Karen L. Edwards
Professor and Chair, Epidemiology
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Ph.D., University of Washington, 1996, Epidemiology
M.S., California State University, Chico, 1991, Nutrition
M.S., California State University, Chico, 1991, Nutrition
University of California, Irvine
222 Irvine Hall
Mail Code: 7550
Irvine, CA 92697
222 Irvine Hall
Mail Code: 7550
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Genetic Epidemiology, epidemiology, chronic diseases, diet and nutritional epidemiology, Gene x Environment interactions
Research Abstract
My primary research focus is in genetic epidemiology and the use of multivariate approaches to define phenotypes for complex diseases. My genetic epidemiology research covers a broad range of conditions, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, melanoma and Parkinsons Disease. I am also interested in interactions between environmental factors (particularly diet) and genetic susceptibility (Gene x environment interactions). Finally, I work on several interdisciplinary projects that focus on the ethical, legal or social implications of genomics and applications to clinical and public health practice.
Teaching: Epidemiology 202 : Genetic Epidemiology. Offered spring quarter
Teaching: Epidemiology 202 : Genetic Epidemiology. Offered spring quarter
Selected Publications (from over 115)
Yorgov D, Edwards KL, Santorico S. Use of admixture and association for detection of quantitative trait loci in the Type 2 diabetes genetic exploration by next-generation sequencing in ethnic samples (T2D-GENES) study. BMC Proc 2014: un 17;8(Suppl 1):S6. doi: 10.1186/1753-6561-8-S1-S6. eCollection 2014. PMID: 25519335
Santorico S and Edwards KL. The challenges of linkage analysis in the era of whole-genome sequencing. Genet Epidemiol. 2014 Sep;38 Suppl 1:S92-6. doi: 10.1002/gepi.21832.PMID: 25112196
Condit CM, Korngeibel DM, Pfeiffer L, Renz AD, Bowen DJ, Kaufman D, Kollar LMM, Edwards KL. What should be the character of the researcher - participant relationship? IRB: Ethics and Human Research. 2015; 37(4)1-10. The Hastings Center.
Edwards KL, Korngiebel DM, Pfeifer L, Goodman D, Renz A, Wenzel L, Bowen DJ, Condit CM. Participant views on consent in cancer genetics research: Preparing for the Precision Medicine Era. J Community Genetics. 2016:7(2);133-43. PMID. 26801345
Goodman D, Johnson CO, Wenzel L, Bowen DJ, Condit CM. Edwards KL, Consent Issues in Genetic Research: Views of Research Participants. J Public Health Genomics. 2016:19(4)220-8
Condit CM, Shen L, Johnson CO, Korngiebel DM, Bowen DJ, Edwards KL. Participant’s role expectation in genetics research and re-consent: Revising the theory and methods of mental models research relating to roles. J of Health Communication. 2016: 21(sup2)16-24.
Hyams T, Bowen DJ, Condit CM, Grossman J, Fitzmaurice M, Goodman D, Wenzel L, Edwards KL. Views of cohort study participants about returning research results in the context of Precision Medicine. J Public Health Genomics; 2016:19(5);269-75
Goodman D, Johnson CO, Bowen D, Smith M, Wenzel L, Edwards K. De-identified genomic data sharing: the research participant perspective. J Community Genet 2017: Apr 5 Epub, Ahead of Print
Mata IF, Johnson CO, Leverenz JB, Weintraub D, Trojanowski JQ, Van Deerlin VM, Ritz B, Rausch R, Factor SA, Wood-SIverio C, Quinn JF, Chung KA, Peterson-Hiller AL, Aspay AJ, Revilla FJ, Devoto J, Yearout D, Hu SC, Cholerton BA, Montine TJ, Edwards KL, Zabetian CP. Large-scale exploratory genetic analysis of cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease. Neurobiol Aging 2017; Epub 2017 Apr 20.
Yorgov D, Edwards KL, Santorico S. Use of admixture and association for detection of quantitative trait loci in the Type 2 diabetes genetic exploration by next-generation sequencing in ethnic samples (T2D-GENES) study. BMC Proc 2014: un 17;8(Suppl 1):S6. doi: 10.1186/1753-6561-8-S1-S6. eCollection 2014. PMID: 25519335
Santorico S and Edwards KL. The challenges of linkage analysis in the era of whole-genome sequencing. Genet Epidemiol. 2014 Sep;38 Suppl 1:S92-6. doi: 10.1002/gepi.21832.PMID: 25112196
Condit CM, Korngeibel DM, Pfeiffer L, Renz AD, Bowen DJ, Kaufman D, Kollar LMM, Edwards KL. What should be the character of the researcher - participant relationship? IRB: Ethics and Human Research. 2015; 37(4)1-10. The Hastings Center.
Edwards KL, Korngiebel DM, Pfeifer L, Goodman D, Renz A, Wenzel L, Bowen DJ, Condit CM. Participant views on consent in cancer genetics research: Preparing for the Precision Medicine Era. J Community Genetics. 2016:7(2);133-43. PMID. 26801345
Goodman D, Johnson CO, Wenzel L, Bowen DJ, Condit CM. Edwards KL, Consent Issues in Genetic Research: Views of Research Participants. J Public Health Genomics. 2016:19(4)220-8
Condit CM, Shen L, Johnson CO, Korngiebel DM, Bowen DJ, Edwards KL. Participant’s role expectation in genetics research and re-consent: Revising the theory and methods of mental models research relating to roles. J of Health Communication. 2016: 21(sup2)16-24.
Hyams T, Bowen DJ, Condit CM, Grossman J, Fitzmaurice M, Goodman D, Wenzel L, Edwards KL. Views of cohort study participants about returning research results in the context of Precision Medicine. J Public Health Genomics; 2016:19(5);269-75
Goodman D, Johnson CO, Bowen D, Smith M, Wenzel L, Edwards K. De-identified genomic data sharing: the research participant perspective. J Community Genet 2017: Apr 5 Epub, Ahead of Print
Mata IF, Johnson CO, Leverenz JB, Weintraub D, Trojanowski JQ, Van Deerlin VM, Ritz B, Rausch R, Factor SA, Wood-SIverio C, Quinn JF, Chung KA, Peterson-Hiller AL, Aspay AJ, Revilla FJ, Devoto J, Yearout D, Hu SC, Cholerton BA, Montine TJ, Edwards KL, Zabetian CP. Large-scale exploratory genetic analysis of cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease. Neurobiol Aging 2017; Epub 2017 Apr 20.
Research Centers
Genetic Epidemiology Research Unit
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