Cynthia Haq
Clinical Professor Emerita, Family Medicine
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
M.D., Indiana University, 1983
B.A., Indiana University, 1979
B.A., Indiana University, 1979
University of California, Irvine
UCIMC, Bldg 200, Ste 835, Rt 81
Mail Code: 2975
Irvine, CA 92697
UCIMC, Bldg 200, Ste 835, Rt 81
Mail Code: 2975
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Family Medicine, Primary Health Care, Population Health, Health Equity
Academic Distinctions
Wisconsin Academy of Letters, Arts and Sciences, selected as fellow for life, 2012
Alpha Omega Alpha, faculty elected by medical students, 2010
World Association of Family Doctors, global family doctor award, 2005
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, National Excellence in Education Award, 2002
American Academy of Family Physicians, Presidential Award, 2001
University of Wisconsin Teaching Academy Fellow, 1997
Alpha Omega Alpha, faculty elected by medical students, 2010
World Association of Family Doctors, global family doctor award, 2005
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, National Excellence in Education Award, 2002
American Academy of Family Physicians, Presidential Award, 2001
University of Wisconsin Teaching Academy Fellow, 1997
Research Abstract
Dr. Haq has devoted her career to promoting health equity and increasing access to primary health care for disadvantaged populations. She has led programs to recruit and train physicians and health professionals to work in health professional shortage areas within the US and in low income nations. Dr. Haq has designed and evaluated programs in Pakistan, Uganda, Ethiopia, with the World Health Organization and with governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Her research includes the design and evaluation of medical education and family medicine programs, preparing physicians for work in low-resource settings, doctor-patient communication, gender equity, social accountability in medical education, integrating clinical medicine and public health, health advocacy and community engagement.
Her research includes the design and evaluation of medical education and family medicine programs, preparing physicians for work in low-resource settings, doctor-patient communication, gender equity, social accountability in medical education, integrating clinical medicine and public health, health advocacy and community engagement.
Awards and Honors
University of California, Irvine; School of Medicine, Medical Education Department Chair Award, 2019
American Academy of Family Physicians, Exemplary Teaching Award, selected as national recipient, 2016
University of Wisconsin, Department of Family Medicine, John J. Frey III writing award, 2014 and 2015
American Association of Medical Colleges, Arnold Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award, selected by the Organization of Student Representatives as national recipient, 2014
Milwaukee County Medical Society, Community Impact Award, selected as inaugural physician recipient, 2014
American Academy of Family Physicians, Exemplary Teaching Award, selected as national recipient, 2016
University of Wisconsin, Department of Family Medicine, John J. Frey III writing award, 2014 and 2015
American Association of Medical Colleges, Arnold Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award, selected by the Organization of Student Representatives as national recipient, 2014
Milwaukee County Medical Society, Community Impact Award, selected as inaugural physician recipient, 2014
Short Biography
Dr. Cindy Haq was born in Germany and raised in the US and Pakistan. She trained at Indiana University and completed residency at the University of Wisconsin. She has served as faculty at Dartmouth, the Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, and now at the University of California, Irvine. She is the proud mother of four (adult) children and five grandchildren.
Ventres WB, Stone LA, Shapiro JF, Haq C, et al. Storylines of family medicine V: ways of thinking—honing the therapeutic self. Fam Med Com Health 2024;12: e002792. doi:10.1136/fmch-2024-002792
Devaskar SU, Cunningham CK, Steinhorn RH, Haq C, Spisso J, Dunne W, Gutierrez JR, Kivlahan C, Bholat M, Barakat S, Siantz ML, Romero S, Lefteris C, Gaffney S, Deville J, Lerner C, Liu J, Kuelbs CK, Kukreja S, Golden C, Nelson Z, Elton K, Byington CL; Academic Health Centers and Humanitarian Crises: One Health System’s Response to Unaccompanied Children at the Border; Academic Medicine ():10.1097/ACM.0000000000005097, November 15, 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005097
Fischer A, Shapiro J, Nguyen T, Meckler G, Lam T, Fenning R, Haq C; Views from the Trenches: California Family Physicians’ Experiences During the Initial Wave of Covid-19; Qualitative Research in Medicine & Healthcare 2022; 6:10296; doi:10.4081/qrmh.2022.10296
Haq C, Iroku-Malize T, Edgoose J, Prunuske J, Perkins A, Altman W, Elwood S: Climate Change as a Threat to Health: Family Medicine Call to Action and Response; Ann Fam Med 2023;21:195-197.
Haq C, Altman W, Wilson E, Iroku-Malize T, Blackwelder R, Robinson J: Amplifying Advocacy in Family Medicine; Ann Fam Med 2021;19:570-571.
Haq C, Ventres W, Hunt, Mull D, Thompson R, Rivo M, Johnson P. Where There is No Family Doctor: The Development of Family Medicine Around the World. Academic Medicine, May 1995; 70(5): 370-80.
Haq C, Cleeland L, Gjerde C, Goedken J, Poi E. Student Faculty Collaboration in Developing Clinics for the Medically Underserved. Family Medicine, 1996; 28(8): 570-4.
Haq C, Rothenberg D, Gjerde C, Bobula J, Wilson C, Joseph A. New World Views: Preparing Physicians in Training for Global Health Work. Family Medicine, 2000; 32: 566-72.
Haq C, Carufel-Wert D, Grosch M. Leadership Opportunities with Communities, the Underserved and Special Populations. Academic Medicine, 2002; 77:740.
Boelen C, Haq C, Hunt V, Rivo M, Shahady E. Improving Health Systems: the Contribution of Family Medicine; a Guidebook. Singapore: Wonca (World Academy of Family Doctors), Bestprint publications, 2002. Subsequently translated into French, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese and other languages for widespread distribution.
Haq C, Steele D, Marchand L, Seibert C, and Brody D, Integrating the art and science of medical practice: innovations in teaching medical communication skills, invited paper for the Undergraduate Medical Education for the 21st Century Project, Family Medicine, 2004; 36: S43-50.
Haq CL, Nine Words (special communication), Family Medicine, 2006; 38:9:667-668.
Beasley JW, Starfield B, van Weel C, Rosser WW, Haq CL, Global Health and Primary Care Research, Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 2007; 20:6:518-527.
Haq CL, Bauman L, Olsen C, DiPrete Brown L, Kraus C, Bousquet G, Creating the University of Wisconsin Center for Global Health; Case Study of Global Health Curriculum Development in a Major Academic Health Center. Academic Medicine: 83(2): February 2008; pp 148-153.
Haq C, Stearns M, Brill J, Crouse B, Foertsch J, Knox K, Stearns J, Skochelak S, Golden R. Training in Urban Medicine and Public Health: TRIUMPH. Academic Medicine: 88(3): March 2013; pp 352-363.
Kidd M Editor, Haq C, De Maeseneer J, Markuns J, Montenegro H, Qidwai W, Svab I, Van Lerberghe and Villaneuva T; The Contribution of Family Medicine to Improving Health Systems, a Guidebook from the World Organization of Family Doctors, Wonca and Radcliffe Publishing, 2013.
Haq C, Compassion in Medicine. Family Medicine, 2014;46(7):549-550.
Philpott J, Cornelson B, Derbew M, Haq C, Kvach E, Mekasha A, Rouleau K, Tefera G, Wondimagegn D, Wilson L, Yigeremu M; The Dawn of Family Medicine in Ethiopia; Family Medicine 2014 46 (9): 685-690.
Ventres W, Haq C; Toward a Cultural Consciousness of Self-in-Relationship: From “Us and Them” to “We”; Family Medicine, 2014 46 (9): 691-695.
Haq C, Remembrances and Reflections: Global Health, Local Needs and One Very Special Patient. Family Medicine 2016;48(1):64-5.
Luchterhand C, Rakel D, Haq C, Grant L, Byars-Winston A, Tyska S, Engles K; Creating a Culture of Mindfulness in Medicine; Wisconsin Medical Journal, 2015 114 (3): 105-109.
Kvach E, Connif J, Desalegn D, Tefera G, Derbew M, Haq C; Promoting Gender Equity at the College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia; Ethiopian Medical Journal, Special Issue on the Medical Education Partnership Initiative, 2015 53(2).
Haq C, Lemke M, Buelow M, Stearns M, Ripp C, McBride P, Training in Urban Medicine and Public Health -Preparing Physicians to Address Urban Health Care Needs, Wisconsin Medical Journal, 2016;115(6): 322-325.
Haq C. The path to health equity through multidisciplinary collaboration, (invited editorial), Journal of Patient Centered Research and Reviews. 2017; 4(4):208-210.
El Rayess F, Filip A, Doubeni A, Wilson C, Haq C, Debay M, Anandarajah G, Heffron WA, Jayasekera N, Larson P, Dahlman B, Valdman O, Hunt V; Family Medicine Global Health Fellowship Competencies: a Modified Delphi Study, Family Medicine, 2017 49(2): 106-113.
Kvach E, Yesehak B, Abebaw H, Conniff J, Busse H, Haq C; Perspectives of Female Medical Faculty in Ethiopia on a Leadership Fellowship Program, International Journal of Medical Education, 2017; 8:314-323.
Evensen A, Cornelson B, Rouleau K, Wondimagegn D, Janakiram P, Ghavam-Rassoul A, Busse H, Conniff J, Kvach E, Haq C, et al; Lessons Learned from Global Collaborations to Support Family Medicine in Ethiopia, Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, Sept-Oct 2017; 30 (5) 670-677.
Ventres W, Boelen C, Haq C; Time for Action: Key Considerations for Implementing Social Accountability in the Education of Health Professionals. Advances in Health Sciences Education, Springer, published online 12 September 2017.
Smith M Editor, Knox K, Sundick A, Haq C; Community Engagement, Health Equity and Advocacy, in Essentials of Family Medicine, Seventh Edition, 2019.
Haq C, Cleeland L, Gjerde C, Goedken J, Poi E. Student Faculty Collaboration in Developing Clinics for the Medically Underserved. Family Medicine, 1996; 28(8): 570-4.
Haq C, Rothenberg D, Gjerde C, Bobula J, Wilson C, Joseph A. New World Views: Preparing Physicians in Training for Global Health Work. Family Medicine, 2000; 32: 566-72.
Haq C, Carufel-Wert D, Grosch M. Leadership Opportunities with Communities, the Underserved and Special Populations. Academic Medicine, 2002; 77:740.
Boelen C, Haq C, Hunt V, Rivo M, Shahady E. Improving Health Systems: the Contribution of Family Medicine; a Guidebook. Singapore: Wonca (World Academy of Family Doctors), Bestprint publications, 2002. Subsequently translated into French, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese and other languages for widespread distribution.
Haq C, Steele D, Marchand L, Seibert C, and Brody D, Integrating the art and science of medical practice: innovations in teaching medical communication skills, invited paper for the Undergraduate Medical Education for the 21st Century Project, Family Medicine, 2004; 36: S43-50.
Haq CL, Nine Words (special communication), Family Medicine, 2006; 38:9:667-668.
Beasley JW, Starfield B, van Weel C, Rosser WW, Haq CL, Global Health and Primary Care Research, Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 2007; 20:6:518-527.
Haq CL, Bauman L, Olsen C, DiPrete Brown L, Kraus C, Bousquet G, Creating the University of Wisconsin Center for Global Health; Case Study of Global Health Curriculum Development in a Major Academic Health Center. Academic Medicine: 83(2): February 2008; pp 148-153.
Haq C, Stearns M, Brill J, Crouse B, Foertsch J, Knox K, Stearns J, Skochelak S, Golden R. Training in Urban Medicine and Public Health: TRIUMPH. Academic Medicine: 88(3): March 2013; pp 352-363.
Kidd M Editor, Haq C, De Maeseneer J, Markuns J, Montenegro H, Qidwai W, Svab I, Van Lerberghe and Villaneuva T; The Contribution of Family Medicine to Improving Health Systems, a Guidebook from the World Organization of Family Doctors, Wonca and Radcliffe Publishing, 2013.
Haq C, Compassion in Medicine. Family Medicine, 2014;46(7):549-550.
Philpott J, Cornelson B, Derbew M, Haq C, Kvach E, Mekasha A, Rouleau K, Tefera G, Wondimagegn D, Wilson L, Yigeremu M; The Dawn of Family Medicine in Ethiopia; Family Medicine 2014 46 (9): 685-690.
Ventres W, Haq C; Toward a Cultural Consciousness of Self-in-Relationship: From “Us and Them” to “We”; Family Medicine, 2014 46 (9): 691-695.
Haq C, Remembrances and Reflections: Global Health, Local Needs and One Very Special Patient. Family Medicine 2016;48(1):64-5.
Luchterhand C, Rakel D, Haq C, Grant L, Byars-Winston A, Tyska S, Engles K; Creating a Culture of Mindfulness in Medicine; Wisconsin Medical Journal, 2015 114 (3): 105-109.
Kvach E, Connif J, Desalegn D, Tefera G, Derbew M, Haq C; Promoting Gender Equity at the College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia; Ethiopian Medical Journal, Special Issue on the Medical Education Partnership Initiative, 2015 53(2).
Haq C, Lemke M, Buelow M, Stearns M, Ripp C, McBride P, Training in Urban Medicine and Public Health -Preparing Physicians to Address Urban Health Care Needs, Wisconsin Medical Journal, 2016;115(6): 322-325.
Haq C. The path to health equity through multidisciplinary collaboration, (invited editorial), Journal of Patient Centered Research and Reviews. 2017; 4(4):208-210.
El Rayess F, Filip A, Doubeni A, Wilson C, Haq C, Debay M, Anandarajah G, Heffron WA, Jayasekera N, Larson P, Dahlman B, Valdman O, Hunt V; Family Medicine Global Health Fellowship Competencies: a Modified Delphi Study, Family Medicine, 2017 49(2): 106-113.
Kvach E, Yesehak B, Abebaw H, Conniff J, Busse H, Haq C; Perspectives of Female Medical Faculty in Ethiopia on a Leadership Fellowship Program, International Journal of Medical Education, 2017; 8:314-323.
Evensen A, Cornelson B, Rouleau K, Wondimagegn D, Janakiram P, Ghavam-Rassoul A, Busse H, Conniff J, Kvach E, Haq C, et al; Lessons Learned from Global Collaborations to Support Family Medicine in Ethiopia, Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, Sept-Oct 2017; 30 (5) 670-677.
Ventres W, Boelen C, Haq C; Time for Action: Key Considerations for Implementing Social Accountability in the Education of Health Professionals. Advances in Health Sciences Education, Springer, published online 12 September 2017.
Smith M Editor, Knox K, Sundick A, Haq C; Community Engagement, Health Equity and Advocacy, in Essentials of Family Medicine, Seventh Edition, 2019.
DiPrete Brown L Editor, Haq C; Turning Points: Reflections on a Career in Global Health and Family Medicine, in Foundations for Global Health Practice, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 2018.
Haq C, Stiles M, Rothenberg D, Lukolyo H, Effective Advocacy for Patients and Communities, Am Fam Physician. 2019 Jan 1;99(1):44-46.
Haq C, Huffstetler A, Bazemore A, Progress, Challenges and Policies to Promote Primary Health Care, invited editorial; Harvard Health Policy Review, published on line 12 January, 2019.
Besigye I, Onyango J, Ndboli F, Hunt V, Haq C and Namatovu J; Roles and Challenges of Family Physicians in Uganda: a Qualitative Study, African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine, ISSN (online) 2071-2936, (print) 2071-2928. 2019.
Haq C, Hostetter I, Zavala L, Mayorga J, Immigrant Health and Changes to the Public Charge Rule: Family Physicians’ Response; Annals of Family Medicine, 2020; 18(5) 458-460.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services; Predoctoral Training Grant
United States Department of Defense, National Security Educational Program
World Health Organization; Human Resources for Health
United States Department of Health and Human Services. (a) Erik Brodt PI; Cynthia Haq academic mentor; (b) $1,000,000; (c) 09/01/2014-08/31/2019; (d) To develop curricula and to recruit, retain and train Native American students, residents and faculty to the UW School of Medicine and Public Health.
US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health. Health Equity and Literacy in Orange County (HEAL-OC). (a) City of Santa Ana, CA; co-PI John Billimek PhD, Cynthia Haq academic advisor; (b) $4,000,000; (c) 07/01/2021; (d) to promote health literacy, Covid-19 vaccination and preventive services for disadvantaged populations in Santa Ana, CA.
Professional Societies
American Academy of Family Physicians
Consortium of Universities for Global Health
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
International Rescue Committee, Women’s Commission
Physicians for a National Health Plan
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
California Academy of Family Physicians
Climate Health Now
Institute for Zen Leadership
Other Experience
Fulbright Scholar
Aga Khan University, Karachi Pakistan 1990—1991
Aga Khan University, Karachi Pakistan 1990—1991
World Health Organization, Geneva Switzerland 2001—2002
World Health Organization, Geneva Switzerland 2001—2002
Fulbright Scholar
Makerere University, Kampala Uganda 2005
Makerere University, Kampala Uganda 2005
Founding Director, Center for Global Health
University of Wisconsin, Madison 2002—2010
University of Wisconsin, Madison 2002—2010
Founding Director, Training in Urban Medicine and Public Health
University of Wisconsin, Madison 2008—2018
University of Wisconsin, Madison 2008—2018
Clinical Professor and Chair
UCI Family Medicine 2018—2023
UCI Family Medicine 2018—2023
Graduate Programs
Family Practice
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