Mark Warschauer

Picture of Mark Warschauer
Distinguished Professor
School of Education
Phone: (949) 824-2526; (949) 331-0737
University of California, Irvine
3200 Education
Mail Code: 5500
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Digital Learning; Language and Literacy; STEM; Diversity and Equity
Academic Distinctions
Member of the National Academy of Education; Fellow of the American Educational Research Association; Founding Editor of Language Learning & Technology journal; Inaugural Editor of AERA Open journal; Fulbright Scholar, US Title VII Bilingual Education Fellow
Short Biography
Mark Warschauer is a Professor of Education at UC Irvine with an affiliated appointment in Informatics, Language Science, and Psychologyical Science, and director of the Digital Learning Lab. He is one of the most widely-cited scholars in the world on digital learning topics such as computer-assisted language learning, digital literacy, the digital divide, one-to-one laptop classrooms, and artificial intelligence in education. His team is currently focusing on the use of conversational agents to support children’s learning and on the teaching and learning of computer science for linguistically diverse students.

A first generation college student and former community organizer for the United Farm Workers union, Dr. Warschauer began his educational career as a Spanish bilingual math and ESL teacher in San Francisco public schools. He has previously taught and conducted research in Hawaii, Moscow, Prague, Egypt, China, Japan, Singapore, Mexico, and Brazil. He has served as founding editor of Language Learning & Technology journal and inaugural editor of AERA Open. A former Fulbright Scholar and US Title VII Bilingual Education Fellow, he is a Fellow of the American Education Research Association and a Member of the National Academy of Education.
Research Centers
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