Jens Rieckmann
Professor Emeritus of German, German
School of Humanities
School of Humanities
Ph.D. Harvard University, Harvard University, 1975
University of California, Irvine
243 Humanities Instructional Building
Mail Code: 3150
Irvine, CA 92697
243 Humanities Instructional Building
Mail Code: 3150
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
twentieth- century literature, fin-de-siècle Austria, Hofmannsthal, Thomas Mann
Research Abstract
Jens Rieckmann grew up in Germany and began his studies there at the University of Göttingen, where he passed his Staatsexamen in 1971. After coming to the US, he completed his Ph.D. at Harvard University in 1975. He was an assistant professor at the University of Virginia from 1975 to 1981 and a Mellon Faculty Fellow at Harvard in 1980-81. After teaching at the University of Washington from 1981 to 1993, he came to UC Irvine as a full professor in 1993. He received an ACLS research grant for 1983-84 and was a Guggenheim Fellow in 1988-89.
He is the author of Der Zauberberg: Eine geistige Autobiographie Thomas Manns (Stuttgart: Akademischer Verlag Heinz, 1977 and 1979), Aufbruch in die Moderne: Die Anfänge des Jungen Wien. Österreichische Literatur und Kritik im Fin de Siècle (Königstein, Ts.: Athenäum, 1985 and 1986), Hugo von Hofmannsthal und Stefan George: Signifikanz einer 'Episode' aus der Jahrhundertwende (Tuebingen u. Basel: Francke, 1997) and the editor of A Companion to the Works of Stefan George (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2005). He has also published numerous articles, including:
"Erlösung und Beglaubigung: Thomas Manns Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen und Ernst Bertrams Nietzsche: Versuch einer Mythologie," Modern Language Notes 90 (1975): 424-30.
"Zeitblom und Leverkühn: Traditionelles oder avantgardistisches Kunstverständnis?", The German Quarterly 52 (1979): 50-60.
"Zum Problem des 'Durchbruchs' in Thomas Manns Doktor Faustus," Wirkendes Wort 29 (1979): 114-28.
"Von der menschlichen Unzulänglichkeit: Zu Hofmannsthals Das Märchen der 672. Nacht," The German Quarterly 54 (1981): 298-310.
"Narziß und Dionysos: Leopold von Andrians Der Garten der Erkenntnis," Modern Austrian Literature 16 (1983): 65-81.
"'Jung Wien'-Prägung und Rezeption in den neunziger Jahren," Modern Austrian Literature 18 (1984): 39-49.
"Brüderliche Möglichkeiten: Thomas Manns Tonio Kröger und Heinrich Manns Abdankung," Wirkendes Wort 34 (1984): 422-26.
"Hermann Bahr: Sprachskepsis und neue Erzählformen," Orbis Litterarum 40 (1985): 78-87.
"The Reception of the Hofmannsthal and Strauss Operas in the United States," Modern Austrian Literature 20 (1987): 183-89.
"Ästhetizismus und Homoerotik: Hugo von Hofmannsthals Das Bergwerk zu Falun," Orbis Litterarum 44 (1989): 95-105.
"Leopold von Andrian" and "Hugo von Hofmannsthal," in James Hardin, Donald G. Daviau, eds., Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 81: Austrian Fiction Writers 1875-1913. Detroit: Gale Research, 1989, 11-17 & 119-32.
"Viennese Modernism and the Young Hofmannsthal's Crisis of Identity," Selecta 11 (1990): 43-46.
"Leopold von Andrian," in Donald G. Daviau, ed., Major Figures of Turn of the Century Austrian Literature. Riverside: Ariadne Press, 1991, 31-52.
Leopold von Andrian und der österreichische Gedanke," in Donald G. Daviau, ed., Austrian Writers and the Anschluss. Riverside: Ariadne Press, 1991, 1-8.
"Mocking a Mock-Biography: Steven Millhauser's Edwin Mullhouse and Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus," in Ann Fehn et al., eds., Never-ending Stories: Toward a Critical Narratology. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992, 62-69.
"(Anti-)Semitism and Homoeroticism: Hofmannsthal's Reading of Hermann Bahr's Novel Die Rotte Kohras," The German Quarterly 66 (1993): 212-21.
"Zwischen Bewußtsein und Verdrängung: Hofmannsthals jüdisches Erbe," Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift 67 (1993): 466-83.
"Im Scheinhaften scheinhaft: Die Signifikanz des Schauspielers in Hofmannsthals Modernekritik der neunziger Jahre," Austriaca 37 (1993): 267-74.
"Schools of Inauthenticity: The Role of the Akademisches Gymnasium and the Burgtheater in Hofmannsthal's Formative Years," in Jeffrey B. Berlin et al.., eds., Turn-of-the-Century Vienna and Its Legacy: Essays in Honor of Donald G. Daviau. Wien: Edition Atelier, 1993, 67-77.
"Leopold von Andrian," in Donald G. Daviau, ed., Österreichische Tagebuchschriftsteller. Wien: Edition Atelier, 1994, 1-19.
"'In deinem Atem bildet sich mein Wort': Thomas Mann, Franz Westermeier und Die Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull." Thomas Mann Jahrbuch 10 (1997): 149-165.
"Knowing the Other: Leopold von Andrian's Der Garten der Erkenntnis and the Homoerotic Discourse of the Fin-de-Siecle." Austrian Studies 7 (1996): 61-78.
"The Gaze of Love, Longing, and Desire" in Thomas Mann's 'The Transposed Heads' and 'The Black Swan,' in Herbert Lehnert and Eva Wessell, eds. A Companion to the Works of Thomas Mann (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2004), 245-56
He is the author of Der Zauberberg: Eine geistige Autobiographie Thomas Manns (Stuttgart: Akademischer Verlag Heinz, 1977 and 1979), Aufbruch in die Moderne: Die Anfänge des Jungen Wien. Österreichische Literatur und Kritik im Fin de Siècle (Königstein, Ts.: Athenäum, 1985 and 1986), Hugo von Hofmannsthal und Stefan George: Signifikanz einer 'Episode' aus der Jahrhundertwende (Tuebingen u. Basel: Francke, 1997) and the editor of A Companion to the Works of Stefan George (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2005). He has also published numerous articles, including:
"Erlösung und Beglaubigung: Thomas Manns Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen und Ernst Bertrams Nietzsche: Versuch einer Mythologie," Modern Language Notes 90 (1975): 424-30.
"Zeitblom und Leverkühn: Traditionelles oder avantgardistisches Kunstverständnis?", The German Quarterly 52 (1979): 50-60.
"Zum Problem des 'Durchbruchs' in Thomas Manns Doktor Faustus," Wirkendes Wort 29 (1979): 114-28.
"Von der menschlichen Unzulänglichkeit: Zu Hofmannsthals Das Märchen der 672. Nacht," The German Quarterly 54 (1981): 298-310.
"Narziß und Dionysos: Leopold von Andrians Der Garten der Erkenntnis," Modern Austrian Literature 16 (1983): 65-81.
"'Jung Wien'-Prägung und Rezeption in den neunziger Jahren," Modern Austrian Literature 18 (1984): 39-49.
"Brüderliche Möglichkeiten: Thomas Manns Tonio Kröger und Heinrich Manns Abdankung," Wirkendes Wort 34 (1984): 422-26.
"Hermann Bahr: Sprachskepsis und neue Erzählformen," Orbis Litterarum 40 (1985): 78-87.
"The Reception of the Hofmannsthal and Strauss Operas in the United States," Modern Austrian Literature 20 (1987): 183-89.
"Ästhetizismus und Homoerotik: Hugo von Hofmannsthals Das Bergwerk zu Falun," Orbis Litterarum 44 (1989): 95-105.
"Leopold von Andrian" and "Hugo von Hofmannsthal," in James Hardin, Donald G. Daviau, eds., Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 81: Austrian Fiction Writers 1875-1913. Detroit: Gale Research, 1989, 11-17 & 119-32.
"Viennese Modernism and the Young Hofmannsthal's Crisis of Identity," Selecta 11 (1990): 43-46.
"Leopold von Andrian," in Donald G. Daviau, ed., Major Figures of Turn of the Century Austrian Literature. Riverside: Ariadne Press, 1991, 31-52.
Leopold von Andrian und der österreichische Gedanke," in Donald G. Daviau, ed., Austrian Writers and the Anschluss. Riverside: Ariadne Press, 1991, 1-8.
"Mocking a Mock-Biography: Steven Millhauser's Edwin Mullhouse and Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus," in Ann Fehn et al., eds., Never-ending Stories: Toward a Critical Narratology. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992, 62-69.
"(Anti-)Semitism and Homoeroticism: Hofmannsthal's Reading of Hermann Bahr's Novel Die Rotte Kohras," The German Quarterly 66 (1993): 212-21.
"Zwischen Bewußtsein und Verdrängung: Hofmannsthals jüdisches Erbe," Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift 67 (1993): 466-83.
"Im Scheinhaften scheinhaft: Die Signifikanz des Schauspielers in Hofmannsthals Modernekritik der neunziger Jahre," Austriaca 37 (1993): 267-74.
"Schools of Inauthenticity: The Role of the Akademisches Gymnasium and the Burgtheater in Hofmannsthal's Formative Years," in Jeffrey B. Berlin et al.., eds., Turn-of-the-Century Vienna and Its Legacy: Essays in Honor of Donald G. Daviau. Wien: Edition Atelier, 1993, 67-77.
"Leopold von Andrian," in Donald G. Daviau, ed., Österreichische Tagebuchschriftsteller. Wien: Edition Atelier, 1994, 1-19.
"'In deinem Atem bildet sich mein Wort': Thomas Mann, Franz Westermeier und Die Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull." Thomas Mann Jahrbuch 10 (1997): 149-165.
"Knowing the Other: Leopold von Andrian's Der Garten der Erkenntnis and the Homoerotic Discourse of the Fin-de-Siecle." Austrian Studies 7 (1996): 61-78.
"The Gaze of Love, Longing, and Desire" in Thomas Mann's 'The Transposed Heads' and 'The Black Swan,' in Herbert Lehnert and Eva Wessell, eds. A Companion to the Works of Thomas Mann (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2004), 245-56
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