immigration Status in Latino Undocumented Youths’ Pathways Out of School.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. (open access version)

Enriquez, Laura E. 2016. “‘Nomas Cásate’ / ‘Just Get Married’: How Legalization Pathways Shape Mixed-Status Relationships.” In Beyond Black and White A Reader on Contemporary Race Relations. Edited by Zulema Valdez. Sage.

Enriquez, Laura E. 2016. “‘I Talk to Them but I Don’t Know Them’: Undocumented Young Adults Negotiating Belonging in the U.S. through Conversations with Mexico.” In Click and Kin: Transnational Identity and Quick Media. Eds. May Friedman and Silvia Schultermandl. University of Toronto Press.

Enriquez, Laura E. and Abigail C. Saguy. 2015. “Coming Out of the Shadows: Harnessing a Cultural Schema to Advance the Undocumented Immigrant Youth Movement.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology. 4(1): 107-130.

Enriquez, Laura E. 2015. “Multigenerational Punishment: Shared Experience of Undocumented Immigration Status within Mixed-Status Families.” Journal of Marriage and Family. 77(4): 939-953. ***Winner of the 2016 American Sociological Association Latino Sociology Section’s Distinguished Contribution to Research Article Award.***

Salinas Velasco, Carlos, Trisha Mazumder, and Laura E. Enriquez. 2015. ““It’s Not Just A Latino Issue”: Policy Recommendations to Better Support a Racially Diverse Population of Undocumented Students.” InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies 11(1): 1-11.

Enriquez, Laura E. 2014. “‘Undocumented Immigrant and Citizen Students Unite:’ Building a Cross-Status Coalition through Shared Ideology.” Social Problems 61(2): 155-174.

Ochoa, Gilda L, Laura E. Enriquez, Sandra Hamada, and Jenniffer Rojas. 2012. “Constructing Multiple ‘Gap[s]’: Reproducing Divisions and Disparities between Asian Americans and Latinas/os in a California High School.” In Transnational Crossroads: Remapping the Americas and the Pacific. Edited by Camilla Fojas and Rudy P. Guevarra, Jr. University of Nebraska Press.

Enriquez, Laura E. 2011.“‘Because We Feel the Pressure and We Also Feel the Support’: Examining the Educational Success of Undocumented Immigrant Latina/o Students.” Harvard Educational Review 81(3): 476-500.
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