Behnoosh Afghani

Picture of Behnoosh Afghani
Division Chief, UC Irvine Pediatric Hospitalist
Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist, UC Irvine
Director, Summer Programs 2010-2019
School of Medicine
Director, Fourth Year Medical Student Pediatric Rotations
School of Medicine
Director, Center for Future Health Professionals, UC Irvine, 2007 to present
Faculty Director, ICTS Medical Student Research Program, 2017 to present
Faculty Director, ICTS Medical Student Research Program, 2017 to present
B.S., University of California, Los Angeles
M.D., University of Southern California
Pediatric Residency, University of California, Irvine
Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University of California, Irvine and Miller Children's Hospital, Long Beach, CA
Phone: (714) 456-5726
Fax: (714) 456-7182
University of California, Irvine
Bldg. 26, Ste 1001
Mail Code: 4076
Irvine, CA 92868
Research Interests
Infectious Diseases, Medical Education, Community Outreach, Performance Improvement
Academic Distinctions
2020 Physician of Excellence, OCMA

2019 Golden Apple Teaching Award, UC Irvine School of Medicine

2019 Physician of Excellence, OCMA

2018 Physician of Excellence, OCMA

2017 Physician of Excellence, OCMA

2016 Physician of Excellence, OCMA

2015 Outstanding Teaching Award, UC Irvine School of Medicine

2014 Physician of Excellence, OCMA

2014 Outstanding Teaching Award, UC Irvine School of Medicine

2013 Alumni of the Year Award. UC Irvine Department of Pediatrics

2012 Certificate of Recognition. California Legislature Assembly. For contributions to Irvine Community

2012 US World News Top Doctor

2012 Physician of Excellence Award, Orange Coast Magazine, OCMA

2012 Excellence in Teaching Award. UC Irvine School of Medicine

2011 Physician of Excellence Award, Orange Coast Magazine, OCMA

2010-11 Outstanding Teaching Faculty Award. CHOC Pediatric Residency

2010 ARISE Team Award, UC Irvine Medical Center, H1N1 Working Group

2010 Physician of Excellence Award, Orange Coast Magazine, OCMA

2009 Physician of Excellence Award, Orange Coast Magazine, OCMA

2008 Director’s Teaching Award, Pediatric Residency, UC Irvine

2008 Hand Hygiene Champion Award, UC Irvine Medical Center

2008 Physician of Excellence Award, Orange Coast Magazine, OCMA

2007 Culture of Satety Award, UCI Medical Center, Pediatric Unit

2007 Physician of Excellence Award, Orange Coast Magazine, OCMA

2006 Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award UC Irvine, Pediatrics

2005, 2004, 2003 Nominee ARISE Exemplary Performance Award, UCI Medical Center

2005 Director’s Teaching Award, Pediatric Residency, UC Irvine

2005 Excellence in Teaching Award, UC Irvine School of Medicine

1997 Outstanding Faculty Award, UC Irvine Pediatrics

1995-97 Young InvestigatorAward, Long Beach Memorial Foundation

1998 Medical Student Research Fellowship Award, USC School of Medicine
Research Abstract
Afghani B, Stutman HR. Polymerase Chain Reaction in Rapid Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: Comparison of Rapid Boiling to a More Conventional Method of DNA Extraction. Presented at Long Beach Memorial/Long Beach Veterans Symposium, Sept. 1994.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Polymerase Chain reaction in Rapid Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: Comparison of Rapid boiling to a More Conventional Method of DNA Extraction. J Invest Med 43:S1:169A, 1995. Presented at Western Society of Pediatric Research, 1995.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: Can Polymerase chain Reaction Replace AFB Smear and Culture? Presented at the American Society of Microbiology at Washington, D.C. May 1995.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: Can Polymerase Chain Reaction Replace AFB Smear and Culture? Pediatric Research 37(4):169A, 1995. Presented at the Society of Pediatric Research, 1995.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Quantitative Competitive Polymerase Chain Reaction for Raid Drug Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Presented at The Lancet Conference: The Challenge of Tuberculosis, Sept. 1995, Washington, D.C.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Quantitative Competitive Polymerase Chain Reaction for Rapid Drug susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Presented at the Long Beach Memorial/Long Beach Veterans Symposium, November 1995.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Rapid Differentiation of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis Using Glycerol Susceptibility and Quantitative-Competitive Polymerase Chain Reaction (QC-PCR). Presented at the Western Society of Pediatric Research, Carmel, California. Feb. 1996.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Selective Media for Differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from other Mycobacteria. Presented at the American Society of Microbiology. New Orleans, Louisiana. May 1996.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Rapid Differentiation of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis using Glycerol Susceptibility and Quantitative-Competitive Polymerase Chain Reaction. Presented at the American Society of Microbiology. New Orleans, Louisiana. May 1996.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Utilization of Potassium Tellurite by Rapidly Growing Mycobacteria as a Means of Drug-Susceptibility Testing. ICCAC, New Orleans, Louisiana. September 1996.

Afghani B, Lieberman JM, Duke M, Stutman HR. Comparison of AFB Smear, Culture and Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction in Patients with Tuberculosis Receiving Therapy. Presented at Long Beach Memorial/Veterans Symposium. November 1997.

Afghani B, Fujiyama D. In-vitro effect of thalidomide on TNF-alpha concentrations after infection of monocytes of HIV-infected patients with mycobacteria. ICAAC, San Diego, CA, September 1998.

Afghani B, Fujiyama D. Utilization of potassium tellurite for rapid drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium avium complex. ICAAC, San Diego, CA September 1998.

Afghani B, Fujiyama D. Comparison of the effect of thalidomide and dexamethasone
on production of TNF-? from monocytes on AIDs patients infected with Mycobacterium avium. Western Society of Pediatric Research, Carmel, CA. February 2001.

Afghani, B. Prolonged fever in tuberculous meningitis despite effective therapy. California Tuberculosis Controllers Association. Orange, CA. November 2001.

Afghani, B. The effect of thalidomide on TNF-a production form HIV-infected mononuclear cells infected with Candida albicans. Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San Diego, CA. September 2002.

Afghain, B. Kong, V. A Survey of National Trends in the Management of Culture-Negative Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis & Soft Tissue Infections in Children. The 25th Annual Western States Conference. Pacific Grove, CA. May 2005.

Afghani, B et al. The Tricycle Model: Key to Patient Satisfaction. International Conference for Hospital Improvement (IHI). San Diego, CA June 2005.

Donly, T. Brown S, Afghani, B, et al. Interdisciplinary Rounds: The Pivotal Role of the Bedside Nurses. Accepted to Magnet Conference. November 2005.

Afghani B, Ngo T, Zeitany R, Amin A. Palivizumab: Adherence to American Academy of Pediatric Guidelines. Western Society of Pediatric Research, Carmel, CA, February 2006.

Afghani B, Ngo T, Zeitany R, Amin A. Premature Infants Who get Hospitalized for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection Despite Receiving Palivizumab. Western Society of Pediatric Research, Carmel, CA, February 2006.

Ngo T, Afghani B. Risk Factors Leading to Severe Respiratory Virus Infection in Full Term Infants. Western Society of Pediatric Research, Carmel, CA, February 2006.

Afghani B et al. The effect of an interventional program on adherence to AAP guidelines for palivizumab administration. Presented at American Thoracic Society in San Diego, CA June 2006.

Nathalang D, Afghani B, Waffarn F. Revisiting risk factors for intraventricular hemorrhage in premature infants. Western Society of Pediatric Research Feb. 2007.

Saisan R. Afghani B, Afghani E, Sills J. The epidemiology of early onset vs late onset bloodstream infections in a neonatal intensive care unit. Western Society of Pediatric Research Feb. 2007.

Afghani E, Afghani B, Saisan R, Sills J. Epidemiologic characteristics of Gram positive and Gram-negative bloodstream infections in a tertiary neonatal intensive care unit. Western Society of Pediatric Research Feb. 2007.

Ebert V and Afghani B. Comparison of drug susceptibility profile of staphylococcus aureus among the adult and pediatric population, 2001- 2006. Western Society of Pediatric Research Feb. 2007.

Afghani B, Besimanto S, Shapiro J, Amin A. Training of Clincial Empathy: The Medical Students’ Perspective. American Academy of Pediatrics National Meeting. Oct 2007.

Patel B. Ebert V. Afghani B. S. aureus is becoming multiple drug resistant in the pediatric population. American Academy of Pediatrics National Meeting. Oct 2007.

Pascual PM and Afghani, B. Influenza vaccine in children: Barriers in translation. Presented at the Western Society of Pediatric Research. Carmel California. February 2008.

Fakhrai M, Afghani B. Comparison of drug sensitivities of Staphylococcus aureus in adult vs. pediatric populations. UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium. May 2008.

Garma K, Afghani B. Is Hand Hygiene Compliance Optimal Among Healthcare Workers? UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium. May 2008.

Bassey H, Afghani B. Barriers to Hygiene Compliance Among Healthcare Workers. UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium. May 2008.

Chang C, Afghani B. Comparison of the Use of Hand Gel vs. Hand Washing Before and after Patient Care. UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium. May 2008.

Tran V, Afghani B. Hand Hygiene Compliance among Different Groups of Healthcare Workers. UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium. May 2008.

Kirk A, Mirhosseini S, Afghani B. Drug Susceptibility Trends Among Community Acquired and Hospital Acquired Soft Tissue Infections. Western Society of Pediatric Research. Carmel, CA 2009.

Ebneshahrashoob M, Afghani B. Becoming a healthcare professional: Identifying the key barriers among underserved students in Orange County. UC Irvine Undergraduate Research Symposium. May 2009.

Afghani, B, Saldana L, Arellano D, Fogel A, Ebneshahrashoob M. Identifying factors in under-representation of minority youth in healthcare careers. Western Society of Pediatric Research, Carmel, CA, Jan 2011.

Arellano D, Ebneshahrashoob M, Saldana L, Fogel A, Afghani B. Promoting the interest of under-represented youth in health care through one-on-one mentorship. Western Society of Pediatric Research, Carmel, CA, Jan 2011.

Afghani B, Santos R, Muratori W, Figueroa S, Anaya S, Angulo M. Cascading Mentorship towards Diversity in Healthcare. Association of American Medical Colleges. Denver, Colorado, Oct. 2011

Afghani, B, Saldana L, Arellano D, Fogel A, Ebneshahrashoob M. Identifying factors in under-representation of minority youth in healthcare careers. Western Society of Pediatric Research, Carmel, CA, Jan 2011.

Arellano D, Ebneshahrashoob M, Saldana L, Fogel A, Afghani B. Promoting the interest of under-represented youth in health care through one-on-one mentorship. Western Society of Pediatric Research, Carmel, CA, Jan 2011.

Jenny Tran, Sharib Gaffar, Maryann Koussa, Uma Patel, Janet Yamaguchi, Behnoosh Afghani. Partnership with the Discovery Science Center: Towards Increasing Diversity in Health Care and Biomedical Fields. Western Society of Pediatric Research, Jan 2012. J Investigative Medicine 2012.

Alexander Fogel, Behnoosh Afghani. Promoting the Interest of Underserved Youth in Health Care Through Small Class-Size, Experiment Driven Learning. Western Society of Pediatric Research (WSPR), Jan 2012. J Investigative Medicine 2012.

Behnoosh Afghani, Jillian Manalang, Alondra Salazar, Joon Hee Lee, Kevin Kim. Should cadaver lab be introduced to Premedical Students in an Effort to Promote Their Interest Towards Health Careers? Western Society of Pediatric Research Jan 2013.

Kevin Anaya, Mayte Delgado, Jarit Unrau, Kevin Kim, Mabel Alvarez, Behnoosh Afghani. Exponential Impact of a Cascading Mentorship Model on the Community. Western Society of Pediatric Research Jan 2013.

Nduka Unaka, Andrew Su, Victor Dang, Isabela Chang, Behnoosh Afghani. Effect of Providing Course Credit on Drop-Out Rates in a Mentorship Program. Western Society of Pediatric Research Jan 2013.

Leppa I, Afghani B. Use of iPad in Enhancing Education during Teaching Rounds: A Qualitative Pilot Study. Western Group on Educational Affairs. May 2013.

Andrea Banuelos, Aneet Atwal, George Moran, Cristine Khachaturova, Nicolas Pappas, Surbhi Bansil, Vanessa Chou, Behnoosh Afghani. An effective summer enrichment program to garner the interest of a diverse population of youth towards health careers. Western Society of Pediatric Research Jan 2014.

Guy Hughes, Leila Amini, Arturo Gasga, Vijay Reddy, Dana Le, Brittany Le, Pollyanna Leung, Hanson Wong, Behnoosh Afghani. Chest Radiographic Patterns in patients hospitalized with RSV. Western Society of Pediatric Research Jan 2014.

Thao Le, Sharib Gaffar, Jarit Unrau, Cameron Nikroo, Doan Troung, Sergio Rodriguez, Nupur Savalia, Mabel Alvarez, Aldana Garcia, Cynthia Bor, Annie Fleming, Behnoosh Afghani. A community based initiative based on peer mentoring to teach healthy habits. Western Society of Pediatric Research Jan 2014.

Diana Totoiu, Behnoosh Afghani. The attitudes of high school and college students towards peer pressure. Western Society of Pediatric Research Jan 2014.

Guy Hughes, Leila Amini, Nicolas Seranio, Owen Hosseinzadeh, Reem Karmouta, Nikki Aflatooni, Ajith Raja, Kendall Mulvaney, Wyatt Robertson, Behnoosh Afghani. Changes in treatment of RSV. Western Society of Pediatric Research Jan 2014.

Ruvalcaba AO, Chang C, Patel, A, Wong C, Jooryabi D, Pao D, Hong J, Afghani B. A closer look at the effects of a partial dose compared to no dose on premature infants at risk for severe IVH: a Meta-analysis. J Invest Med 2015, Vol 63, Abstract #233.

Roozbanian J, Afghani B. Improving Cultural Competency Early in Premedical Career. J Invest Med 2015, Vol 63, Abstract #376.

Mercurio C, Nilkanth M, Walker K, Williams J, Thomas S, Minagar J, Paragas M, Metler, M, Afghani B. Linezolid for treatment of osteoarticular infections in the pediatric population: a review of the literature. J Invest Med 2015, Vol 63, Abstract #170.

Khajeh N , Vennat M. Afghani, B. Educational impact of a pipeline program on underrepresented in medicine (URM( students): a follow-up study. J Invest Med 2015, Vol 63, Abstract #269.

Arroyo Y, Chow J, Farsio F, French P, Lee J, Otarola L, Prasad P, Afghani B. The effect of feeding time on recurrence of intussusception after reduction. J Invest Med 2015, Vol 63, Abstract # 192.

More N, Kim J, Kim Y, Cheranda N, Rozenblit J, Baskaran N, Vyakaranam M, Afghani B. Controversies on Treatment of Diarrhea caused by E. Coli 0157:H7 and the Risk of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome: A Literature Review. J Invest Med 2016: Volume 64, 151.

Aguirre F, Sekiguchi L, Yeung K, Alcayde M, Epstein J, Chintalapati N, Le A, Mehta A, Afghani B. The Value of Thromboprophylaxis in Pediatric Cancer Patients with Central Venous Catheters (CVC): A Closer look at the Literature. J Invest Med 2016: Volume 64, 300.

Garcia A, Chang J, Lee A, Sidhu A, Morehouse A, Kim N, Ravikumar S, Afghani B. The effects of risperidone use in pediatric population with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). J Invest Med 2016: Volume 64, 301.

M. R. Carrillo, G. E. Jennings, C. Le, A. Dong, D. Devineni, R. Sahafi, H. Goo, B. Afghani. Use of medical marijuana for treatment in pediatric patients with epilepsy. J Invest Med 2016: Volume 64, 200.

Heredia G, Patel A. Chung C, Yao J, Sahrai K, Sathe P, Michael Y, Afghani B. Steroid use in premature infants and the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis: A comprehensive review. J Invest Med 2016: Volume 64, 335.

JD Tran, CH Lee, CT Pham, M D Nava, B Afghani. Partnership with the discovery science center: Towards increasing diversity in health care and the inclusion of the smoking lung model. J Invest Med 2016: Volume 64, 199.

Mercurio C, Green J, Afghani B. A close look at the use of hypertonic saline and high flow oxygen in pediatric patients hospitalized with Respiratory Syncytial Virus. J Invest Med 2016: Volume 64, 299.

Orosco J, Afghani, B. Hospital course of pediatric patients admitted for intussusception. J Invest Med 2016: Volume 64, 138.

Rezakahn Khajeh N, Vennat MJ, Afghani B. Comparing the educational outcome of under-respresented in Medicine (URIM) and Non-URIM student participants in a health enrichment program. J Invest Med 2016: Volume 64, 270.

Effect if inhaled corticosteroids on height in pediatric patients with asthma. J. I. Hoil, M. Huang, M. Menefee, E. Kim, B. Wirtz, V. Nguyen, D. Limaye, B. Afghani. J Invest Med 2017: Volume 65, 165.

J. Lawicki, , A. Pham, M. Le, K. Miao, S. Lee, S. Kim, B. Afghani.Beyond microcephaly: Other manifestations of neonatal and infantile congenital ZIKA Virus
J Invest Med 2017: Volume 65, 117.

V. Lau, V. Chiang, O. Kardani, A. Kim, E. Kwan, A. Panchal , J. Viswanathan, B. Afghani. Efficacy of Steroids in preventing long-term renal involvement in pediatric patients with Henoch Schonlein Purpura (HSP): A comprehensive literature review. J Invest Med 2017: Volume 65, 196.

M McDonnell, Pham, D. Sam, I. Shah, M. Vyakaranam, M. Mendoza, B. Afghani. Optimal time for performing surgery on patients with infantile esotropia: A comprehensive literature review. M. A. J Invest Med 2017: Volume 65, 186.

Chow, E. Kim, S. Lin, A. Liu, Y. Nagpal, J. Shin, A. Soni, B. Afghani. Early introduction of food allergens and its effect on developing food allergies. R. J Invest Med 2017: Volume 65, 256.

J. A. Thach, R. Ahn, N. Baskaran, J. Epstein, A. Gomathinayagam, R. Gupta, B. Afghani. Correlation of blood lead levels in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A literature review. J Invest Med 2017: Volume 65, 255.

T. Le, E. I. Kim, A. Huang, K. Woo, P. Jazirian, S. Yue, B. Afghani. The effectiveness of probiotics in treating pediatric functional abdominal pain. J Invest Med 2017: Volume 65, 204.

C. N. Tran, C. J. Huang, R. M. Sun, M. C. Hall, A. Somani, N. Alety, M. Chheang, B. Afghani. Efficacy of antacids in treating gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) in infants: A literature review. J Invest Med 2017: Volume 65, 205.

C. Wong, B. Afghani et al. Utility Of Electrocardiogram Screening Prior To Initiation Of Propranolol Treatment In Infants With Hemangioma. J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 67.

A. Bui, B. Afghani, et al. Cardiovascular Safety Of Methylphenidate (Ritalin) In Treating Pediatric Patients With ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder): A Literature Review. J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 68.

B. Hwee, B. Afghani et al. Does Indomethacin Used For Treatment Of Patent Ductus Arteriousus (Pda) Lead To Necrotizing Enterocolitis And/Or Intestinal Perforation In Premature Infants? J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 116.

S Lee, B. Afghani, et al. Teaching Healthy Habits to A Diverse Population Of Youth By Using Interactive Demonstration Models. J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66.

C. Nikroo, B. Afghani et al. Stimulant Misuse among College Students in the United States: A Literature Review. J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 101.

J Arrora, B. Afghani et al. The Effectiveness of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) In Preventing Migraine Episodes In The Pediatric Population: A Comprehensive Review. J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 121.

S. Zarifafsar, B. Afghani et al. Does Long-Term Use Of A Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Lead To Osteopenia Or Fractures? J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 168.

A Huang, B. Afghani, et al. The Role of Rest in Recovery after Concussion: A Comprehensive Literature Review in Children and Adolescents. J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 161.

S Luzzi, B. Afghani et al. Effectiveness of Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) In Pediatric Patients with Moderate to Severe Eczema: A Literature Review. J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 220.

F Aguirre, B. Afghani et al. The Value of High Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen Therapy In Pediatric Patients With Bronchiolitis: A Closer Look At The Literature. J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 247.

K. Lunny, B. Afghani et al. Understanding Perceived Barriers to Becoming A Physician: Comparison Of Underrepresented And Non-Underrepresented High School Students Attending A Summer Pre-Medical Program. J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 253.

L. Rizkalla, B. Afghani et al. Comparison of Operative and Non-operative Management of Uncomplicated Appendicitis in Children: A Literature Review. J Invest Med 2018, Volume 66: 276.

He K, Afghani B et al. An Intervention to Reduce Unnecessary Chest Radiographs (CXR) In Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Bronchiolitis. J Invest Med 2019; V67, 64.

Tang K, Afghani B et al. Leading Risk Factors For Decolonization Failure Of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA): A Comprehensive Literature. J Invest Med 2019; V67: 83.

Ly S, Afghani B et al. Association Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Osa) And Depression In The Pediatric Population. J Invest Med 2019; V67:67.

Hong J, Afghani B et al. Comparison Of 2-Day Dexamethasone Versus 5-Day Prednisone For Treatment Of Pediatric Patients With Acute Asthma Exacerbation. J Invest Med 2019; V67: 67.

Solomon V, Afghani B et al. Evaluating The Need For Hospitalization After Uncomplicated Enema Reduction Of Intussusception In The Pediatric Population: A Literature Review. J Invest Med 2019; V67:136.

Monshizadeh A, Afghani B et al. Are There Benefits To Animal Assisted Therapy In Pediatric Cancer Patients? J Invest Med 2019; V67: 144.

Shin C, Afghani B et al. Utility Of Probiotics In Management Of Colic In Infants: A Comprehensive Literature Review. J Invest Med 2019; V67: 151.

Dayag H, Afghani B et al. Educational Impact Of Restricting Resident Work Hours: A Comprehensive Literature Review. J Invest Med 2019; V67: 164.

Bui A, Afghani B et al. Risk Factors Associated With Recurrent Kawasaki Disease. J Invest Med 2019; V67: 202.

Nikroo K, Afghani B, et al. Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD): Associations With Changes in Gray Matter And Behaviors. J Invest Med 2019; V67: 216.

Kim J, Afghani B, et al. Surgical Treatment Of Seizures Refractory To Anti-Seizure Medication In The Pediatric Population: A Closer Look At the Literature. J Invest Med 2019; V67:218

Cater M, Afghani B et al. Does Rapid Weight Gain In Infancy Predispose To Being Overweight Later In Life? J Invest Med 2019; V67: 227.

Lawicki J, Afghani B et al. Combinatorial Immunotherapy With Adjunctive Omalizumab. J Invest Med 2019; V67.

A. Bilg, M. Choi, S. Tewari, B. Chan, S. Anis, J. Luu, B. Afghani. COMPARISON OF PROCALCITONIN AND C-REACTIVE PROTEIN IN NEONATAL BACTERIAL SEPSIS. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

J. S. Chang, D. Leung, C. Stockford, M. Ly, A. Shin, B. Afghani. A NOVEL PROGRAM AT THE SCIENCE MUSEUM TO INCREASE THE INTEREST AND KNOWLEDGE OF A DIVERSE POPULATION OF YOUTH TOWARDS HEALTHCARE. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

J. Cheng, D. Kar, N. Tanios, S. Kolluru, A. Mommileti, B. Afghani. MANAGEMENT OF MIGRAINE HEADACHES THROUGH WEB-BASED TECHNOLOGY. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

R. Chow, Z. Bustami, S. Afzal, R. Durvasula, S. Madireddy, T. Gupta, B. Afghani. THE USE OF CEFTAROLINE IN THE TREATMENT OF PEDIATRIC INFECTIONS WITH A FOCUS ON METHICILLIN RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AREUS (MRSA): A LITERATURE REVIEW. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

H. V. Dayag, B. Myint, K. Ok, V. Sampath, J. Hockman, A. Yan, P. Lyu, B. Afghani. DOES CESAREAN SECTION INCREASE THE RISK OF LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS IN INFANTS? Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

K. Ghasemian, W. Pan, S. Anand, N. Ton, I. Kane Gomez, A. Lu, B. Afghani. EFFECTIVENESS OF INTRAVENOUS IMMUNOGLOBULIN VERSUS INLFIXIMAB IN PATIENTS WITH REFRACTORY KAWASAKI DISEASE. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

R. Granados, K. Xu, A. Dihingia, A. Woo, K. Ajjarapu, M. Lai, B. Afghani. DIETARY SUPPLEMENT USE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS AND ATHLETES: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

C. M. Hidalgo, V. Simhambhatla, F. Afzal, P. Raj, A. Patel, A. Saha, B. Afghani. THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA USE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF DISORDERED EATING: A CLOSER LOOK AT THE LITERATURE. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

J. Hong, P. Desagani, S. Narayanan, V. Muruathasan, I. Prasad, M. Tanios, B. Afghani. ASSOCIATION OF CANNABINOID USE AND HYPEREMESIS SYNDROME. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

Y. C. Kozoglu, T. Nguyen, K. Patel, S. Sharma, M. Strok, L. Washiashi, S. J. Park, K. Parang, B. Afghani. INITIAL EMPIRICAL ANTIBIOTIC EXPOSURE IN PREMATURE INFANTS AND THE RISK FOR NECROTIZING ENTEROCOLITIS (NEC). Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

A. Nguyen, J. Bustami, S. Adcook, H. Samiullah, J. Woo, A. Le, M. Shi, B. Afghani. EFFECTIVENESS OF FECAL MICROBIOTA TRANSPLANT IN PATIENTS WITH ULCERATIVE COLITIS: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

K. Nikroo, A. Hawkins, S. Chitoori, D. Singhania, P. Wiederkehr, P. Otero, B. Afghani. LONGITUDINAL FUNCTIONAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (FMRI) FINDINGS IN ADOLESCENTS. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

C. Shin, R. Lin, S. Maddasani, H. Zhang, A. Zidan, S. Chen, P. W. Wu, A. Goswami, B. Afghani. EXCESS IODINE EXPOSURE: A CONTINUED RISK FOR SUBCLINICAL HYPOTHYOROIDSIM IN INFANTS. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, January 2020.

J. L. Williams, I. Bade, S. Arora, M. Ell, G. Shen, S. Udata, B. Afghani. USE OF AROMATHERAPY AS A COMPLEMENTARY THERAPY IN ALLEVIATING CHEMOTHERAPY RELATED ADVERSE EFFECTS IN CANCER PATIENTS. Accepted for Publication, Journal of Investigative Medicine, Jan 2020.
Afghani B, Stutman HR. Bacterial Arthritis Caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Pediatr Infect Dis J 12:881, 1993.

Afghani B, Lieberman JM. Paradoxical Enlargement or Development of Tuberculomas During Therapy: Case Report and Review. Clin Infect Dis 19:1092-99, 1994.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: Can Polymerase Chain Reaction Replace AFB Smear and Culture? J Infect Dis (Letter)172:903-4, 1995.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Polymerase Chain Reaction for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: Comparison of a Rapid Boiling Method to a More Conventional Method of DNA Extraction. Biochem Molecul Med 57:14-18, 1996.

Afghani B, Stutman HR. Rapid Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis using Quantitative Competitive Polymerase Chain Reaction. Biochem Molecul Med 60:182-6, 1997.

Afghani B, Lieberman JM, Duke M, Stutman HR. Comparison of AFB Smear, Culture and Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction in Patients with Tuberculosis Receiving Therapy. Diag Microbio Infect Dis 29:73-79, 1997.

Afghani B. Rapid Differentiation of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis Using Glycerol Susceptibility and Quantitiative-Competitive Polymerase Chain Reaction (QC-PCR). J Invest Med 46:73-75, 1998.

Afghani B, Fujiyama D. Utilization of potassium tellurite for rapid drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium avium complex. J Invest Med 49:292-96; 2001.

Kaplan SL, Afghani B, Lopez P, et al. Linezolid for the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2003;22:S178-85.

Afghani B, Singh S. Paradoxical deterioration of M. bovis lymphadenitis and rapid resolution with corticosteroid therapy. Infect in Med 2005;22: 583-86.

Afghani B, Kong V, Wu F. Use of Nasal Mupirocin for Eradicating Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus: A Dilemma? J Hosp Infect 2006;4(3):299-300.

Afghani B, Ngo T, Leu, S et al. The Effect of an Interventional Program on Adherence to the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines for Palivizumab Prophylaxis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2006;25(11):1019-25.

Westhout, F, Hasso, A, Jalili, M, Armstrong, W, Afghani, B, Nwagwu, C, Ackerman, L. Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis, Intraluminal Jugular Vein Thrombosis, Thrombocytopenia and Internal Carotid Artery Narrowing without Cerebral Infarctions in Lemierre Syndrome, Journal of Neurosurgery - Pediatrics 2007 Jan vol. 106.

Afghani B, Kong V, Wu, F. What Would Pediatric Infectious Disease Consultants Recommend for Treatment of Culture-Negative Osteomyelitis? J Pediatr Orthop 2007 Oct-Nov;27(7):805-9.

Afghani B, Ngo T. Severe respiratory syncytial virus infection in term infants with genetic or other underlying disorders.(letter) Pediatrics. 2008 Apr;121(4):868.

Afghani B, Basimanto S, Amin A, Shapiro S. Medical Students’ Perspectives on Clinical Empathy Training. Education for Health. Volume 24, 2011. Article No. 544.

Afghani B, Santos R, Angulo M, Muratori W. A Novel Enrichment Program Using Cascading Mentorship to Increase Diversity in the Health Care Professions. Acad Med 88(9), 1232-8.

Banuelos A, Afghani B. An Innovative Program for Premedical Students. The Clinical Teacher. 2015, Sept 7. doi: 10. 1111/tct 12450.


Afghani B, Stutman HR. toxin-related Diarrheas. Pediatr Ann. 23:549, 1994.

Afghani B, Marks MI. Diphtheria. In Gellis and Dagan’s Current Pediatric Therapy. Volume 15:594, 1995.

Afghani B, Marks MI. Epiglottitis, Croup, and Laryngitis. In: Current Therapy of Infectious Disease. 1996:87-89.

Afghani B, Marks MI. Fungal Infections. In: Textbook of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine. 1999:750-61.
2010 Anaheim Community Foundation Helping Hands Grant
2011 Anaheim Community Foundation Helping Hands Grant
Other Experience
Chair, Infection Prevention Committee
UC Irvine Medical Center 2007—2009
Physicians Leadership Program
UC Irvine Merage School of Business, Executive Education 2008
Speakers Bureau
UC Irvine Medical Center 2005—pres
Information System Physician Steering Committee
UC Irvine Medical Center 2007—2009
Medical Director, Pediatric Inpatient Ward
UC Irvine Medical Center 2004—2009
Medical Executive Committee, Member
UC Irvine Medical Center 2008—2010
Vice Chair, Department of Pediatrics
UC Irvine 2011—2018
Last updated