Hannah Lui Park
Associate Professor In Residence, Pathology
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Associate Professor In Residence, Epidemiology
Public Health
Public Health
Director, Athena Breast Health Network
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Chief Wellness Officer, Pathology
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Ph.D., Stanford University, Biological Sciences
M.S., University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Cell and Neurobiology
B.A., University of California, Berkeley, Molecular and Cell Biology
M.S., University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Cell and Neurobiology
B.A., University of California, Berkeley, Molecular and Cell Biology
Email: hlpark@uci.edu
University of California, Irvine
839 Health Sciences Road
218 Sprague Hall
Irvine, CA 92617
839 Health Sciences Road
218 Sprague Hall
Irvine, CA 92617
Research Interests
Cancer epigenetics, environmental exposures, DNA methylation, biomarkers, genetic epidemiology, epigenetic epidemiology, disease prevention, wellness
Potential Role of Glyphosate, Glyphosate-Based Herbicides, and AMPA in Breast Cancer Development: A Review of Human and Human Cell-Based Studies.
Schluter HM, Bariami H, Park HL.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2024 Aug 17;21(8):1087. doi: 10.3390/ijerph21081087.
Factors Associated with Longitudinal Changes in Mammographic Density in a Multiethnic Breast Screening Cohort of Postmenopausal Women.
Park HL, Ziogas A, Feig SA, Kirmizi RL, Lee CJ, Alvarez A, Lucia RM, Goodman D, Larsen KM, Kelly R, Anton-Culver H.
Breast J. 2023 Oct 17;2023:2794603. doi: 10.1155/2023/2794603.
Lucia RM, Liao X, Huang WL, Forman D, Kim A, Ziogas A, Norden-Krichmar TM, Goodman D, Alvarez A, Masunaka I, Pathak KV, McGilvrey M, Hegde AM, Pirrotte P, Park HL. Urinary glyphosate and AMPA levels in a cross-sectional study of postmenopausal women: Associations with organic eating behavior and dietary intake. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2023 Jul;252:114211. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2023.114211.
Lucia RM, Huang WL, Pathak KV, McGilvrey M, David-Dirgo V, Alvarez A, Goodman D, Masunaka I, Odegaard AO, Ziogas A, Pirrotte P, Norden-Krichmar TM, Park HL. Association of Glyphosate Exposure with Blood DNA Methylation in a Cross-Sectional Study of Postmenopausal Women. Environ Health Perspect. (2022) Apr;130(4):47001. doi: 10.1289/EHP10174.
Park HL, Chang J, Haridass V, Wang SS, Ziogas A, Anton-Culver H. Mammography screening and mortality by risk status in the California teachers study. BMC Cancer. (2021) Dec 18;21(1):1341. doi: 10.1186/s12885-021-09071-1.
Lucia RM, Huang WL, Alvarez A, Masunaka I, Ziogas A, Goodman D, Odegaard AO, Norden-Krichmar TM, Park HL. Association of mammographic density with blood DNA methylation. Epigenetics. (2021) Jun 11:1-16. doi: 10.1080/15592294.2021.1928994.
Matin J, Lucia RM, Lal K, Columbus A, Goodman D, Larsen K, Ziogas A, Park HL. Factors Associated with Women’s Unwillingness to Decrease Alcohol Intake to Decrease Breast Cancer Risk. J Prim Care Community Health. (2021) Jan-Dec;12:21501327211000211.
Yang KJ, Lee J, Park HL. Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure and Breast Cancer Risk: A Rapid Review of Human, Animal, and Cell-Based Studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (2020) 17(14), 5030. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17145030
Kim DY, Park HL. Breast Cancer Risk Prediction in Korean Women: Review and Perspectives on Personalized Breast Cancer Screening. J Breast Cancer. (2020) 23:e40. https://doi.org/10.4048/jbc.2020.23.e40
Lucia RM, Huang W-L, Alvarez A, Thampy D, Elyasian M, Hidajat A, Yang K, Forman D, Pebdani A, Masunaka I, Brain S, Heditsian D, Lee V, Goodman D, Norden-Krichmar TM, Odegaard AO, Ziogas A, Park HL. Rationale, Study Design, and Cohort Characteristics for the Markers for Environmental Exposures (MEE) Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (2020) 17(5): 1774. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17051774
Park HL. Epigenetic biomarkers for environmental exposures and personalized breast cancer prevention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (2020) 17(4):1181. doi:10.3390/ijerph17041181
The All of Us Research Program Investigators. The “All of Us” Research Program. New England Journal of Medicine. (2019) 381:668-676. doi: 10.1056/NEJMsr1809937. Dr. Park is named as a co-investigator in the California Precision Medicine Consortium, part of the national All of Us Research Program.
Yang M, Barker K, Goodman D, Park HL. Effective risk communication to promote behavioral change in patients at elevated risk for breast cancer based on the Health Belief Model. The Breast Journal. (2018) 24(6): 1097-8. https://doi.org/10.1111/tbj.13086
Park HL, Chang J, Lal K, Lal G, Ziogas A, Anton-Culver H. Trends in treatment patterns and clinical outcomes in young women diagnosed with ductal carcinoma In Situ. Clinical Breast Cancer. 2018 Apr;18(2):e179-e185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clbc.2017.08.001
Kim DY, Park HL. Breast Cancer Risk Prediction in Korean Women: Review and Perspectives on Personalized Breast Cancer Screening. J Breast Cancer. (2020) 23:e40. https://doi.org/10.4048/jbc.2020.23.e40
Lucia RM, Huang W-L, Alvarez A, Thampy D, Elyasian M, Hidajat A, Yang K, Forman D, Pebdani A, Masunaka I, Brain S, Heditsian D, Lee V, Goodman D, Norden-Krichmar TM, Odegaard AO, Ziogas A, Park HL. Rationale, Study Design, and Cohort Characteristics for the Markers for Environmental Exposures (MEE) Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (2020) 17(5): 1774. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17051774
Park HL. Epigenetic biomarkers for environmental exposures and personalized breast cancer prevention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (2020) 17(4):1181. doi:10.3390/ijerph17041181
The All of Us Research Program Investigators. The “All of Us” Research Program. New England Journal of Medicine. (2019) 381:668-676. doi: 10.1056/NEJMsr1809937. Dr. Park is named as a co-investigator in the California Precision Medicine Consortium, part of the national All of Us Research Program.
Yang M, Barker K, Goodman D, Park HL. Effective risk communication to promote behavioral change in patients at elevated risk for breast cancer based on the Health Belief Model. The Breast Journal. (2018) 24(6): 1097-8. https://doi.org/10.1111/tbj.13086
Park HL, Chang J, Lal K, Lal G, Ziogas A, Anton-Culver H. Trends in treatment patterns and clinical outcomes in young women diagnosed with ductal carcinoma In Situ. Clinical Breast Cancer. 2018 Apr;18(2):e179-e185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clbc.2017.08.001
Harbi S, Park H, Gregory M, Lopez P, Chiriboga L, Mignatti P. Arrested Development: Infantile Hemangioma and the Stem Cell Teratogenic Hypothesis. Lymphatic research and biology. (2017) 15(2):153-165.
Ma H, Xu X, Clague J, Lu Y, Togawa K, Wang SS, Clarke CA, Lee E, Park HL, Sullivan-Halley J, Neuhausen SL, Bernstein L. Recreational physical activity and risk of triple negative breast cancer in the California Teachers Study. Breast Cancer Research (2016) 18(1):62.
Goodman D, Park HL, Stefanick M, Hingle M, Lamonte M, LeBlanc E, Johnson K, Desai M, Anton-Culver H. Self-recalled Youth Physical Activity and Postmenopausal Cardiovascular Disease. Health behavior and policy review. (2014) 1(6):472-483.
Tabung FK, Steck SE, Zhang J, Ma Y, Liese AD, Agalliu I, Hingle M, Hou L, Hurley TG, Jiao L, Martin LW, Millen AE, Park HL, Rosal MC, Shikany JM, Shivappa N, Ockene JK, Hebert JR. Construct validation of the dietary inflammatory index among postmenopausal women. Annals of epidemiology. (2015) 25(6):398-405.
Ma H, Xu X, Clague J, Lu Y, Togawa K, Wang SS, Clarke CA, Lee E, Park HL, Sullivan-Halley J, Neuhausen SL, Bernstein L. Recreational physical activity and risk of triple negative breast cancer in the California Teachers Study. Breast Cancer Research (2016) 18(1):62.
Goodman D, Park HL, Stefanick M, Hingle M, Lamonte M, LeBlanc E, Johnson K, Desai M, Anton-Culver H. Self-recalled Youth Physical Activity and Postmenopausal Cardiovascular Disease. Health behavior and policy review. (2014) 1(6):472-483.
Tabung FK, Steck SE, Zhang J, Ma Y, Liese AD, Agalliu I, Hingle M, Hou L, Hurley TG, Jiao L, Martin LW, Millen AE, Park HL, Rosal MC, Shikany JM, Shivappa N, Ockene JK, Hebert JR. Construct validation of the dietary inflammatory index among postmenopausal women. Annals of epidemiology. (2015) 25(6):398-405.
Park HL, Ziogas A, Chang J, Desai B, Bessonova L, Garner C, Lee E, Neuhausen SL, Wang SS, Ma H, Clague J, Reynolds P, Lacey JV Jr, Bernstein L, Anton-Culver H. Novel polymorphisms in caspase-8 are associated with breast cancer risk in the California Teachers Study. BMC Cancer. (2016) 16(1):14.
Park HL, Tran SM, Lee J, Goodman D, Ziogas A, Kelly R, Larsen KM, Alvarez A, Tannous C, Strope J, Lynch W, Anton-Culver H. Clinical implementation of a risk assessment program in a multiethnic patient population to identify women at increased risk for breast cancer: a cohort study. The Breast Journal (2015) 21(5): 562-4.
Parker DR, Lu B, Sands-Lincoln M, Kroenke CH, Lee CC, O’Sullivan M, Park HL, Parikh N, Schenken RS, Eaton CB. Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Postmenopausal Women with Prior Pregnancy Loss: The Women’s Health Initiative. Ann Fam Med (2014) 12(4): 302-309.
Goodman-gruen D, Park HL, Stefanick M, Leblanc E, Bea J, Qi L, Kapphahn K, Lamonte M, Manini T, Desai M, Anton-Culver H. Relation Between Self-Recalled Childhood Physical Activity And Adult Physical Activity. Open Journal of Epidemiology (2013) 3(4), 224-231.
Harismendy O, Schwab RB, Alakus H, Yost SE, Matsui H, Hasteh F, Wallace AM, Park HL, Madlensky L, Parker B, Carpenter PM, Jepsen K, Anton-Culver H, Frazer KA. Evaluation of Ultra Deep Targeted sequencing for personalized breast cancer care. Breast Cancer Research (2013) 15(6):R115.
Desai P, Chlebowski RT, Cauley JA, Manson JE, Wu C, Martin LW, Jay A, Bock CH, Cote ML, Petrucelli N, Rosenberg CA, Peters U, Agalliu I, Budrys N, Lane DS, Luo J, Park HL, Thomas F, Wactawski-Wende J, Simon MS. Prospective Analysis of Association between Statin Use and Breast Cancer Risk in the Women's Health Initiative. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. (2013) 22(10):1868-76.
Kroenke CH, Cann BJ, Stefanick ML, Anderson G, Brzyski R, Johnson KC, LeBlanc E, Lee C, La Croiz AZ, Park HL, Sims ST, Vitolins M, Wallace R. Effects of a dietary intervention and weight change on vasomotor symptoms in the Women’s Health Initiative. Menopause (2012) 19(9):980-8.
Brait M, Ling S, Nagpal JK, Chang X, Park HL, Lee J, Okamura J, Yamashita K, Sidransky D, Kim MS. Cysteine dioxygenase 1 is a tumor suppressor gene silenced by promoter methylation in multiple human cancers. PLoS One (2012) 7(9):e44951.
Parker DR, Lu B, Sands-Lincoln M, Kroenke CH, Lee CC, O’Sullivan M, Park HL, Parikh N, Schenken RS, Eaton CB. Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Postmenopausal Women with Prior Pregnancy Loss: The Women’s Health Initiative. Ann Fam Med (2014) 12(4): 302-309.
Goodman-gruen D, Park HL, Stefanick M, Leblanc E, Bea J, Qi L, Kapphahn K, Lamonte M, Manini T, Desai M, Anton-Culver H. Relation Between Self-Recalled Childhood Physical Activity And Adult Physical Activity. Open Journal of Epidemiology (2013) 3(4), 224-231.
Harismendy O, Schwab RB, Alakus H, Yost SE, Matsui H, Hasteh F, Wallace AM, Park HL, Madlensky L, Parker B, Carpenter PM, Jepsen K, Anton-Culver H, Frazer KA. Evaluation of Ultra Deep Targeted sequencing for personalized breast cancer care. Breast Cancer Research (2013) 15(6):R115.
Desai P, Chlebowski RT, Cauley JA, Manson JE, Wu C, Martin LW, Jay A, Bock CH, Cote ML, Petrucelli N, Rosenberg CA, Peters U, Agalliu I, Budrys N, Lane DS, Luo J, Park HL, Thomas F, Wactawski-Wende J, Simon MS. Prospective Analysis of Association between Statin Use and Breast Cancer Risk in the Women's Health Initiative. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. (2013) 22(10):1868-76.
Kroenke CH, Cann BJ, Stefanick ML, Anderson G, Brzyski R, Johnson KC, LeBlanc E, Lee C, La Croiz AZ, Park HL, Sims ST, Vitolins M, Wallace R. Effects of a dietary intervention and weight change on vasomotor symptoms in the Women’s Health Initiative. Menopause (2012) 19(9):980-8.
Brait M, Ling S, Nagpal JK, Chang X, Park HL, Lee J, Okamura J, Yamashita K, Sidransky D, Kim MS. Cysteine dioxygenase 1 is a tumor suppressor gene silenced by promoter methylation in multiple human cancers. PLoS One (2012) 7(9):e44951.
Kim MS, Louwagie J, Carvalho B, Terhaar Sive Droste JS, Park HL, Chae YK, Yamashita K, Liu J, Ostrow KL, Ling S, Guerrero-Preston R, Demokan S, Yalniz Z, Dalay N, Meijer GA, Van Criekinge W, Sidransky D. Promoter DNA methylation of oncostatin m receptor-beta as a novel diagnostic and therapeutic marker in colon cancer. PLoS One. (2009) 4:e6555.
Ostrow KL, Park HL, Hoque MO, Kim MS, Liu J, Argani P, Westra W, Van Criekinge W, Sidransky D. Pharmacologic unmasking of epigenetically silenced genes in breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res. (2009) 15:1184-91.
Tokumaru Y, Yamashita K, Kim MS, Park HL, Osada M, Mori M, Sidransky D. The role of PGP9.5 as a tumor suppressor gene in human cancer. Int J Cancer. (2008) 123:753-9.
Hoque MO, Kim MS, Ostrow KL, Liu J, Wisman GB, Park HL, Poeta ML, Jeronimo C, Henrique R, Lendvai A, Schuuring E, Begum S, Rosenbaum E, Ongenaert M, Yamashita K, Califano J, Westra W, van der Zee AG, Van Criekinge W, Sidransky D. Genome-wide promoter analysis uncovers portions of the cancer methylome. Cancer Res. (2008) 68:2661-70.
Park HL, Kim MS, Yamashita K, Westra W, Carvalho AL, Lee J, Jiang WW, Baek J, Liu J, Osada M, Moon CS, Califano JA, Mori M, Sidransky D. DCC promoter hypermethylation in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Int J of Cancer. (2008) 122:2498-02.
Yamashita K, Kim MS, Park HL, Tokumaru Y, Osada M, Inoue H, Mori M, Sidransky D. HOP/OB1/NECC1 promoter DNA is frequently hypermethylated and involved in tumorigenic ability in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Mol Cancer Res. (2008) 1:31-41.
Jiang WW, Zahurak M, Zhou ZT, Park HL, Guo ZM, Wu GJ, Sidransky D, Trink B, Califano JA. Alterations of GPI transamidase subunits in head and neck squamous carcinoma. Mol Cancer. (2007) 6:74.
Kim MS, Yamashita K, Chae YK, Tokumaru Y, Chang X, Zahurak M, Osada M, Park HL, Chuang A, Califano JA, Sidransky D. A promoter methylation pattern in the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor 2B gene predicts poor prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. (2007) 13:6658-65.
Liu JW, Kim MS, Nagpal J, Yamashita K, Poeta L, Chang X, Lee J, Park HL, Jeronimo C, Westra WH, Mori M, Moon C, Trink B, Sidransky D. Quantitative hypermethylation of NMDAR2B in human gastric cancer. Int J Cancer. (2007) 121:1994-2000.
Osada M, Park HL, Park MJ, Liu JW, Wu G, Trink B, Sidransky D. A p53-type response element in the GDF15 promoter confers high specificity for p53 activation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. (2007) 354:913-8.
Carvalho AL, Chuang A, Jiang WW, Lee J, Begum S, Poeta L, Zhao M, Jerónimo C, Henrique R, Nayak CS, Park HL, Brait MR, Liu C, Zhou S, Koch W, Fazio VM, Ratovitski E, Trink B, Westra W, Sidransky D, Moon CS, Califano JA. Deleted in colorectal cancer is a putative conditional tumor-suppressor gene inactivated by promoter hypermethylation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Res. (2006) 66:9401-7.
Jiang WW, Zahurak M, Goldenberg D, Milman Y, Park HL, Westra WH, Koch W, Sidransky D, Califano J. Increased plasma DNA integrity index in head and neck cancer patients. Int J Cancer. (2006) 119:2673-6.
Yamashita K, Park HL, Kim MS, Osada M, Tokumaru Y, Inoue H, Mori M, Sidransky D. PGP9.5 methylation in diffuse-type gastric cancer. Cancer Res. (2006) 66:3921-7.
Kim MS, Yamashita K, Baek JH, Park HL, Carvalho AL, Osada M, Hoque MO, Upadhyay S, Mori M, Moon C, Sidransky D. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor type 2B is epigenetically inactivated and exhibits tumor-suppressive activity in human esophageal cancer. Cancer Res. (2006) 66:3409-18.
Osada M, Park HL, Nagakawa Y, Begum S, Yamashita K, Wu G, Kim MS, Trink B, Sidransky D. A novel response element confers p63- and p73-specific activation of the WNT4 promoter. Biophys Biochem Res Comm. (2006) 339: 1120-1128.
Osada M, Park HL, Nagakawa Y, Yamashita K, Fomenkov A, Kim MS, Wu G, Nomoto S, Trink B, Sidransky D. Differential recognition of response elements determines target gene specificity for p53 and p63. Mol Cell Biol. (2005) 25:6077-89.
Osada M, Nagakawa Y, Park HL, Yamashita K, Wu G, Kim MS, Fomenkov A, Trink B, Sidransky D. p63-specific activation of the BPAG-1e promoter. J Invest Derm. (2005) 125:52-60.
Mandelker DL, Yamashita K, Tokumaru Y, Mimori K, Howard DL, Tanaka Y, Carvalho AL, Jiang WW, Park HL, Kim MS, Osada M, Mori M, Sidransky D. PGP9.5 promoter methylation is an independent prognostic factor for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Res. (2005) 65:4963-8.
Ostrow KL, Park HL, Hoque MO, Kim MS, Liu J, Argani P, Westra W, Van Criekinge W, Sidransky D. Pharmacologic unmasking of epigenetically silenced genes in breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res. (2009) 15:1184-91.
Tokumaru Y, Yamashita K, Kim MS, Park HL, Osada M, Mori M, Sidransky D. The role of PGP9.5 as a tumor suppressor gene in human cancer. Int J Cancer. (2008) 123:753-9.
Hoque MO, Kim MS, Ostrow KL, Liu J, Wisman GB, Park HL, Poeta ML, Jeronimo C, Henrique R, Lendvai A, Schuuring E, Begum S, Rosenbaum E, Ongenaert M, Yamashita K, Califano J, Westra W, van der Zee AG, Van Criekinge W, Sidransky D. Genome-wide promoter analysis uncovers portions of the cancer methylome. Cancer Res. (2008) 68:2661-70.
Park HL, Kim MS, Yamashita K, Westra W, Carvalho AL, Lee J, Jiang WW, Baek J, Liu J, Osada M, Moon CS, Califano JA, Mori M, Sidransky D. DCC promoter hypermethylation in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Int J of Cancer. (2008) 122:2498-02.
Yamashita K, Kim MS, Park HL, Tokumaru Y, Osada M, Inoue H, Mori M, Sidransky D. HOP/OB1/NECC1 promoter DNA is frequently hypermethylated and involved in tumorigenic ability in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Mol Cancer Res. (2008) 1:31-41.
Jiang WW, Zahurak M, Zhou ZT, Park HL, Guo ZM, Wu GJ, Sidransky D, Trink B, Califano JA. Alterations of GPI transamidase subunits in head and neck squamous carcinoma. Mol Cancer. (2007) 6:74.
Kim MS, Yamashita K, Chae YK, Tokumaru Y, Chang X, Zahurak M, Osada M, Park HL, Chuang A, Califano JA, Sidransky D. A promoter methylation pattern in the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor 2B gene predicts poor prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. (2007) 13:6658-65.
Liu JW, Kim MS, Nagpal J, Yamashita K, Poeta L, Chang X, Lee J, Park HL, Jeronimo C, Westra WH, Mori M, Moon C, Trink B, Sidransky D. Quantitative hypermethylation of NMDAR2B in human gastric cancer. Int J Cancer. (2007) 121:1994-2000.
Osada M, Park HL, Park MJ, Liu JW, Wu G, Trink B, Sidransky D. A p53-type response element in the GDF15 promoter confers high specificity for p53 activation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. (2007) 354:913-8.
Carvalho AL, Chuang A, Jiang WW, Lee J, Begum S, Poeta L, Zhao M, Jerónimo C, Henrique R, Nayak CS, Park HL, Brait MR, Liu C, Zhou S, Koch W, Fazio VM, Ratovitski E, Trink B, Westra W, Sidransky D, Moon CS, Califano JA. Deleted in colorectal cancer is a putative conditional tumor-suppressor gene inactivated by promoter hypermethylation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Res. (2006) 66:9401-7.
Jiang WW, Zahurak M, Goldenberg D, Milman Y, Park HL, Westra WH, Koch W, Sidransky D, Califano J. Increased plasma DNA integrity index in head and neck cancer patients. Int J Cancer. (2006) 119:2673-6.
Yamashita K, Park HL, Kim MS, Osada M, Tokumaru Y, Inoue H, Mori M, Sidransky D. PGP9.5 methylation in diffuse-type gastric cancer. Cancer Res. (2006) 66:3921-7.
Kim MS, Yamashita K, Baek JH, Park HL, Carvalho AL, Osada M, Hoque MO, Upadhyay S, Mori M, Moon C, Sidransky D. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor type 2B is epigenetically inactivated and exhibits tumor-suppressive activity in human esophageal cancer. Cancer Res. (2006) 66:3409-18.
Osada M, Park HL, Nagakawa Y, Begum S, Yamashita K, Wu G, Kim MS, Trink B, Sidransky D. A novel response element confers p63- and p73-specific activation of the WNT4 promoter. Biophys Biochem Res Comm. (2006) 339: 1120-1128.
Osada M, Park HL, Nagakawa Y, Yamashita K, Fomenkov A, Kim MS, Wu G, Nomoto S, Trink B, Sidransky D. Differential recognition of response elements determines target gene specificity for p53 and p63. Mol Cell Biol. (2005) 25:6077-89.
Osada M, Nagakawa Y, Park HL, Yamashita K, Wu G, Kim MS, Fomenkov A, Trink B, Sidransky D. p63-specific activation of the BPAG-1e promoter. J Invest Derm. (2005) 125:52-60.
Mandelker DL, Yamashita K, Tokumaru Y, Mimori K, Howard DL, Tanaka Y, Carvalho AL, Jiang WW, Park HL, Kim MS, Osada M, Mori M, Sidransky D. PGP9.5 promoter methylation is an independent prognostic factor for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Res. (2005) 65:4963-8.
Other Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Department of Biological Sciences, UC Irvine
Department of Biological Sciences, UC Irvine
Assistant Project Scientist
Department of Epidemiology, UC Irvine
Department of Epidemiology, UC Irvine
Assistant Professor
Department of Epidemiology, UC Irvine
Department of Epidemiology, UC Irvine
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