Sabrina Elayne Brierley Schuck
Director, Schuck Child Development Lab, Pediatrics
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Volunteer Faculty, Psychological Science
School of Social Ecology
School of Social Ecology
Ph.D., UC Riverside, 2008, Education
M.A., Chapman University, 1997, Clinical Psychology
B.A., University of California, Irvine, 1990, Psychology
M.A., Chapman University, 1997, Clinical Psychology
B.A., University of California, Irvine, 1990, Psychology
ORCiD: 0000-0002-9709-2241
University of California, Irvine
3400 Michelson #200
Irvine, CA 92612
3400 Michelson #200
Irvine, CA 92612
Research Interests
ADHD, Autism Spectrum, Executive Function, Animal Assisted Intervention, School-based Intervention, Digital Health Intervention
2008-2009 Postdoctoral Fellow, Pediatrics, UC Irvine Neuropsychology Lab
Research Abstract
My research aims to find innovative ways to build resilience and adaptive strategies for children that will benefit their development across the lifespan. I am particularly interested in understanding the socio-cultural and biological mechanisms underlying optimal outcomes for children with atypical neurodevelopment and related mental health challenges. The main focus of my research is on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the most common mental health disorder of childhood1, for which treatment with stimulant medications has long been the mainstay for intervention despite common treatment failure and poor long-term adherence. Despite decades of research and hundreds of thousands of published works examining interventions for ADHD, long term outcomes remain poor for these individuals3. In response to our gap in understanding how to optimize outcomes for this group, my research is dedicated to develop, improve access to and better integrate evidence-based interventions for children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families. Specifically, I aim to inform the development and assessment of interdisciplinary intervention strategies that are: 1) easily integrated with or serve as an alternative to medication treatments, 2) feasibly implemented in community-based and school-based settings, 3) found beneficial to these children, and 4) found acceptable by their families.
1. March, J. S., Conners, K, Arnold, G., Epstein, J., Parker, J., Hinshaw, S., Abikoff, H., Molina, B., Wells, K., Newcorn, J., Schuck, S., Pelham, W. E., Hoza, B. (1999). The Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC): Confirmatory factor analysis in a pediatric ADHD sample. Journal of Attention Disorders, 3(2) 85-89 (56 citations).
2. LaHoste, G. J, Wigal, T., King, B. H., Schuck, S. E., Crinella, F. M., Swanson, J. M. (2000). Carbamazepine reduces dopamine-mediated behavior in chronic neuroleptic-treated and untreated rats: Implications for treatment of tardive dyskinesia and hyperdopaminergic states. Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology, 8(1), 125-132 (8 citations)
3. Sunohara, G. A., Roberts, W., Malone, M., Schachar, R. J., Tannock, R., Basile, V., Wigal, T.; Wigal, S. B; Schuck, S. Moriarty, J. Swanson, J. M; Kennedy, J. L; Barr, C. L (2000). Linkage of the dopamine D4 receptor gene and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 39(12), 1537-1542. (118 citations)
4. Swanson, J. M., Flodman, P., Kennedy, J., Spence, M. A., Moyzis, R., Schuck, S., Murias, M., Moriarty, J., Barr, C., Smith, M., Posner, M., (2000). Dopamine genes and ADHD. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 24(1), 21-25. (526 citations)
5. Swanson, J., Oosterlaan, J., Murias, M., Schuck, S., Flodman, P., Spence, M. A., Wasdell, M., Ding, Y., Chi, H-C., Smith, M., Mann, M., Carlson, C., Kennedy, J. L., Sergeant, J. A., Leung, P., Zhang, Y-P., Sadeh, A., Chen, C., Whalen, C. K., Babb, K. A., Moyzis, R., &. Posner, M. I. (2001). Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder children with a 7-repeat allele of the dopamine receptor D4 gene have extreme behavior but normal performance on critical neuropsychological tests of attention. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 97: 4754-4759. (356 citations)
6. Swanson, J., Deutsch, Cantwell, D., Posner, M., Kennedy, J.L., Barr, C.L., Moyzis, R., Schuck, S., Flodman, P., Spence, M.A., & Wasdell, M. (2001). Genes and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clinical Neuroscience Research, 1 (3), 207-216. (117 citations)
7. Ding YC, Chi HC, Grady DL, Morishima A, Kidd JR, Kidd KK, Flodman P, Spence MA, Schuck S, Swanson JM, Zhang YP, Moyzis RK. (2002). Evidence of positive selection acting at the human dopamine receptor D4 gene locus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science: 99:309-14 (640 citations)
8. Grady. D. L., Chi H-C., Ding Y-C., Smith, M., Wang, E., Schuck, S., Flodman, P., Spence, M.A., Swanson, J. and Moyzis, R. K., (2003). High prevalence of rare D4 receptor alleles in children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Molecular Psychiatry 8:536-45 (157 citations).
9. Leung, P.W., Lee, C.C., Hung, S.F., Ho, T.P., Tang, C.P., Kwong, S.L., Leung, S.Y., Yuen, S.T., Lieh-Mak, F., Oosterlaan, J., Grady, D., Harxhi, A., Ding, Y.C., Chi, H.C., Flodman, P., Schuck, S., Spence, M.A., Moyzis, R. and Swanson, J. (2005). Dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene in Han Chinese children with attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Increased prevalence of the 2-repeat allele. American Journal of Medical Genetics Feb 5; 133 (1):54-6 (98 citations).
10. †Schuck, S. E. B. & Crinella, F. M. (2005). Why children with ADHD do not have low IQ’s. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 262-280 (76 citations).
11. †Schuck, S. E. B. (2008). Reading Comprehension and the Role of Oral and Silent Reading: Comparing Children with and Without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering Vol 69 (3-B), pp. 1983 (3 citations).
12. Wigal, S. B., Maltas, S., Crinella, F., Stehli, A., Steinhoff, K., Lakes, K. D., Schuck, S. (2012). Reading performance as a function of treatment with lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in elementary school children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Journal of Attention Disorders, 16, 23-33 (20 citations).
13. Wigal, S. B., Wigal, T.L., Schuck, S, Brams, M., Williamson, D, Armstrong, R. B., & Starr, H. L. (2011). Academic, Behavioral and Cognitive effects of OROS MPH on older children with ADHD. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacolgy 21 (2): 121-131 (55 citations).
14. Swanson, J. M. Schuck, S., Mann, M., Carlson, C., Hartman, K., Sergeant, J., Clevenger, W., Wasdell, M., McCleary, R., Lakes, K. D., & Wigal, T. (2012). Categorical and dimensional definitions and evaluations of symptoms of ADHD: History of the SNAP and SWAN rating scales. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 10, 51-70. (327 citations)
15. †Schuck, S.E.B., Yi, M.*, Crinella, F.M. (2013). Nutritional Supplements in the treatment of ADHD. . Future Medicine, 130-147.
16. †Schuck, S., Emmerson, N.*, Fine, A., & Lakes, K. D. (2015). Canine assisted therapy for children with ADHD: Preliminary findings from the Positive Assertive Cooperative Kids (P.A.C.K.) study. Journal of Attention Disorders (19) 2, 91-98 (48 citations).
17. †Schuck, S., Ziv, H., Emmerson, N.*, Collins, P., Warschauer, M., & Lakes, K.D. (2016). Designing an iPad app to monitor and improve classroom behavior for children with ADHD: iSelfControl Feasibility and Pilot Studies. PLOS ONE. 2016 Oct 14; 11(10): e0164229 (8 citations).
18. †Schuck, S.E.B., Emmerson, N.*, Abdullah, M.M.*, Fine, A.H., Stehli, A. & Lakes, K. D. (2018). A randomized controlled trial of traditional psychosocial and canine-assisted interventions for ADHD. Human Animal Interaction Bulletin (6) 1, 64-80 (2 citations)
19. †Schuck, S.E.B., Johnson, H.L.*, Abdullah, M. M.*, Stehli, A., Fine, A. H. & Lakes, K. D. (2018). The Role of Canine Assisted Intervention on Improving Self-Esteem in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 08, November 2018
20. Guérin, N.A., Gabriels, R.L., Germone, M. M., Schuck, S. E.B., Traynor, A., Thomas, K., & O’Haire, M.E. (2018). Reliability and Validity Assessment of the Observation of Human-Animal Interaction for Research (OHAIRE) Behavior Coding Tool. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 08 November 2018
21. Lakes, K.D., Neville, R., Vasou, S., Schuck, S.E.B., Stavaropoulos, K., Krishnan, K., Gonzalez, I., Guzman, K.*, Tavakoulnia, A.*, Stehli, A., Palermo, A. (2019). Beyond Broadway: Analysis of Qualitative Characteristics of and Individual Responses to Creatively Able, a Music and Movement Intervention for Children with Autism. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (8), 1377.
22. Lakes, K., Nguyen, H. M., Jones, M., & Schuck, S. E. (2019). I Am Me: Adolescent Perspectives of a School-Based Universal Intervention Program Designed to Promote Emotional Competence. International Journal of Emotional Education, 11(1), 97.
23. Cibrian, F.*, Cates, H.*, Guzman, K.*, Tavakoulnia, A.*, Schuck, S., Hayes, G., & Lakes, K.D. (2019). Should I wear a smartwatch? How children view wearables for behavior change. Workgroup on Interactive Systems in Healthcare, Chi’19.
24. Cibrian, F. L.*, Lakes K.D., Schuck S., Tavakoulnia A.*, Guzman K.*, Hayes G. (2019). Balancing caregiver and child interactions to support the development of self-regulation skills using a smartwatch application. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC ’19 Adjunct). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 459–460.
25. Tavakoulnia, A.*, Guzman, K.*, Cibrian, F. L.*, Lakes, K. D., Hayes, G., & Schuck, S. E. (2019, September). Designing a wearable technology application for enhancing executive functioning skills in children with ADHD. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 222-225). ACM, New York, NY, USA. DOI:
26. Cibrian, F., Lakes, K.D., Tavakoulnia, A.*, Guzman, K.*, Schuck, S. & Hayes, G., (2020). Supporting self-regulation of children with ADHD using wearables: Tensions and design challenges. ACM CHI2020.
27. Doan, M.*, Cibrian, F., Jang, A.*, Khare, N.*, Chang, S.*, Li, A.*, Schuck, S., Lakes, K.D., & Hayes, G.R. (2020). CoolCraig: A smart watch/phone application supporting co-regulation of children with ADHD. ACM CHI2020, 1-7.
28. Arastoo, S., Abdullah, M.M.*, Youssef., J. Guo, Y., Schuck, S.E.B., Goldberg, W. A., Donnelly, J. , & Lakes, K.D.(2020). The relative utility of concurrent sources of information for diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Early Childhood. Frontiers in Pediatrics, Section on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 8, 486.
29. Silva, L., Cibrian, F., Epstein, D., Bhattacharya, A., Ankrah, E., Monteiro, E.*, Beltran, J., Schuck, S., Lakes, K., Hayes, G. (2021). Adapting Multi-Device Deployments During a Pandemic: Lessons Learned from Two Studies. Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers Pervasive Computing.
doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2021.3104262.
30. Cibrian, F., Monteiro, E.*, Ankrah, E., Tavakoulnia, A.*, Beltran, J., Schuck, S., Hayes, G.R., & Lakes, K.D. (2021). Parents' Perspectives on a Smartwatch Intervention for Children with ADHD: Rapid Deployment and Feasibility Evaluation of a Pilot Intervention to Support Distance Learning During COVID-19. PloS one 16 (10), e0258959
31. Cibrian, F.K., Lakes, K.D., Schuck, S., Hayes, G.R., (2022), The potential impact of technologies supporting self-regulation in children with ADHD: A literature review. International Journal in Child-Computer Interaction, 31, 100421.
32. Lakes, K.D., Cibrian, F.K., Schuck, S.E.B., Nelson, M., Hayes, G.R. (2022), Digital health interventions for youth with ADHD: A systematic review. Computers in Human Behavior Reports (6) 100174.
33. Cibrian, F., Monteiro, E*., Schuck, S., Hayes, G., Lakes, K. (2022) Interdisciplinary tensions when developing digital interventions supporting individuals with ADHD. Frontiers in Digital Health (4)
34. Ankrah, E.A, Cibrian, F.K., Silva, L.M., Tavakoulnia, A.*, Beltran, J.A., Schuck, S.E.B., Lakes,
K.D., & Hayes, G.R. (2022), Me, My Health, My Watch: How Children with ADHD Understand Smartwatch Health Data. Association for Computing Machinery Transactions on Computer-Health Interaction.
35. Silva, L.M., (2023 in press) Unpacking the Lived Experiences of Smartwatch Mediated Self and Co-Regulation with ADHD Children. CHI.
2. LaHoste, G. J, Wigal, T., King, B. H., Schuck, S. E., Crinella, F. M., Swanson, J. M. (2000). Carbamazepine reduces dopamine-mediated behavior in chronic neuroleptic-treated and untreated rats: Implications for treatment of tardive dyskinesia and hyperdopaminergic states. Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology, 8(1), 125-132 (8 citations)
3. Sunohara, G. A., Roberts, W., Malone, M., Schachar, R. J., Tannock, R., Basile, V., Wigal, T.; Wigal, S. B; Schuck, S. Moriarty, J. Swanson, J. M; Kennedy, J. L; Barr, C. L (2000). Linkage of the dopamine D4 receptor gene and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 39(12), 1537-1542. (118 citations)
4. Swanson, J. M., Flodman, P., Kennedy, J., Spence, M. A., Moyzis, R., Schuck, S., Murias, M., Moriarty, J., Barr, C., Smith, M., Posner, M., (2000). Dopamine genes and ADHD. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 24(1), 21-25. (526 citations)
5. Swanson, J., Oosterlaan, J., Murias, M., Schuck, S., Flodman, P., Spence, M. A., Wasdell, M., Ding, Y., Chi, H-C., Smith, M., Mann, M., Carlson, C., Kennedy, J. L., Sergeant, J. A., Leung, P., Zhang, Y-P., Sadeh, A., Chen, C., Whalen, C. K., Babb, K. A., Moyzis, R., &. Posner, M. I. (2001). Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder children with a 7-repeat allele of the dopamine receptor D4 gene have extreme behavior but normal performance on critical neuropsychological tests of attention. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 97: 4754-4759. (356 citations)
6. Swanson, J., Deutsch, Cantwell, D., Posner, M., Kennedy, J.L., Barr, C.L., Moyzis, R., Schuck, S., Flodman, P., Spence, M.A., & Wasdell, M. (2001). Genes and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clinical Neuroscience Research, 1 (3), 207-216. (117 citations)
7. Ding YC, Chi HC, Grady DL, Morishima A, Kidd JR, Kidd KK, Flodman P, Spence MA, Schuck S, Swanson JM, Zhang YP, Moyzis RK. (2002). Evidence of positive selection acting at the human dopamine receptor D4 gene locus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science: 99:309-14 (640 citations)
8. Grady. D. L., Chi H-C., Ding Y-C., Smith, M., Wang, E., Schuck, S., Flodman, P., Spence, M.A., Swanson, J. and Moyzis, R. K., (2003). High prevalence of rare D4 receptor alleles in children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Molecular Psychiatry 8:536-45 (157 citations).
9. Leung, P.W., Lee, C.C., Hung, S.F., Ho, T.P., Tang, C.P., Kwong, S.L., Leung, S.Y., Yuen, S.T., Lieh-Mak, F., Oosterlaan, J., Grady, D., Harxhi, A., Ding, Y.C., Chi, H.C., Flodman, P., Schuck, S., Spence, M.A., Moyzis, R. and Swanson, J. (2005). Dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene in Han Chinese children with attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Increased prevalence of the 2-repeat allele. American Journal of Medical Genetics Feb 5; 133 (1):54-6 (98 citations).
10. †Schuck, S. E. B. & Crinella, F. M. (2005). Why children with ADHD do not have low IQ’s. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 262-280 (76 citations).
11. †Schuck, S. E. B. (2008). Reading Comprehension and the Role of Oral and Silent Reading: Comparing Children with and Without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering Vol 69 (3-B), pp. 1983 (3 citations).
12. Wigal, S. B., Maltas, S., Crinella, F., Stehli, A., Steinhoff, K., Lakes, K. D., Schuck, S. (2012). Reading performance as a function of treatment with lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in elementary school children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Journal of Attention Disorders, 16, 23-33 (20 citations).
13. Wigal, S. B., Wigal, T.L., Schuck, S, Brams, M., Williamson, D, Armstrong, R. B., & Starr, H. L. (2011). Academic, Behavioral and Cognitive effects of OROS MPH on older children with ADHD. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacolgy 21 (2): 121-131 (55 citations).
14. Swanson, J. M. Schuck, S., Mann, M., Carlson, C., Hartman, K., Sergeant, J., Clevenger, W., Wasdell, M., McCleary, R., Lakes, K. D., & Wigal, T. (2012). Categorical and dimensional definitions and evaluations of symptoms of ADHD: History of the SNAP and SWAN rating scales. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 10, 51-70. (327 citations)
15. †Schuck, S.E.B., Yi, M.*, Crinella, F.M. (2013). Nutritional Supplements in the treatment of ADHD. . Future Medicine, 130-147.
16. †Schuck, S., Emmerson, N.*, Fine, A., & Lakes, K. D. (2015). Canine assisted therapy for children with ADHD: Preliminary findings from the Positive Assertive Cooperative Kids (P.A.C.K.) study. Journal of Attention Disorders (19) 2, 91-98 (48 citations).
17. †Schuck, S., Ziv, H., Emmerson, N.*, Collins, P., Warschauer, M., & Lakes, K.D. (2016). Designing an iPad app to monitor and improve classroom behavior for children with ADHD: iSelfControl Feasibility and Pilot Studies. PLOS ONE. 2016 Oct 14; 11(10): e0164229 (8 citations).
18. †Schuck, S.E.B., Emmerson, N.*, Abdullah, M.M.*, Fine, A.H., Stehli, A. & Lakes, K. D. (2018). A randomized controlled trial of traditional psychosocial and canine-assisted interventions for ADHD. Human Animal Interaction Bulletin (6) 1, 64-80 (2 citations)
19. †Schuck, S.E.B., Johnson, H.L.*, Abdullah, M. M.*, Stehli, A., Fine, A. H. & Lakes, K. D. (2018). The Role of Canine Assisted Intervention on Improving Self-Esteem in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 08, November 2018
20. Guérin, N.A., Gabriels, R.L., Germone, M. M., Schuck, S. E.B., Traynor, A., Thomas, K., & O’Haire, M.E. (2018). Reliability and Validity Assessment of the Observation of Human-Animal Interaction for Research (OHAIRE) Behavior Coding Tool. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 08 November 2018
21. Lakes, K.D., Neville, R., Vasou, S., Schuck, S.E.B., Stavaropoulos, K., Krishnan, K., Gonzalez, I., Guzman, K.*, Tavakoulnia, A.*, Stehli, A., Palermo, A. (2019). Beyond Broadway: Analysis of Qualitative Characteristics of and Individual Responses to Creatively Able, a Music and Movement Intervention for Children with Autism. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (8), 1377.
22. Lakes, K., Nguyen, H. M., Jones, M., & Schuck, S. E. (2019). I Am Me: Adolescent Perspectives of a School-Based Universal Intervention Program Designed to Promote Emotional Competence. International Journal of Emotional Education, 11(1), 97.
23. Cibrian, F.*, Cates, H.*, Guzman, K.*, Tavakoulnia, A.*, Schuck, S., Hayes, G., & Lakes, K.D. (2019). Should I wear a smartwatch? How children view wearables for behavior change. Workgroup on Interactive Systems in Healthcare, Chi’19.
24. Cibrian, F. L.*, Lakes K.D., Schuck S., Tavakoulnia A.*, Guzman K.*, Hayes G. (2019). Balancing caregiver and child interactions to support the development of self-regulation skills using a smartwatch application. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC ’19 Adjunct). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 459–460.
25. Tavakoulnia, A.*, Guzman, K.*, Cibrian, F. L.*, Lakes, K. D., Hayes, G., & Schuck, S. E. (2019, September). Designing a wearable technology application for enhancing executive functioning skills in children with ADHD. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 222-225). ACM, New York, NY, USA. DOI:
26. Cibrian, F., Lakes, K.D., Tavakoulnia, A.*, Guzman, K.*, Schuck, S. & Hayes, G., (2020). Supporting self-regulation of children with ADHD using wearables: Tensions and design challenges. ACM CHI2020.
27. Doan, M.*, Cibrian, F., Jang, A.*, Khare, N.*, Chang, S.*, Li, A.*, Schuck, S., Lakes, K.D., & Hayes, G.R. (2020). CoolCraig: A smart watch/phone application supporting co-regulation of children with ADHD. ACM CHI2020, 1-7.
28. Arastoo, S., Abdullah, M.M.*, Youssef., J. Guo, Y., Schuck, S.E.B., Goldberg, W. A., Donnelly, J. , & Lakes, K.D.(2020). The relative utility of concurrent sources of information for diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Early Childhood. Frontiers in Pediatrics, Section on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 8, 486.
29. Silva, L., Cibrian, F., Epstein, D., Bhattacharya, A., Ankrah, E., Monteiro, E.*, Beltran, J., Schuck, S., Lakes, K., Hayes, G. (2021). Adapting Multi-Device Deployments During a Pandemic: Lessons Learned from Two Studies. Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers Pervasive Computing.
doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2021.3104262.
30. Cibrian, F., Monteiro, E.*, Ankrah, E., Tavakoulnia, A.*, Beltran, J., Schuck, S., Hayes, G.R., & Lakes, K.D. (2021). Parents' Perspectives on a Smartwatch Intervention for Children with ADHD: Rapid Deployment and Feasibility Evaluation of a Pilot Intervention to Support Distance Learning During COVID-19. PloS one 16 (10), e0258959
31. Cibrian, F.K., Lakes, K.D., Schuck, S., Hayes, G.R., (2022), The potential impact of technologies supporting self-regulation in children with ADHD: A literature review. International Journal in Child-Computer Interaction, 31, 100421.
32. Lakes, K.D., Cibrian, F.K., Schuck, S.E.B., Nelson, M., Hayes, G.R. (2022), Digital health interventions for youth with ADHD: A systematic review. Computers in Human Behavior Reports (6) 100174.
33. Cibrian, F., Monteiro, E*., Schuck, S., Hayes, G., Lakes, K. (2022) Interdisciplinary tensions when developing digital interventions supporting individuals with ADHD. Frontiers in Digital Health (4)
34. Ankrah, E.A, Cibrian, F.K., Silva, L.M., Tavakoulnia, A.*, Beltran, J.A., Schuck, S.E.B., Lakes,
K.D., & Hayes, G.R. (2022), Me, My Health, My Watch: How Children with ADHD Understand Smartwatch Health Data. Association for Computing Machinery Transactions on Computer-Health Interaction.
35. Silva, L.M., (2023 in press) Unpacking the Lived Experiences of Smartwatch Mediated Self and Co-Regulation with ADHD Children. CHI.
$75,000 (PI-Schuck: 2010). Unrestricted Research Grant, Awarded by the Nicholas Endowment Foundation. UC Irvine School Early Intervention Program at the Child Development School
$100,000 (PI-Schuck: 2014). Unrestricted Research Grant, Awarded by the Nicholas Endowment Foundation. UC Irvine Middle School Program at the Child Development School
$2,228,676 R01 HD 066593-03 (PI-Schuck: 6/1/10-5/31/15) PHS – NICHD. The Role of Human Animal Interaction in Treating Self Esteem, Self-Regulation, and Social Skills Deficits in Children with ADHD.
Role: Principal Investigator
$400,000 annually Orange County Health Care Agency Prevention and Early Intervention Program, Soul Source Contract (P.I.-Schuck: 3/31/11 to 6/30/16). UC Irvine School Early Intervention Program Outcomes Role: Principal Investigator
$100,000 annually (PI-Schuck: 2014-2017). Unrestricted Development Grant, Awarded by the Newkirk Family Foundation. UC Irvine Middle School Program at the Child Development School
$400,000 annually Orange County Health Care Agency Prevention and Early Intervention Program, Soul Source Contract (P.I.-Schuck: 7/01/16 to 6/30/17). UC Irvine School Early Intervention Program Outcomes.
Role: Principal Investigator
$480,000 annually Orange County Health Care Agency Prevention and Early Intervention Program, Soul Source Contract (P.I.-Schuck: 7/01/17 to 6/30/20). UC Irvine School Early Intervention Program Outcomes.
Role: Principal Investigator
$429,000 R21 HD103422 (9/11/2020-8/31/2023) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development: Animal Assisted Intervention with Dogs for Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; Exploring Candidate Physiological Markers of Response to AAI
Role: Principal Investigator.
$300,000 R21HS26058-01A1 (Lakes: 9/1/18-9/21/21) PHS-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality/National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services: The CoolCraig App: Promoting Health by Improving Self-Regulation in Adolescents with ADHD.
Role: Sub-Award Principal Investigator.
Professional Societies
American Psychological Assoication, Division 17, Section 13
International Society for Anthrozoology
Society for the Research of Child Development
Other Experience
Director, Training & Program Development
The Craig School 2019
The Craig School 2019
Graduate Programs
Research Centers
Schuck Child Development Lab
The Craig School -
Link to this profile
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