Ian Coller
Professor, History
School of Humanities
School of Humanities
Ph.D., University of Melbourne, 2006, History
University of California, Irvine
Mail Code: 3275
Irvine, CA 92697
Mail Code: 3275
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Modern France, French Revolution & Empire, Modern Europe (c.1700-1900), Muslim Mediterranean
Muslims and Citizens: Islam, Politics and the French Revolution (Yale University Press, 2020)
Ian Coller (ed). The Cultural History of Western Empires 4: Empires of the Enlightenment 1650-1800 (Bloomsbury, 2019)
Arab France: Islam and the Making of Modern Europe 1798-1831 (University of California Press, 2010)
(with Natacha Coquery & Richard Flamein) “Ce que les cultures matérielles peuvent apporter à l’historiographie de la Révolution française,” Annales historiques de la Révolution Française 383 (2016): 1-20
“African Liberalism in the Age of Empire? Hassuna D’Ghies and Liberal Constitutionalism in North Africa” Modern Intellectual History 12 (2015):1–25
“Rousseau’s Turban: Entangled Encounters of Europe and Islam in the Age of Enlightenment ” Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques 40 (2014): 56-77
“Citizen Chawich: Arabs, Islam and Rights in the French Revolution” French History and Civilization 5 (2014): 42-52
“African Liberalism in the Age of Empire? Hassuna D’Ghies and Liberal Constitutionalism in North Africa” Modern Intellectual History 12 (2015):1–25
“Rousseau’s Turban: Entangled Encounters of Europe and Islam in the Age of Enlightenment ” Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques 40 (2014): 56-77
“Citizen Chawich: Arabs, Islam and Rights in the French Revolution” French History and Civilization 5 (2014): 42-52
“Ottomans on the Move: Hassuna D’Ghies and the “New Ottomanism” of the 1830s” in Constantina Zanou & Maurizio Isabella (eds) Mediterranean Diaspora: Politics and Ideas in the Long 19th Century (Bloomsbury, 2016), 52-75.
“Barbary and Revolution: France and North Africa in the Revolutionary Era” in Patricia Lorcin & Todd Shepard (ed.) French Mediterraneans: Transnational and Imperial Histories (University of Nebraska Press, 2016), 97–116.
“The French Revolution and the Islamic World of the Middle East and North Africa” in Alan Forrest and Matthias Middell (eds) The Routledge Companion to the French Revolution in World History (Routledge, 2015), 117-134.
“The Republic of Marseille and the Making of Imperial France” in Philip Whalen and Patrick Young (eds) Place and Locality in Modern France (Bloomsbury Academic, 2014), 3-14.
“The Revolutionary Mediterranean” in Peter McPhee (ed.) A Companion to the French Revolution (Blackwell Wiley, 2013), 419-434.
“Egypt in the French Revolution” in Lynn Hunt, Suzanne Desan & William Nelson (eds) The French Revolution in Global Perspective (Cornell University Press, 2013) 115-131.
“Barbary and Revolution: France and North Africa in the Revolutionary Era” in Patricia Lorcin & Todd Shepard (ed.) French Mediterraneans: Transnational and Imperial Histories (University of Nebraska Press, 2016), 97–116.
“The French Revolution and the Islamic World of the Middle East and North Africa” in Alan Forrest and Matthias Middell (eds) The Routledge Companion to the French Revolution in World History (Routledge, 2015), 117-134.
“The Republic of Marseille and the Making of Imperial France” in Philip Whalen and Patrick Young (eds) Place and Locality in Modern France (Bloomsbury Academic, 2014), 3-14.
“The Revolutionary Mediterranean” in Peter McPhee (ed.) A Companion to the French Revolution (Blackwell Wiley, 2013), 419-434.
“Egypt in the French Revolution” in Lynn Hunt, Suzanne Desan & William Nelson (eds) The French Revolution in Global Perspective (Cornell University Press, 2013) 115-131.
“Empires from the Viewpoint of the Colonised” in John MacKenzie (ed.) Encyclopedia of Empire (Wiley, 2016)
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