Penelope Collins
Associate Professor, Education
School of Education
School of Education
Ph.D., Ontario Institute for Studies in Education / University of Toronto, 1997, Applied Developmental Psychology
University of California, Irvine
2038 Education Building
Mail Code: 5500
Irvine, CA 92697
2038 Education Building
Mail Code: 5500
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Reading Development, Education for Second and Dual Language Learners, Early Childhood, Adolescent Literacy, Digital Literacy, Reading Disabilities, Phonological Awareness, Vocabulary, Academic Language, Reading Intervention
Research Abstract
Penelope Collins is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of California, Irvine. Her research examines the development of language and literacy skills for children from linguistically diverse backgrounds, and the early identification of children at-risk for reading difficulties. Currently, she is involved in ongoing projects on effective instructional interventions and the use of technology to promote academic success for English learners in elementary, middle and secondary school. In addition to her scholarly research, Dr. Collins co-authored the Institute for Education Sciences’ guide for practitioners and administrators, Effective Literacy and Language Instruction for English Learners in the Elementary Grades, An IES Practice Guide, and the curricular program for struggling readers in elementary and middle school, California Gateways: Mastering the California Standards. Dr. Collins’ international work includes writing reports on student performance on early grade reading in Zambia and Yemen for the United States Agency for International Development.
Dr. Collins currently serves on the editorial boards of the Elementary School Journal and the Journal of Reading Research, and has served on the editorial board for the Journal of Learning Disabilities and Educational Psychology. Her work has appeared in Applied Psycholinguistics, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, and Scientific Studies of Reading.
Dr. Collins currently serves on the editorial boards of the Elementary School Journal and the Journal of Reading Research, and has served on the editorial board for the Journal of Learning Disabilities and Educational Psychology. Her work has appeared in Applied Psycholinguistics, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, and Scientific Studies of Reading.
Townsend, D. R., Collins, P. R. (2009). Academic vocabulary and middle school English learners: An intervention study. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 22, 993-1019.
Olson, C. B., Kim, J. S., Scarcella, R., Kramer, J., Pearson, M., van Dyk, D. A., Collins, P. R., Land, R. E. (2012). Enhancing the interpretive reading and analytic writing of mainstreamed English learners in secondary school: Results from a randomized field trial using a cognitive strategies approach. American Educational Research Journal, 49, 323-355.
Collins, P. R., Hwang, J. K., Zheng, B., Warschauer, M. J. (2013). Writing with laptops: A quasi-experimental study. Writing & Pedagogy, 25, 1747-1767. doi: 10.1558/wap.v5i2.203.
Zheng, B., Warschauer, M., Hwang, J. K., Collins, P. R. (2014). Laptop Use, Interactive Science Software, and Science Learning Among At-Risk Students. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23(4), 591-603. doi: 10.1007/s10956-014-9489-5.
Schuck, S. E.B., Emmerson, N., Ziv, H., Collins, P. R., Arastoo, S., Wehmeier, K. F., Crinella, F., Lakes, K. D. (2016). Designing an iPad App to Monitor and Improve Classroom Behavior for Children with ADHD: iSelfControl Feasibility and Pilot Studies. PLOS One, 11(10). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164229.
Hwang, J. K., Lawrence, J., Snow, C., Collins, P. R.. (2017). Vocabulary and reading performances of redesignated fluent English proficient students. TESOL Quarterly.
"Digital Scaffolding for English Language Arts," Institute for Education Sciences (July 1, 2015 - September 30, 2019).
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