Jaime Landman

Picture of Jaime Landman
Chair, Department of Urology, Urology
School of Medicine
Professor of Urology and Radiology, Urology
School of Medicine
M.D., Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1993
Phone: (714) 456-3330
Fax: (888) 378-4358
Email: landmanj@hs.uci.edu
University of California, Irvine
333 City Blvd West
Suite 2100
Orange, CA 92868
Research Interests
Renal cell carcinoma
1. Marcus D, Brodie J, Swerdlowe R, Landman J, Harooni M and Freedman M: Obligate requirements for ATP/NAD in brain glucose and ketone body metabolism in patients with alzheimer’s disease. The Gerontologist 1989, 29: 467-501.
2. Swerdlowe R, Marcus D, Landman J Harooni M and Freedman M. Brain glucose and ketone body metabolism in alzheimer’s disease. Clin Res 1989, 37: 212-215.
3. Hoffman H, Subani M, Kidd L, Landman J, Tooley R, and Carey T: Calcium regulation of antigen expression on normal and malignant human squamous cells in vitro. Arch Otolarygology 1990 116: 552-557.
4. Newhouse J, Landman J, Amis ES, Goldman S, Khazan R, Leder R, and Hedgcock M: Efficacy and safety of Iopromide for excretory urography. Invest Radiol 1994, 308 (3): 141-144.
5. Landman J, Chang Y, Kavaler E, Droller MJ and Liu BCS. Sensitivity and specificity of NMP-22, telomerase and BTA in the detection of human bladder cancer. Urol 1998, 52: 398-402.
6. Kavaler E, Landman J, Chang Y, Droller MJ and Liu BCS. Detection of human bladder cancer cells in voided urine samples by assaying for the presence of telomerase activity. Cancer 1998, 82: 709-714.
7. Landman J, Kotkin AM, Droller MJ and Liu BCS. Vitamin D inhibits telomerase activity and tumor cell invasion in human prostate LNCaP cells. Surgical Forum of the American College of Surgeons 1997, 148:758-761.
8. Landman J and Droller MJ. Risk factors in clonal development from superfician to invasive bladder cancer. Cancer Surv 1998, 31: 5-15.
9. Shalhav AL, Landman J, Afane J, Levi R, and Clayman RV. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for primary hyperaldosteronism during pregnancy. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 2000, 10(3): 169-171.
10. Landman J, Collyer, WC, Olweny E, Andreoni C, McDougall EM, and Clayman RV. Laparoscopic renal ablation: an in vitro comparison of currently available electrical tissue morcellators. Urol 2000, 56(4):677-681.
11. Landman J, Lento P, Hassen W, Unger P, and Waterhouse RL. Feasibility of pathological evaluation of morcellated kidneys after radical nephrectomy. J Urol 2000,164(6):2086-2090.
12. Landman J, Olweny E, Collyer WC, Andreoni C, Carlin BI, Yan Y, and Clayman RV. Small Intestinal Submucosa: intrinsic and anastomotic tensile strength of SIS using laser welding, fibrin glue, vascular closure staples, and sutures. Min Inv Ther All Tech 2000, 9(6):375-378.
13. Oda J, Landman J, Bhayani SB, and Figenshau RS. Concommitant laparoscopic hand-assisted radical nephrectomy and open radical prostatectomy via a single lower midline incision. Urol 2000, 56(6):1056.
14. Monga M, Bhayani S, Landman J, Conradie M, Sundaram CP, and Clayman RV. Ureteral access for upper urinary tract disease: the access sheath. J Endourol 2001, 15(8):831-834.
15. Pattaras JG, Smith GS, Landman J, and Moore RG. A comparison and analysis and of laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing devices: Preliminary results. J Endourol 2001,15(2):187-192.
16. Rehman J, Landman J, Sundaram CP, Clayman RV. Missed anterior crossing vessel during open retroperitoneal pyeloplasty: Laparoscopic transperitoneal discovery and repair. J Urology 2001, 166(2):593-596.
17. Rehman J, Landman J, McDougall EM, Andreoni C, and Clayman RV. Laparoscopic bilateral hand-assisted nephrectomy for adult polycystic kidney disease: initial experience. J Urol 2001, 166(1):42-47.
18. Monga M, Bhayani S, Landman J, Conradie M, Sundaram CP, and Clayman RV. Ureteral access for upper urinary tract disease: the access sheath. J Endourol 2001, 15(8):831-834.
19. Collyer WC, Landman J, Olweny EO, Andreoni C, McDougall EM, and Clayman RV. Assessment of Optimal Balloon Size for Rupture of the Ureteropelvic Junction and Mid-Ureter in a Porcine Model. J Endourol 2001, 15(9):937-942.
20. Collyer WC, Landman J, Olweny EO, Andreoni C, Kerbl K, Bostwick DG, and Clayman RV. Comparison of renal ablation with cyrotherapy, dry radiofrequency, and saline augmented radiofrequency in a porcine model. J Am Col Surg 2001, 193(5):505-513.
21. Pattaras JG, Moore RG, Landman J, Clayman RV, Kavoussi LR, Janetschek G, McDougall E, Docimo S, Parra RO and Kavoussi LR. Incidence of post-operative adhesion formation after transperitoneal genitourinary larparoscopic surgery. Urol 2002, 59(1): 37-41.
22. Landman J, Figenshau RS, Bhayani S, Kibel A, Fleshman J, Pattaras J, Rehman J, Clayman RV, and Sundaram C. Dual organ ablative surgery using hand-assisted laparoscopic technique. Surg Endosc 2002 16(1):215-218.
23. Portis A, Yan Y, Landman J, Chen C, Barrett PH, Fentie DD, Ono Y, McDougall EM, and Clayman RV. Long-term follow-up after laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. J Urol 2002, 167(3): 1257-1262.
24. Oh J, Landman J, Evers A, Yan Y, and Kibel AS. Management of the postpubertal cryptorchid patient: an updated analysis. J Urol 2002, 167(3): 1329-1333.
25. Sundaram CP, Ono Y, Landman J, Rehman J, and Clayman RV. Hydrophillic guide wire technique to facilitate organ entrapment using laparoscopic sack during laparoscopy. J Urol 2002, 167(3): 1376-1377.
26. Conradie MC, Landman J, Monga M, Rehman J, and Clayman RV. The Effect of Argon Beam Coagulation on the Integrity of Suture Material. J Endourol 2002, 16(3):191-194.
27. Landman J, Lev R, Bhayani S, Alberts G, Rehman J, Pattaras JG, Figenshau RS, Kibel AS, Clayman RV and McDougall EM. Comparison of hand-assisted and standard laparoscopic radical nephroureterectomy for the management of localized transitional cell carcinoma. J Urol 2002, 167(6):2387-2391.
28. Landman J, Monga M, El-Gabry EA, Rehman J, Lee DI, Bhayani S, Sundaram CP, and Clayman RV. “Bare naked baskets”: Ureteroscope deflection and flow characteristics with intact and disassembled ureteroscopic nitinol stone baskets. J Urol 2002, 167(6):2377-2379.
29. Olweny E, Landman J, Andreoni C, Collyer W, Kerbl K, Onciu M, Valimaa T, and Clayman RV. Evaluation of the use of a biodegradable ureteric stent after retrograde endopyelotomy in a porcine model. J Urol 2002, 167(5):2198-2202.
30. Kerbl K, Rehman J, Landman J, Lee DI, Sundaram CP, and Clayman RV. Current Management of Urolithiasis: Progress or Regress? J Endourol 2002, 16(5):281-288.
31. Landman J, Rehman J, Sundaram CP, Bhayani S, Monga M, Pattaras J, Gokden N, Humphrey PA, and Clayman RV. Renal hypothermia achieved by retrograde intra-cavitary saline perfusion. J Endourol 2002, 16(7):445-449.
32. Rehman J, Landman J, Tucker RD, et al. Ferromagnetic self-regulating reheatable thermal rod implants for in situ tissue ablation. J Endourol 2002, 16(7):523-531.
33. Landman J, Venkatesh R, Ragab M, Rehman J, Lee D, Morrissey K, Monga M, and Sundaram CP: Comparison of intrarenal pressure and irrigant flow during percutaneous nephroscopy with an indwelling ureteral catheter, ureteral occlusion balloon, and ureteral access sheath. Urol 2002, 60(4):584-588.
34. Bhayani S, Monga M, Landman J, and Clayman RV. Bare naked baskets: optimizing ureteroscope stone extraction. Urol 2002, 60(1):147-8.
35. Monga M, Dretler SP, Landman J, Slaton JW, Conradie MC, Clayman RV. Maximizing ureteroscope deflection: "play it straight". Urol 2002, 60(5): 902-905.
36. Collyer WC, Landman J, Olweny EO, Andreoni C, Kibel A, Andriole GL, Bostwick DG, Sundaram CP, Clayman RV. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with a novel electrosurgical snare in a porcine model. J Endourol 2002, 16(9):673-679.
37. Landman J, Venkatesh R, Lee DI, Rehman J, Ragab M, Darcy M, and Sundaram CP: Combined percutaneous and retrograde approach to staghorn calculi with application of the ureteral access sheath to facilitate percutaneous nephrolithotomy. J Urol 2003, 169(1):64-67.
38. Landman J, Kerbl K, Rehman J, Andreoni C, Humphrey PA, Collyer WC, Olweny E, Sundaram CP, Clayman RV. Evaluation of vessel sealing system, bipolar electrosurgery, harmonic scalpel, titanium clips, endoscopic gastrointestinal anastomosis vascular staples, and sutures for arterial and venous ligation in a porcine model. J Urol 2003, 169(2): 697-700.
39. *Lee DI and Landman J. A novel approach to minimizing trocar sites during challenging hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery utilizing the Gelport: transgel instrument insertion and utilization. J Endourol 2003, 17(2):69-71.
40. Bhayani S, Landman J, and Figenshau RS. Transplant Ureter Stricture: Acucise Endoureterotomy and Balloon Dilation are Effective. J Endouro 2003, 17(1): 19-22.
41. Rehman J, Monga M, Landman J, Ragab M, Sundaram CP, and Clayman RV. Characterization of intrapelvic pressures during ureteropyeloscopy with the ureteral access sheath. Urol 2003, 61(4):713-718.
42. Lee H, Ryan RT, Teichman JMH, Landman J, Clayman RV, and Welch AJ. Effect of lithotripsy on holmium:YAG optical beam profile. J Endourol 2003, 17(2):63-67.
43. Landman J Venkatesh R, Lee DI, Vanlangendonck R, Morissey K, Andriole GL, Clayman RV, and Sundaram CP. Renal hypothermia achieved by retrograde endoscopic cold saline perfusion: Technique and initial clinical application. Urol 2003, 61(5):1023–1025.
44. Sundaram CP, Gubb RL, Rehman J, Yan Y, Chen C, Landman J, McDougall EM, and Clayman RV. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty for secondary ureteropelvic junction obstruction. J Urol 169(6):2037-2040, 2003.
45. Sundaram CP, Rehman J, Venkatesh R, Lee DI, Rageb MM, Kibel A, and Landman J. Hemostatic laparoscopic partial nephrectomy assisted by a water-cooled, high-density, monopolar device without renal vascular control. Urol 2003 61(5): 906-909.
46. Landman J, Lee D, Lee R, and Monga M. Evaluation of the overall cost of currently available small flexible ureteroscopes. Urol 62:218-222, 2003.
47. Landman J, Venkatesh R, Kibel A, and Vanlangendock R. Modified renal morcellation for renal cell carcinoma: Laboratory experience and early clinical application. Urol 2003, 62(4):632-634.
48. Lee DI, Andreoni CR, Rehman J, Landman J, Ragab M, Yan Y, Chen C, Shindel A, Middleton W, Shalhav A, McDougall EM, and Clayman RV. Laparoscopic cyst decortication in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD): impact on pain, hypertension, and renal function. J Endourol 2003, 17(6):345-354.
49. Bhayani SB, Pavlovich CP, Strup SE, Dahl DM, Landman J, Fabrizio MD, Sundaram CP, Kaouk JH, Su L-M. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: a multi-institutional study of conversions to open surgery. Urol 2004, 63(1): 99-102.
50. Andrione CR, Lin H-K, Olweny E, Landman J, Bostwick D, and Clayman RV. Comprehensive evaluation of ureteral healing after electrosurgical endopyelotomy in a porcine model. J Urol 2004, 171 (2 Pt 1): 859-869.
51. Landman J, Venkatesh R, Vanlangendonck R, and Andriole GL. Application of a fixed retractor system to facilitate laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. J Urol 2004, 171 (2 Pt 1): 783-785.
52. Bhyani SB, Clayman RV, Sundaram CP, Landman J, Andriole G, Figenshau RS, Bullock A, Brandes S, Shalhav A, McDougall EM, and Kibel AS. Surgical treatment of renal neoplasia: evolving towards a laparoscopic standard of care. Urol 2003, 62(5): 821-826.
53. Landman J, Sundaram CP, Olweny E, Chen C, Rehman J, Lee DI, Shalhav A, Portis A, McDougall EM, and Clayman RV. Prospective comparison of the immunologic and stress response following laparoscopic and open surgery for localized renal cell carcinoma. J Urol 2004, 171(4): 1456-1460.
54. Rehman J, Landman J, Lee DI, Venkatesh R, Bostwick DG, Sundaram CP, and Clayman RV. Needle based ablation of renal parenchyma using microwave, cryoablation, impedance and temperature based monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency, liquid chemoablation, and gel chemoablation: laboratory studies and review of the literature. J Endourol 2004, 18(1): 83-104.
55. Rehman J, Ragab MM, Venkatesh R, Landman J, Lee D, Chen C, Yan Y, and Sundaram CP. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: Washington University initial experience and prospective evaluation of quality or life. J Endourol 2004, 18(3): 277-287.
56. *Collyer WC, Venkatesh R, Vanlangendonck R, Morrisey K, Humphrey PA, Yan Y, and Landman J. Enhanced renal cyroablation with hilar clamping and intrarenal cooling in a porcine model. Urol 2004, 63(6): 1209-1212.
57. Landman J, Rehman J, Sundaram CP, Andreoni C, Jerde TJ, Lin HK, Lee DI, Nunlist EH, Collyer WC, Olweny E, Humphrey PA, Nakada SY, and Clayman RV. Laparoscopic midsaggital hemicystectomy and bladder reconstruction with small intestinal submucosa (SIS) and reimplantation of ureter into SIS: 1-year follow-up. J Urol 2004, 171(6 Pt 1):2450-2455.
58. *Ames C, Vanlangendonck R, Venkatesh R, Gonzalez FC, Yan Y, Humphrey PA, and Landman J. Enhanced renal parenchymal cryoablation with modified novel 17-guage cryoprobes. Urol 2004, 64(1): 173-175.
59. *Monga M, Best S, Venkatesh R, Ames C, Lieber D, Vankangendonck R, Landman J. Prospective randomized comparison of 3 ureteral access sheaths during flexible retrograde ureteroscopy. J Urol 2004, 172(2): 572-573.
60. Sundaram CP, Venkatesh R, Landman J, and Klutke CG. Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for the correction of vaginal vault prolapse. J Endourol 2004, 18:620-623.
61. Vanlangendonck R, Venkatesh R, Vulin C, Vulin C, Quayle S, Morrissey K, and Landman J. Laparoscopic ureterocalicostomy: development of a technique simplified by application of nitinol clips and a wet monopolar electrosurgery device. J Endourol 2005, 19(2): 225-229.
62. *Quayle SS, Collyer W, Vanlangendonck R, and Landman J. Comparison of a novel scope holder and traditional camera-assistant for laparoscopic simple nephrectomy in a porcine model. J Endourol 2005, 19(2): 218-220.
63. Venkatesh R, Landman J, Minor SD, Lee DI, Rehman J, Vanlangendonck R, Ragab M, Morrissey K, Sundaram CP, and Clayman RV. Impact of a double-pigtail stent on ureteral peristalsis in the porcine model: initial studies using a novel implantable magnetic sensor. J Endourol 2005, 19(2): 170-176.
64. *Reisiger K., Venkatesh R., Figenshau R.S., Bae K.T., Landman J.: Complex Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Hilar Tumors. Urology 2005, 65(5): 888-91.
65. *Reisiger K, Tran V, Figenshau RS, Andriole GL, and Landman J. Single-setting bilateral laparoscopic renal surgery: assessment of single-stage procedure. Urol 2005, 65(5): 892-7.
66. *Hidalgo J, Belani J, Maxwell K, Lieber D, Talcott M, Baron P, Ames C, Venkatesh R, and Landman J. Development of an exophytic tumor model for laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: technique and initial experience. Urol 2005, l 65(5): 872-6.
67. *Ames CD, Venkatesh R, Weld KJ, Morrissey K, Foyil KV, Shen T, Dryer S, Hruby G, Sutera SP, and Landman J. Laparoscopic renal parenchymal hypothermia with a novel ice-slush deployment mechanism. Urol 2005, 66(1):33-37.
68. Venkatesh R, Rheman J, Landman J, Lee D, Ragab M, Sundaram CP, Humphrey PA, and Clayman RV. Determination of cell viability after laparoscopic tissue stapling in a porcine model. J Endourol 2005, 19(6):744-747.
69. *Quayle SS, Ames CD, Lieber D, Yan Y, and Landman J. Comparison of optical resolution with digital and standard fiberoptic cystoscopes in an in vitro model. Urol 2005, 66(3):489-493.
70. Weld KJ, Ames CD, Landman J, Morrissey K, Connor T, Hruby G, Allaf ME and Bhayani SB. Evaluation of intra-abdominal pressures and gas embolism during laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in a porcine model. J Urol 2005, 174(4 Pt 1): 1457-9.
71. *Ames C, Vanlangendonck R, Morrissey K, Venkatesh R, Landman J. Evaluation of surgical models for renal collecting system closure during laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. Urol 2005, 66(2):451-454.
72. Reisiger KE, Landman J, Kibel A, and Clayman RV. Laparoscopic renal surgery and the risk of rhabdomyolysis: diagnosis and treatment. Urol 2005, 66(5 Suppl):29-35.
73. *Lieber D, Tran V, Belani J, Ames C, Morissey K, Yan Y, Humphrey P, Venkatesh R, and Landman J. Comparison of running and interrupted vesicourethral anastomoses in a porcine model. J Endourol 2005 19(9):895-899.
74. Prabhu S, Ames CD, Yan Y, Landman J, and Venkatesh R. Comparison of second generation hand-assisted laparoscopic devices for surgeon pain and circulation. Urol 2005 66(4):912-916.
75. *Ferguson G, Ames C, Weld KJ, Yan Y, Venkatesh R, and Landman J. Prospective evaluation of learning curve for laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: identification of factors improving operative times. Urol 2005 66(4):840-844.
76. *Perrone J, Ames CD, Yan Y, and Landman J. Evaluation of surgical performance with standard rigid and flexible-tip laparoscopes. Surg Endosc 2005 19(10):1925-1928.
77. *Weld KJ and Landman J. Comparison of cryoablation, radiofrequency ablation, and high-intensity focused ultrasound for the treatment of small renal tumors. Br J Urol 2005 96(9):1224-1229.
78. *Weld KJ, Bhayani SB, Belani J, Ames CD, Hruby G, and Landman J. Extrarenal vascular anatomy of the kidney: An assessment of the variations and their relevance to partial nephrectomy. Urol 2005 66(5):985-989.
79. *Ames CD, Perrone JM, Frisella AJ, Morrissey K, and Landman J. Comparison of holding strength of suture anchors for hepatic and renal parenchyma. J Endourol 2005 19(10):1221-1225.
80. *Ames CA, Perrone JM, Weld KJ, Foyil KV, Yan Y, Venkatesh R, and Landman J. Alteration in irrigant flow and deflection of flexible ureteroscopes with nitinol baskets. J Endourol 2006 20(1):74-7.
81. *Hruby G, Reisiger K, Venkatesh R, Figenshau RS, Yan Y, and Landman J. Comparison of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy and laparoscopic cryoablation for renal hilar tumors. Urol 2006 67(1):50-54.
82. *Weld KJ, Venkatesh R, Huang J, and Landman J. Evolution of surgical technique and patient related outcomes for laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. Urology 2006 67(3): 502-507.
83. *Ames CD, Frisella AJ, Schulam P, and Landman J. Evaluation of laparoscopic performance with alteration in the angles of vision. J Endourol 2006 20(4):281-283.
84. *Hruby G, Ames C, Chen C, Yan Y, Sagar J, Baron P, and Landman J. Assessment of efficacy of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for pain management during office-based flexible cystoscopy. Urol 2006 67(5): 914-917.
85. *Monga M, Best S, Venkatesh R, Ames CD, Lee C, Kuskowsi M, Schwartz S, Vanlangendonck R, Skanazy J, Fallon E, and Landman J. Durability of flexible ureteroscopes: a randomized, prospective study. J Urol 2006 176(1): 137-141.
86. *Weld KJ, Hruby G, Humphrey PA, Ames CD and Landman J. Precise characterization of renal parenchymal response to single and multiple cryoablation probes. J Urol 2006 176(2):784-786.
87. *Weld KJ, Dryer S, Hurby G, Ames CD, Venkatesh R, Matthews BD, and Landman J. Comparison of mechanical and in vivo performance of new and reprocessed harmonic scalpels. Urol 2006 67(5):898-903.
88. *Venkatesh R, Weld K, Ames CD, Figenshau SR, Sundaram CP, Andriole GL, Clayman RV, and Landman J. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for small renal masses: effect of tumor location. Urol 2006 67(6): 1169-1174.
89. *Weld KJ, Ames CD, Hruby G, Humphrey PA, and Landman J. Evaluation of a novel knotless self-anchoring suture material for urinary tract reconstruction. Urol 2006 67(6): 133-1137.
90. Bhayani SB, Belani JS, Figenshau RS, Landman J, Venkatesh R, and Kibel AS. Trends in Nephron-Sparing Surgery for Renal Neoplasia. Urology 2006 68(4):732-736.
91. *Hruby G, Marruffo F, Durak E, Collins S, Herron A, and Landman J. Comparison of BioGlue reinforced and standard running sutured vesicourethral anastomoses. Urology 2006, 68(6): 1355-1359.
92. Ames CD, Weld KJ, Dryer ST, Hruby G, Minor SD, Yan Y, Landman J, and Venkatesh R. Pharmocologic manipulation of the porcine ureter: acute impact of topical drugs on ureteral diameter and peristaltic activity. J Endourol 2006, 20(11): 943-948.
93. *Collins S, Marruffo F, Durak E, Hruby GW, Bergman A, Gupta M, and Landman J. Laparoscopic pyelolithotomy with intracorporeal ultrasonic lithotripsy: report of a novel minimally invasive technique for intracorporeal stone ablation. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percut Tech, 2006, 16(6): 435-436.
94. *Weld KJ, Dryer S, Ames CD, Cho K, Hogan C, Lee M, Biswas P, and Landman J. Analysis of surgical smoke produced by various energy-based instruments and effect of laparoscopic visibility. J Endourol 2007, 21(3):347-351.
95. *Weld KJ, Figenshau RS, Venkatesh R, Bhayani SB, Ames CD, Clayman RV, and Landman J. Laparoscopic cyroablation for small renal masses: three-year follow-up. Urol 2007, 69(3):448-451.
96. *Landman J. Evaluation of nitrous oxide anesthesia for endoscopic and laparoscopic urological applications. J Urol 2007, 178(1):14.
97. Stern JM, Park S, Anderson KJ, Landman J, Pearle M, and Cadeddu J. Functional assessment of corssing vessels as etiology of ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Urol 2007, 69(6): 1022-1024.
98. *Hruby GW, Ames CD, Yan Y, Monga M, and Landman J. Correlation of ureteric length with anthropometric variables of surface body habitus. BJU int 2007, 99(5):1119-1122.
99. *Venkatesh R, Sundaram CP, Figenshau RS, Yan Y, Andriole GL, Clayman RV and Landman J. Prospective randomized comparison of cutting and dilating trocars for access during laparoscopic renal surgery. J Soc Laparoendosc Surg 2007, 11(2):198-203.
100. *Hruby G, Weld KJ, Marruffo F, Collins S, Durak E, Mitchell R, Heron A, and Landman J. Comparison of novel apposing device and standard anastomotic technique for vesicourethral anastomoses. Urol 2007, 70(1):190-195.
101. *Collins S, Ortiz J, Maruffo F, Hruby GW, Pierorazio PM, Gupta M, and Landman J. Expedited struvite-stone dissolution suing a high-flow low-pressure irrigation system. J Endourol 2007, 21(10):1153-1158.
102. *Hruby GW, Marruffo FC, Durak E, Collins SM, Pierorazio P, Humphrey PA, Mansukhani M, and Landman J. Evaluation of surgical energy-devices for vessel sealing and peripheral energy spread in a porcine model: harmonic ACE, Harmonic LCS-5, Ligasure V, and a prototype bipolar trissector. J Urol 2007, 178(6): 2689-2693.
103. *Hruby GW, Lehman D, Mitchell R, Marruffo F, Durak E, Peirorazio PM, and Landman J. Optimizing renal cortical neoplasm tissue sampling through a modified biopsy technique: laboratory experience and initial clinical experience. Urol 2007, 70(3):431-433.
104. *Hruby GW, Marruffo F, Durak E, Edelstein A, Levi G, and Landman J. Transurethral bladder cryoablation in the porcine model. Urol 2007, 70(2):391-393.
105. *Reiseger K, Clayman RV, and Landman J. Office based surveillance ureteroscopy after endoscopic treatment of transitional cell carcinoma: Technique and clinical outcome. Urol 2007, 70(2):263-266.
106. *Lambert EH, Hruby GW, Abundez JO, Edelstein A, Karpf J, Kaplan J, and Landman J. Comparison of the histologic accuracy of needle biopsy before and after renal cryoablation: laboratory and initial clinical experience. Urology 2007, 70(5):1024-1027.
107. *Venkatesh R, Belani JS, Chen C, Sundaram CP, Bhayani SB, Figenshau RS, and Landman J. Prospective randomized comparison of laparoscopic and hand-assisted radical nephrectomy. Urol 2007, 70(5):873-877.
108. *Lambert EH, Hruby GW, Abundez JO, Edelstein A, Karpf J, Kaplan J and Landman J. Comparison of histologic accuracy of needle biopsy before and after renal cryoablation: laboratory and initial clinical experience. Urology 2007, 70(5):1024-1027.
109. *Durak E, Hruby G, Mitchell R, Marruffo F, Abundez JO, and Landman J. Evaluation of a protective laser sheath for application in flexible ureteroscopy. J Endourol 2008, 22(1):57-60.
110. *Foyil KV, Ames CD, Fergeson GG, Weld KJ, Figenshau RS, Venkatesh R, Yan Y, Clayman RV, and Landman J. Long-term changes in creatinine clearance after laparoscopic renal surgery. J Am Col Surg 2008, 206(3):511-515.
111. *Hruby GW, Sprenkle PC, Abdelshehid C, Clayman RV, McDougall EM, and Landman J. The EZ trainer: validation of a portable and inexpensive simulator for training of basic laparoscopic skills. J Urol 2008, 179(2):662-6.
112. *Lehman D, Hruby GW, Phillips C, Venkatesh R, Best S, Monga M, and Landman J. Prospective randomized comparison of a combined ultrasonic and pneumatic and standard ultrasonic lithotrites for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. J Endourol 2008, 22(2):285-290.
113. *Lehman DS and Landman J. Kidney cancer ablative therapy: indications and patient selection. Curr urol Rep 2008, 9(1):34-43.
114. *Maxwell KI, Phillips C, Belani JS, Yan Y, and Landman J. Evaluation of cryoprove deployment precision with body surface and in situ templates. BJU Int 2008, 101(12):1586-1587.
115. * Phillips CK, Hruby GW, Mirabile G, Motamedinia P, Durak E, Lehman DS, Hong PW, and Landman J. The effect of intraluminal content on the bursting strength of vessels ligated with the harmonic ACE and LigaSure V. J Endourol 2008, 22(6): 1383-1387.
116. *Matthews B, Nalysnyk L, Estok R, Fahbach K, Banal D, Linz H, and Landman J. Ultrasonic and non-ultrasonic instrumentation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Surg 2008, 143(6):592-600.
117. *Lehman DS, Hruby GW, Phillips CK, McKiernan JM, Benson MC, and Landman J. First prize (tie): Laparoscopic renal cryoablation: efficacy and complications for larger renal masses. J Endourol 2008, 22(6): 1123-1127.
118. *Lehman D, Phillips CK, Hruby GW, Lambert S, and Landman J. Assessment of clinicians training and knowledge of surgical energy modalities and energy-based surgical devices. BJU Int 2008, 102(2):226-230.
119. Kelly CR, Hogle NJ, Landman J, and Fowler D. High definition in minimally invasive surgery: a review of methods of recording, editing, and distributing video. Surg Innov 2008, 15(3):188-193.
120. Berkman DS, Lee MW, Landman J, and Gupta M. Tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) with reversed Polaris loop stent: reduced postoperative pain and narcotic use. J Endourol 2008, 22(10):2245-2250.
121. Skolarus TA, Bhayani SB, Chiang HC, Brandes SB, Kibel AS, Landman J, and Figenshau RS. Laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for low-stage testicular cancer. J Endourol 2008, 22(7):1485-1489.
122. *Mirabile G, Phillips CK, Edelstein A, Romano A, Okhunov ZN, Hruby G, Gupta M, and Landman J. Evaluation of a Novel Temperature-Sensitive Polymer for Temporary Ureteral Occlusion. J Endourol 2008, 22(10):2375-2360.
123. *Skenazy JF, Mirabile G, Hruby GW, Lauer-Arnold I, Gupta M, and Landman J. Comparison of computer assisted and manual targeting for percutaneous deployment of renal parenchymal probes. J Urol 2008, 181(2):867-871.
124. *Phillips CK, Hruby GW, Mirabile G, Montamedinia P, Durak E, Lehman DS, Hong PW, and Landman J. The effect of intraluminal content on the bursting strength of vessels ligated with the harmonic ACE and LigaSure V. J Endourol 2008, 22(6): 1383-1387.
125. *Natalin RA, Phillips CK, Clayman RV, and Landman J. Urologic laser types and instrumentation. Arch Esp Urol 2008, 61(9):971-979.
126. *Phillips CK, Hruby GW, Durak E, Lehman DS, Humphrey PA, Mansukhani MM and Landman J. Tissue reponse to surgical energy devices. Urology 2008, 74(1): 744-8.
127. Box G, Averch T, Cadeddu J, Cherullo E, Clayman RV, Desai M, Frank I, Gettman M, Gill I, Gupta M, Haber GP, Kaouk J, Landman J, Lima E, Ponsky L, Rane A, Sawyer M, Humphreys M. Nomenclature of natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) and laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) procedures in Urology. J Endourol 2008, 22(11):2575-2581.
128. *Mirabile G, Phillips CK, Edelstein A, Romano A, Okhunov ZN, Hruby GW, Gupta M, and Landman J. Evaluation of a novel temperature-sensitive polymer for temporary ureteral occlusion. J Endourol 2008, 22(10):2245-2249.
129. * Hruby GW, Edelstein A, Karpf J, Durak E, Phillips C, Lehman D, and Landman J. Risk factors associated with renal parenchymal fracture during laparoscopic cryoablation. BJU Int 102(6):723-6.
130. *Sung C, Singh H, Schwartz Mm Mirabile G, Hruby GW, Ryan CD, and Landman J. Evaluation of the efficacy of a novel optically activated digital ureteroscope protection system against laser energy damage. Urol, 72(1): 57-60.
131. Gettman MT, Box G, Averch T, Caddedu JA, Cherullo E, Clayman RV, Desai M, Frank I, Gill I, Gupta M, Haber GP, Humphreys M, Kaouk J, Landman J, Lima E and Ponksy L. Consensus statement on natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery and single-incision laparoscopic surgery: heralding a new era in urology? Eur Urol 2008, 53(6):1117-1120.
132. Xavier K, Hruby GW, Kelly CR, Landman J, and Gupta M. Clinical evaluation of efficacy of novel optically activated digital endoscope protection system against laser energy damage. Urol 2009, 73(1):37-40.
133. *Xavier K, Gupta M, and Landman J. Transgastric NOTES: Current experience and potential implications for urologic applications. J Endourol 2009, 23(5):737-741.
134. *Phillips CK, Hruby GW, Mirabile G, Motamedinia P, Lehman DS, Okhunov Z, Singh H, Schwartz M, Benson MC, and Landman J. Erythropoietin-induced optimization of renal function after warm ischemia. J Endourol 2009, 23(3):359-365.
135. *Natalin RA, Hruby GW, Marean M, Okhunov Z, Lehman D, Phillips C, and Landman J. Evaluation of bladder insufflants for transurethral cryoablation of the bladder. Urology 2009, 73(6): 1383-1386.
136. *Ritch CR, Ordonez MA, Okhunov Z, Araujo J, Walsch R, Baudin V, Lee D, Badani KK, Gupta M, and Landman J. Pilot study of alteplase (tissue plasminogen activator) for treatment of urinary clot retention in an in vitro model. J Endourol 2009, 23(8):1357-1357.
137. *Okhunov Z, Hruby GW, Mirabile G, Marruffo F, Lehman DS, Benson MC, Gupta M and Landman J. Prospective comparison of flexible fiberoptic and digital cystoscopes. Urology 2009, 74(2):427-430.
138. Berkman D, Landman J, and Gupta M. Treatment outcomes after endopyelotomy performed with or without simultaneous nephrolithotomy: 10-year experience. J Endourol 2009, 23(9):1409-1413.
139. *Decastro GJ, Gupta M, Badani K, Hruby G, and Landman J. Synchronous cryoablation of multiple renal lesions: short-term follow-up of patient outcomes. Urology 2009, 75(2):303-306.
140. *Natalin RA, Hruby GW, Okhunov Z, Singh H, Phillips C, Gupta M, Landman J. Pilot study evaluating ureteric physiological changes with a novel ‘ribbon stent’ design using electromyographic and giant magnetoresistive sensors. BJU Int 2009, 103(8):1128-1131.
141. *Natalin RA, Prince MR, Grossman ME, Silvers D and Landman J. Contemporary applications and limitations of margnetic resonance imaging contrast material. J Urol 2010, 183(1):27-33.
142. *Durak E, Hruby GW, Sprenkle P, Mirabile G, Marruffo F, and Landman J. Comparison of complete intracorporeal construction of an ileum neobladder utilizing standard sutured techniques and novel technologies. J Urol 2010, 183(3):1227-1231.
143. *Gupta M, Patel T, Xavier K, Maruffo F, Lehman D, Walsch R, and Landman J. Prospective randomized evaluation of periureteral botulinum toxin A injection for ureteral stent pain reduction. J Urol 2010, 183(2):598-602.
144. Shikanov S, Lifshitz D, Matin J, Landman J, Wolf J, and Shalhav A. Impact of warm ischemia on renal function following laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: A multicenter study. J Urol 2010, 183(5):1714-1718.
145. * Rosales JC, Georgios Haramis, Jorge Moreno, Ketan Badani, James McKiernan and Jaime Landman. Active surveillance of renal cortical neoplasms. J Urol 2010. 183(5):1698-1702.
146. Suh LK, Rothberg MB, Landman J, Katsumi H, and Gupta M. Intrrarenal pressures generated during deployment of various antiretropulsion devices in and ex vivo porcine model. J Endourol 2010 24(7):1165-1168.
147. Cheetham PJ, Tuesdale MD, Lee DJ, Landman J, and Badani KK. Use of a flexible carbon dioxide laser fiber for precise dissection of the neurovascular bundle during robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy. J Endourol 2010 24(7):1091-1096.
148. *Mues AC, Okhunov Z, Haramis G, D’Agostino H, Shingleton BW, and Landman J. Comparison of percutaneous and laparoscopic renal cryoablation for small (<3.0cm) renal masses. J Endourol, 2010, 24(7): 1097-1100.
149. Mues A, Landman J, and Gupta M. Endoscopic management of completely excluded calices: a single institution experience. J Endourol 2010, 24(8):1241-1245.
150. Modi AP, Ritch CR, Arend D, Walsh RM, Ordonez M, Landman J, Gupta M, and Knudsen BE. Multicenter experience with metallic ureteral stents for malignant and chronic benign ureteral obstruction. J Endourol 2010, 24(7):1189-1193.
151. *Mues AC, Moreno J, Haramis G, Casazza C, Badani K, Gupta M, McKiernan J, Benson M, and Landman J. Contemporary Experience in the Management of Angiomyolipoma. J Endourol 2010, 24(11):1883-1886.
152. *Okhunov Z, Singh H, Lee D, Haramis G, Rosales JC, Raisoni S, Gupta M, and Landman J. Evaluation of optimal color for stent identification in a hemorrhagic environment. J Endourol 2010, 24(9):1515-1519.
153. *Mues AC, Haramis G, Badani K, Gupta M, Benson MC, McKiernan JM and Landman J. Active surveillance for larger (cT1bN0M0) renal cortical neoplasms. Urology 2010, 76(3): 620-623.
154. * Haramis G, Rosales JC, Moreno J, Okhunov Z, Mues A, Lee D, Badani K, Gupta M, and Landman J. Prospective randomized evaluation of foot gel pads for operating room staff comfort during laparoscopic renal surgery. Urology, In press.
155. *Okhunov Z, Mues AC, Haramis G, D’Agsostino H, Shingleton BW, and Landman J. Comparison of percutaneous and laparoscopic renal cryoablation for small (<3.5cm) renal masses. J Endourol, In press.
156. *Sprenkle P, Mirabile G, Durak E, Edelstein A, Gupta M, Hruby G, Okhunov Z, Landman J. The effect of argon gas pressure on ice ball size and rate of formation. J Endourol, In press.
157. Suh LK, Rothberg MB, Landman J, Katsumi H, and Gupta M. Intrarenal pressures generated during deployment of various antiretropulsion devices in an ex-vivo porcine model. J Endourol, In press.
158. *Mues AC, Okhunov Z, Badani K, Gupta M, and Landman J. Intraoperative Evaluation of Renal Blood Flow During Laparoscopic
Partial Nephrectomy with Novel Doppler System. J Endourol, In press.
159. *Haramis G, Mues AC, Rosales JC, Okhunov Z, Lanzac AP, Badani K, Gupta M, Benson MC, McKiernan J, and Landman J. The natural history of renal cortical neoplasms on active surveillance with longer than 5 years follow-up. Urology, In press.
160. *Adam C. Mues, George Haramis, Michael Rothberg, Cristin Casazza,
Zhamshid Okhunov, and Jaime Landman. Contemporary experience with
laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. J Lap Ad Sug Tech, In press.
161. *Mues AC, Haramis G, Casazza C, Okhunov Z, Badani KK, and Landman J. Prospective randomized single-blinded in vitro evaluation of new and reprocessed laparoscopic trocars. J Am Coll Surg 2010, In press.
Other Experience
Minimally Invasive Urology Fellow
Wasington University Department of Urology 1999—2001
Graduate Programs
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