Jill Berg
Professor Emeritus
Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing
Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing
B.A., Brooklyn College, 1977, English
B.S., University of Syracuse, 1978, Nursing
M.S., University of Florida, 1986, Nursing
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1995, Nursing
B.S., University of Syracuse, 1978, Nursing
M.S., University of Florida, 1986, Nursing
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1995, Nursing
University of California, Irvine
217 Irvine Hall
Mail Code: 3959
Irvine, CA 92697
217 Irvine Hall
Mail Code: 3959
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Adherence and Chronic Disease self-management, chronic pulmonary disease (Asthma, TB), vulnerable populations
Academic Distinctions
1993 Finalist-Nightingale Awards of Pennsylvania, Nursing Education-1993
1992-1995 NIH Pre-doctoral Training Award Fellowship
2002 NINR Mentored Training Award – KO1
2004 Asthma Health Outcomes Project Participant
1992-1995 NIH Pre-doctoral Training Award Fellowship
2002 NINR Mentored Training Award – KO1
2004 Asthma Health Outcomes Project Participant
Research Abstract
The overall focus of my research is on practical interventions to aid management of chronic pulmonary disease in vulnerable populations. Early work centered on patients with complicated regimens, such as AIDS, end-stage renal disease and COPD. My doctoral study involved an in-depth look at adherence behavior, such as medication adherence in patients with asthma. Although some of my research still involves testing interventions to improve adherence behavior (TB adherence in adolescents, homeless persons), I continue my research program on asthma management. Specifically, I have expanded my initial interest in asthma to allergies and the environment in a vulnerable population of high-risk urban Mexican American families with children with asthma. It is my future goal to develop culturally sensitive and practical interventions to improve asthma management for vulnerable populations
Berg, J., Evangelista, L. and Dunbar-Jacob, J. (2012). Compliance. In I.Lubkin, I. & P. Larsen (Eds.) (2012) Chronic illness: Impact and interventions (8th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
Berg, B.L. & Berg, J. (1988). AIDS in prison: the social construction of a reality. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 32(1), 17-28.
Berg, J. & Berg, B.L. (1989). Compliance and cultural factors among American Black End-Stage Renal Disease Patients. Journal of National Black Nurses Association 3(2), 16-28.
Berg, J. (1990). Assessing for pericarditis in the End-Stage Renal Disease Patient. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing 9(5), 266-271.
Berg, B.L. & Berg, J. (1993). Triangulation in nursing research: refining terminology. Issues in Creative Sociology 21(1), 65-73.
Berg, J. & Serenko, P. (1993). Teaching professional writing skills to the baccalaureate student. The Journal of Nursing Education 32(7), p. 329.
Hoffman, L.A., Berg, J. & Rogers, R.M. (1989). Daily living with COPD. Postgraduate Medicine 86(6), 153-166.
Berg, J. (1996). Quality of life in COPD patients using Transtracheal Oxygen. Med-Surg Nursing 5(1), 36-40.
Berg, J., Dunbar-Jacob, J. & Sereika, S. (1997). An evaluation of a self-management program for adults with asthma. Clinical Nursing Research, 6, 225-238.
Berg, J. & Shellenbarger, T. Finding the right faculty: The important job of the search committee. Nurse Educator, December 1998.
Berg, J., Dunbar-Jacob, J. & Rohay, J. M. (1998). Compliance with inhaled medications: The relationship between diary and electronic monitor. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 20:36-38.
Evangelista, L., Berg, J. Dracup, K. (2001). Relationship between psychosocial variables and compliance in heart failure patients. Heart and Lung, 30:294-301.
Perry, S, Hovell, M, Blumberg, E., Berg J, Vera, A., Sipan, C., Kelley, N., Moser, K., Catanzaro A, Friedman L. (2002) Urine Testing to monitor adherence with TB preventive therapy in Latino Adolescence. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 55:235-238.
Hovell MF, Blumberg E, Gil-Trejo L, Vera A, Kelley N, Sipan C, Hofstetter CR, Marshall S, Berg J, Friedman L, Catanzaro A, Moser K. (2003). Predictors of adherence to treatment for latent tuberculosis infection in High-Risk Latino Adolescents: a behavioral epidemiological analysis. Soc Sci Med. 56:1789-1796.
Berg, J., Blumberg, E., Sipan, C., Friedman, L., Kelley, N., Vera, AY, Hoffstetter, CR, Hovell, MF., (2004). Somatic complaints and isoniazid (INH) side effects in Latino adolescents with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Patient Education and Counseling. Jan;52(1):31-9.
Berg, J., Wahlgren, DR, Hofstetter, CR., Meltzer, SB., Meltzer, EO, Matt, GE, Martinez-Donate, A., Hovell, MH. (2004) Latino children with asthma: rates and risks for medical care utilization. Journal of Asthma. 41(2):147-157.
Patak L, Gawlinski A, Fung NI, Doering L, Berg J. (2004). Patients' reports of health care practitioner interventions related to communication during mechanical ventilation. Heart & Lung. 33:308-320.
Nyamathi, A., Sands, H., Pattatucci-Aragon, A., Berg, J., Leake, B., Hahn, JE., Morisky, D., (2004) Perception of health status by homeless U.S. Veterans. Family and Community Health. 27(1):65-74.
Berg, J., Tichacek, MJ., Theodorakis, R. (2004) Evaluation of an educational program for adolescents with asthma. Journal of School Nursing. 20(1): 29-35.
Nyamathi, A., Sands, H., Pattatucci-Aragon, A., Berg, J., Leake, B. (2004). TB knowledge, perceived risk and risk behaviors among homeless adults. Journal of Community Health. 29(6):483-97.
Berg, J. Rachelefsky, G., Jones, C.A., Tichacek, M.J., Morphew, T. (2004). Identification of Preschool Children with Asthma from low-income families in Los Angeles. Annals of Allergy, Immunology and. Asthma, 93(5):465-71.
Berg, J., Nyamathi, A., Morisky, D., Leake, B. (2005) Predictors of screening results for depressive symptoms among homeless adults in Los Angeles with latent Tuberculosis. Research in Nursing and Health 28 (3): 220-9.
Nyamathi, A., Berg, J., Jones, T., Sands, H., Leake, B. (2005). Predictors of perceived health status of Tuberculosis-Infected homeless. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 27(7), 896-910; discussion 911.
Blumberg E, Hovell MF, Kelley NJ, Vera AY, Sipan CL, Berg, JP. (2005). Self-report INH adherence measures were reliable and valid in Latino adolescents with latent tuberculosis infection. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 58(6):543-648.
Patak L, Gawlinski A, Fung NI, Doering L, Berg J, Henneman EA (2006). Communication Boards in Critical Care: A Patient’s View. Applied Nursing Research. Nov;19(4):182-90.
Berg, J., Tichacek, M.J., Anderson, N., Corbell, A. Rachelefsky, G., Latino Families and Asthma Management: An Exploratory Study. (2007) In press for the Journal of Pediatric Health Care.
Nyamathi, A., Hahid, P., Berg, J., Christiani, A., Aqtash, S., Morisky, D., & Leake, B. Efficacy of a nurse case managed program on completion of treatment regimens for latent tuberculosis infection among homeless sub-samples. (2007) In press for Nursing Research.
Berg, J., McConnell, R., Milam, J., Galvan, J., Kotlerman, J., Thorne, P., Jones, C., Ferdman, R., Eggleston, PE., Rand, C., Lewis, MA., Peters, J., Richardson, J. (2007) Rodent Allergen in Los Angeles Inner City Homes of Children with Asthma. In press for Journal of Urban Health.
Berg, J. & Berg, B.L. (1989). Compliance and cultural factors among American Black End-Stage Renal Disease Patients. Journal of National Black Nurses Association 3(2), 16-28.
Berg, J. (1990). Assessing for pericarditis in the End-Stage Renal Disease Patient. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing 9(5), 266-271.
Berg, B.L. & Berg, J. (1993). Triangulation in nursing research: refining terminology. Issues in Creative Sociology 21(1), 65-73.
Berg, J. & Serenko, P. (1993). Teaching professional writing skills to the baccalaureate student. The Journal of Nursing Education 32(7), p. 329.
Hoffman, L.A., Berg, J. & Rogers, R.M. (1989). Daily living with COPD. Postgraduate Medicine 86(6), 153-166.
Berg, J. (1996). Quality of life in COPD patients using Transtracheal Oxygen. Med-Surg Nursing 5(1), 36-40.
Berg, J., Dunbar-Jacob, J. & Sereika, S. (1997). An evaluation of a self-management program for adults with asthma. Clinical Nursing Research, 6, 225-238.
Berg, J. & Shellenbarger, T. Finding the right faculty: The important job of the search committee. Nurse Educator, December 1998.
Berg, J., Dunbar-Jacob, J. & Rohay, J. M. (1998). Compliance with inhaled medications: The relationship between diary and electronic monitor. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 20:36-38.
Evangelista, L., Berg, J. Dracup, K. (2001). Relationship between psychosocial variables and compliance in heart failure patients. Heart and Lung, 30:294-301.
Perry, S, Hovell, M, Blumberg, E., Berg J, Vera, A., Sipan, C., Kelley, N., Moser, K., Catanzaro A, Friedman L. (2002) Urine Testing to monitor adherence with TB preventive therapy in Latino Adolescence. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 55:235-238.
Hovell MF, Blumberg E, Gil-Trejo L, Vera A, Kelley N, Sipan C, Hofstetter CR, Marshall S, Berg J, Friedman L, Catanzaro A, Moser K. (2003). Predictors of adherence to treatment for latent tuberculosis infection in High-Risk Latino Adolescents: a behavioral epidemiological analysis. Soc Sci Med. 56:1789-1796.
Berg, J., Blumberg, E., Sipan, C., Friedman, L., Kelley, N., Vera, AY, Hoffstetter, CR, Hovell, MF., (2004). Somatic complaints and isoniazid (INH) side effects in Latino adolescents with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Patient Education and Counseling. Jan;52(1):31-9.
Berg, J., Wahlgren, DR, Hofstetter, CR., Meltzer, SB., Meltzer, EO, Matt, GE, Martinez-Donate, A., Hovell, MH. (2004) Latino children with asthma: rates and risks for medical care utilization. Journal of Asthma. 41(2):147-157.
Patak L, Gawlinski A, Fung NI, Doering L, Berg J. (2004). Patients' reports of health care practitioner interventions related to communication during mechanical ventilation. Heart & Lung. 33:308-320.
Nyamathi, A., Sands, H., Pattatucci-Aragon, A., Berg, J., Leake, B., Hahn, JE., Morisky, D., (2004) Perception of health status by homeless U.S. Veterans. Family and Community Health. 27(1):65-74.
Berg, J., Tichacek, MJ., Theodorakis, R. (2004) Evaluation of an educational program for adolescents with asthma. Journal of School Nursing. 20(1): 29-35.
Nyamathi, A., Sands, H., Pattatucci-Aragon, A., Berg, J., Leake, B. (2004). TB knowledge, perceived risk and risk behaviors among homeless adults. Journal of Community Health. 29(6):483-97.
Berg, J. Rachelefsky, G., Jones, C.A., Tichacek, M.J., Morphew, T. (2004). Identification of Preschool Children with Asthma from low-income families in Los Angeles. Annals of Allergy, Immunology and. Asthma, 93(5):465-71.
Berg, J., Nyamathi, A., Morisky, D., Leake, B. (2005) Predictors of screening results for depressive symptoms among homeless adults in Los Angeles with latent Tuberculosis. Research in Nursing and Health 28 (3): 220-9.
Nyamathi, A., Berg, J., Jones, T., Sands, H., Leake, B. (2005). Predictors of perceived health status of Tuberculosis-Infected homeless. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 27(7), 896-910; discussion 911.
Blumberg E, Hovell MF, Kelley NJ, Vera AY, Sipan CL, Berg, JP. (2005). Self-report INH adherence measures were reliable and valid in Latino adolescents with latent tuberculosis infection. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 58(6):543-648.
Patak L, Gawlinski A, Fung NI, Doering L, Berg J, Henneman EA (2006). Communication Boards in Critical Care: A Patient’s View. Applied Nursing Research. Nov;19(4):182-90.
Berg, J., Tichacek, M.J., Anderson, N., Corbell, A. Rachelefsky, G., Latino Families and Asthma Management: An Exploratory Study. (2007) In press for the Journal of Pediatric Health Care.
Nyamathi, A., Hahid, P., Berg, J., Christiani, A., Aqtash, S., Morisky, D., & Leake, B. Efficacy of a nurse case managed program on completion of treatment regimens for latent tuberculosis infection among homeless sub-samples. (2007) In press for Nursing Research.
Berg, J., McConnell, R., Milam, J., Galvan, J., Kotlerman, J., Thorne, P., Jones, C., Ferdman, R., Eggleston, PE., Rand, C., Lewis, MA., Peters, J., Richardson, J. (2007) Rodent Allergen in Los Angeles Inner City Homes of Children with Asthma. In press for Journal of Urban Health.
“Evaluation of a self-management program for asthmatics". The National Center for Nursing Research, National Institutes of Health, Pre-doctoral training award recipient, June 1992.
"An Evaluation of a Self-Management Program for Adults with Asthma". Glaxo Research Institute, May 1993.
"Perceptions of asthma severity and asthma management among Latino adolescents with asthma". University of California-Los Angeles, July 1998.
“Development of an Asthma Self-Management Tool”. University of California-Los Angeles, 12/98.
“Reducing Absenteeism in Minority Adolescents with Asthma, a pilot study”. UCLA SON
“The Preschool Asthma Screening Initiative”. Allergy Research Foundation, Inc. Los Angeles, CA
“Childhood Asthma in Los Angeles: Providing Education to Disadvantaged Families of Preschoolers”. UCLA, Council on Research, Academic Senate
“Rodent Allergen in Homes of Latino Children with Asthma”. KO1 funded by National Institute of Health/National Institute for Nursing Research. April 1, 2002-March 31, 2005.
“Validation of a Questionnaire to Identify Asthma” UCLA, Council on Research
July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2005
“Photo-voice Assessment of Asthma Triggers in Latino Homes (NINR, pilot project funded with Center Renewal)
Healthy Children, Healthy Homes Program. S.C. Johnson Grant. Co PI with Mary Ann Lewis, DrPH. January, 2007 – August, 2007.
Professional Societies
Sigma Theta Tau (1983 – present)
Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) (1992 – present)
American Lung Association - Local chapter board member (1989-1991)
American Thoracic Society (1991- present)
Asthma Special Interest Group (ATS) (2000 – present)
California Thoracic Society (2001 – present)
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