Xiaogang Gao

Picture of Xiaogang Gao
Adjunct Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Ph.D., The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 1993, Hydroclimatology
M.S., Fuzhi University of China, Shanghai, China, 1981
B.S., Fuzhi University of China, Shanghai, China, 1967
Phone: (949) 824-8822
Fax: (949) 824-8831
Email: gaox@uci.edu
University of California, Irvine
E/4130 Engineering Gateway
Mail Code: 2175
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Hydroclimatology, hydrology, fluid dynamics, and engineering mathematics
Research Abstract
Dr. Gao's research is in the characterization of hydrometeorology using coupled atmosphere-land surface models. He studies mesocale and hydrological modeling for understanding the changes and variations of climate and hydrology over the global arid and semi-arid regions and searching the applications of model predictions in the regional hydrology and water resources.

Dr. Gao also is working on using satellite remotely sensed information to retrieve physical variables of atmosphere, land surface, and ocean, which include the global precipitation (rainfall and snowfall), clouds, sea surface temperature, and vegetation parameters. Current research focuses on the data assimilation, ensemble forecasts to improve the predictability of mesoscale models.

He is currently doing research for the Center for Hydrology & Remote Sensing (CHRS), HSSOE Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering.
Publications (Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles)
Qing Xia, X. Gao, W. Chu and S. Sorooshian, Estimate cloud-free snow cover areas from MODIS daily images based on variational interpolation: Validation, Water Resources Research, 48, W09523, doi:10.1029/2011WR011072, 2012.

Sorooshian, S., J. Li, K. Hsu, and X. Gao, Influence of irrigation schemes used in regional climate models on evapotranspiration estimation: Results and comparative studies from California’s Central Valley agricultural regions, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D06107, doi:10.1029/2011JD016978, 2012.

Nasrollahi, N., A. Aghakouchak, J. Li, X. Gao, K. Hsu, and S. Sorooshian, Assessing the impacts of different WRF precipitation physics in hurricane simulation, Weather and Forecasting, doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-10-05000.1

Wei Chu, X. Gao, Thomas J. Phillips and S. Sorooshian, Consistency of spatial patterns of the daily precipitation field in the western United States and its application to precipitation disaggregation, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L04403, doi:10.1029/2010GL046473, 2011.

Wei Chu, X. Gao and S. Sorooshian, A new evolutionary search strategy for global optimization of high-dimensional Problems, Information Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.ins. 2011.06.024.

Sorooshian, S., J. Li, K. Hsu, and X. Gao, How significant is the impact of irrigation on the local hydroclimate in California’s Central Valley? Comparison of model results with ground and remote-sensing data, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D06102, doi:10.1029/2010JD014775, 2011.

Wei Chu, X. Gao and S. Sorooshian, A solution to the crucial problem of population degeneration in high- dimensional evolutionary optimization, IEEE systems journal, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2011.2158682.

Wei Chu, X. Gao and S. Sorooshian, Fortify particle swam optimizer (pso) with principal components analysis, Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp.1644-1648, doi: 10.1109/CEC.2011.5949812.

Wei Chu, X. Gao and S. Sorooshian, Improving the shuffled complex evolution scheme for optimization of complex nonlinear hydrological systems: Application to the calibration of the Sacramento soil-moisture accounting model, Water Resources Research, 46, W09530, doi:10.1029/2010WR009224, 2010.

Wei Chu, X. Gao and S. Sorooshian, Bound handling strategy is critical to the success of particle swarm optimization on high-dimensional complex problems, Information Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.ins.2010.11.030, 2010.

Li, J., S. Sorooshian, W. Higgins, X. Gao, B. Imam and K-L Hsu, Influence of Spatial Resolution on Diurnal Variability During the North American Monsoon, J. Climate, 21(16), 3967-3988, 2008.

Li, J., X. Gao and S. Sorooshian, Model performance of downscaling 1999-2004 hydrometerological fields to Upper Rio Grande River basin at different forcing datasets, J. of Hydrometeor., 9(4), 677-694, 2008.

Park, G-H., X. Gao and S. Sorooshian, Estimate spectral components of surface net radiation: an analysis of long-term ground observation data, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D04207, dio:10.1029/2007JD008903, 2008.

Gao, X., J. Li, and S. Sorooshian, Modeling Intra-Seasonal Features of 2004 North American Monsoon Precipitation, J. Climate, 20(9), 1890–1904, 2007.

Yaun, H., S.L. Mullen, X. Gao, S. Sorooshian, J. Du, and H. Juan, Short-Range Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts over the Southwest United States by the RSM Ensemble System, and have included it in the May issue of the Mon. Wea. Rev., 135(5), 1685–1698, 2007.

Yaun, H., X. Gao, S.L. Mullen, S. Sorooshian, J. Du, and H. Juan, Calibration of Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts With an Artificial Neural Network, Wea. Forecast., 22(6), 1287-1303, 2007.

Li, J., X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian, Modeling and Analysis of the Variability of the Water Cycle in the Upper Rio Grande Basin at High Resolution, J. Hydrometeor., l8(4) 805-824, 2007.

Jin, J., N.L. Miller, S. Sorooshian, and X. Gao, Relationship between atmospheric circulation and snowpack in the western USA, Hydrol. Process. 20, 753-767, 2006.

Ajami N. Q. Duan, X. Gao and S. Sorooshian, Multimodel combination techniques for analysis of hydrological simulations: application to distributed model intercomparison project results, J. Hydrometeor., 7(4), 755-768, 2006.

Duan, Q., N. Ajami, X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian, Multi-model ensemble hydrologic prediction using Bayesian model averaging, Adv. Water Resour., doi:10.1016/2006.11.014, 2006.

Morin, E. D.C. Goodrich, R.A. Maddox, X. Gao, H.V. Gupta, and S. Sorooshian, Spatial patterns in thunderstorm rainfall events and their coupling with watershed hydrological response, Adv. Water Resour., 29, 843-860, 2006.

Xu, J., Q. Xiao, X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian, Influence of assimilating rainfall derived from WSR-88D radar on the rainstorm forecasts over the southwestern United States, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D13105, doi:10.1029/2005JD006650, 2006.

Morin, E. D.C. Goodrich, R.A. Maddox, X. Gao, H.V. Gupta, and S. Sorooshian, Rainfall modeling for integrating radar information into hydrological model, Atmos. Sci. Let., 6, 23-30, 2005. (20%-co-authored)

Yaun, H., S.L. Mullen, X. Gao, S. Sorooshian, J. Du, and H. Juan, Verification of quantitative precipitation forecasts over the southwest U.S. during winter 2002-2003 by the RSM ensemble system, Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 279-294, 2005.

Hong, Y., K. Hsu, S. Sorooshian, and X. Gao, Improved representation of diurnal variability of rainfall retrieved from the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission Microwave Imager adjusted precipitation estimation from remotely sensed information using artificial neural network, J. Geophys. Res., D06102, doi:10.1029/2004JD005301, 2005.

Hong, Y., K. Hsu, S. Sorooshian, and X. Gao, Self-organized nonlinear output (SONO): a neural network suitable for cloud patch-based rainfall estimation at small scales, Water Resour. Res. 41, W03008, doi:10.1029/2004WR003142, 2005.

Li, J., X. Gao, R.A. Maddox, and S. Sorooshian, Sensitivity of North American monsoon rainfall to multi-sources sea surface temperature in MM5, Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 2922-2939, 2005.

Hong, Y., K. Hsu, S. Sorooshian, and X. Gao, Precipitation estimation from remotely sensed imagery using an artificial neural network_cloud classification system, J. Appl. Meteor.,

Li, J., X. Gao, R.A. Maddox, and S. Sorooshian, Model study of evolution and durnal variations of rainfall in North American monsoon during June and July 2002, Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 191-211, 2004.

Xu, J., X. Gao, J. Shuttleworth, S. Sorooshian, and E. Small, Model climatology of the North American monsoon during 1980-2001, J. Climate. 17, 183-, 2004.

Xu, J., X. Gao, Q. Xiao, and S. Sorooshian, Investigate the impacts of assimilating satellite rainfall estimates on rainstorm forecast over southwest United States, Geophys, Res. Lett. 31, 1029-1032, 2004.

Xu, J., J. Shuttleworth, X. Gao, S. Sorooshian, and E. Small, Soil moisture-precipitation feedback on the North American monsoon system in the MM5-OSU model, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 130, 2873-2890, 2004.

Yucel, I., W.J. Shuttleworth, X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian, Short term performance of the MM5 model with cloud assimilation from satellite observations, Mon. Wea. Rev.,131, 1797-1810, 2003.

Hsu, K., H.V. Gupta, X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian, SOLO–an effective and efficient artificial neural network suitable for hydrologic modeling and analysis, Water Resour. Res., 38, 1-17, 2003.

Jin, J., X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian,, Impacts of model calibration on high-latitude land surface processes: PILPS 2e calibration/validation experiment, Global and Planetary Change, 38, 73-80, 2003.

Morin, E., W.F. Krajewski, D. Goodrich, X. Gao and S. Sorooshian, Estimating rainfall intensities from weather radar data: the scale dependency problem, Water Resour. Res., 4, 201-213, 2003.

Li, J., X. Gao, R.A. Maddox, S. Sorooshian, and K. Hsu, Summer weather simulation for the semi-arid lower Colorado River basin: case tests, Mon. Wea. Rev., 131(3), 521-541, 2003.

Li, J., R.A. Maddox, X. Gao, S. Sorooshian, and K. Hsu, A numerical investigation of the storm structure and evolution in the 1999 Las Vegas flooding, Mon. Wea. Rev., 131(9), 2038-2059, 2003.

Gao, X., S. Sorooshian, J. Li and J. Xu, MODIS SST makes difference in north American monsoon rainfall simulation, EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 84 (45), 2003.
NOAA Climate Change Data and Detection (CCDD)
Professional Societies
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
American Meteorology Society (AMS)
Chinese Engineer Society (CES)
Research Centers
Center for Hydrometeorology & Remote Sensing (CHRS) http://www.chrs.web.uci.edu/
Last updated