Jean-Daniel M. Saphores
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Professor, Economics
School of Social Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Professor, Urban Planning and Public Policy
School of Social Ecology
School of Social Ecology
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1997, Environmental & Resource Economics
M.A., Cornell University, 1994, Economics
M.S., Cornell University, 1994, Environmental Systems
M.S., University of Colorado, 1989, Geotechnical Engineering
Ingenieur Civil, Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, 1988, Civil Engineering
M.A., Cornell University, 1994, Economics
M.S., Cornell University, 1994, Environmental Systems
M.S., University of Colorado, 1989, Geotechnical Engineering
Ingenieur Civil, Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, 1988, Civil Engineering
University of California, Irvine
218D SEI
Irvine, CA 92697
218D SEI
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Environmental Systems; Transportation Systems; Environmental and natural resource economics; Urban Economics; Sustainability.
Research Abstract
Environmental Systems; Transportation Systems; Environmental and Natural Resource Economics and Policy (with a special interest for urban air pollution, congestion, water resources, and waste management); Applied Econometrics; and Applied Microeconomics. More generally, I am interested in decision making under uncertainty using the theory of Real Options.
* J52 Hsu, H-P, and J-D Saphores, 2013. Impacts of parental gender and attitudes on children’s school travel mode and parental chauffeuring behavior: results for California based on the 2009 National Household Travel Survey. Transportation DOI 10.1007/s11116-013-9500-7
* J51 Grant S.B., Fletcher T.D., Feldman D., Saphores J.D., Cook P.L.M., Stewardson M.J., Low K., Burry K., Hamilton A.J. 2013. Adapting Urban Water Systems to a Changing Climate: Lessons from the Millennium Drought in Southeast Australia. Environmental Science & Technology 47(19): 10727 – 10734.
* J50 Milovantseva, N, and J.-D. Saphores, 2013. E-waste bans and U.S. households' preferences for disposing of their e-waste. Journal of Environmental Management 124(30): 8-16.
* J49 Lam, C.W., Lim, S.-R., Ogunseitan, O.A., Shapiro, A.A., Saphores, J-D, Brock, A., Schoenung, J. 2013. Integrating toxicity reduction strategies for materials and components into product design: A case study on utility meters. Environmental Management 9(2): 319-328.
* J48 Milovantseva, N, and J.-D. Saphores, 2013. Time bomb or hidden treasure? Characteristics of junk TVs and of the U.S. households who store them. Waste Management 33(3): 519-529.
* J47 Grant, S., Saphores, J.-D., Feldman, D.L, Hamilton, A.J., Fletcher, T., Cook, P., Stewardson, M., Sanders, B.F., Levin, L.A., Ambrose, R.F., Deletic, A., Brown, R., Jiang, S.C., Rosso, D., Cooper, W.J., Marusic, I., forthcoming. Conserving Water and Reusing Wastewater to Meet Water Needs. Science.
* J46 Lee, G., You, S, Ritchie, S., Saphores, J.-D., Jaykrishnan, R., and Ogunseitan, O., forthcoming. Assessing Air Quality and Health Benefits of the Clean Truck Program in the Alameda Corridor, CA. Transportation Research Part A.
* J45 Li, W., and J.-D. Saphores, forthcoming. Assessing the Impacts of Freeway Truck Traffic on Residential Property Values: A Southern California Case Study. Transportation Research Record.
* J44 Pincetl, S., Gillespie, T., Pataki, T., Saatchi, S. and J.-D. Saphores, forthcoming. Urban Tree Planting Programs, Function or Fashion? Los Angeles and Urban Tree Planting Campaigns, GeoJournal.
* J43 Saphores, J-D.M., O.A. Ogunseitan, and A.A. Shapiro. 2012. Willingness to engage in pro-environmental behavior: An analysis of e-waste recycling based on a national survey of U.S. households. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 60:49-63.
* J42 Saphores, J.-D., and W. Li, 2012. Estimating the value of urban green areas: A hedonic pricing analysis of the single family housing market in Los Angeles, CA, Landscape and Urban Planning, 104(3–4): 373–387, DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.11.012.
* J41 Li, W., and J.-D. Saphores, 2012. A Spatial Hedonic Analysis of the Value of Urban Land Cover in the Multifamily Housing Market in Los Angeles, CA, Urban Studies DOI: 10.1177/0042098011429486.
* J40 Gillespie, T.,W., Pincetl, S., Brossard, S., Smith, J., Saatchi, S., Pataki, D., and J.-D. Saphores, 2011. A Time Series of Urban Forestry in Los Angeles, Urban Ecosystems, DOI 10.1007/s11252-011-0183-6.
* J39 Saphores, J-D, and Milovantseva, N. 2011. E-waste and the Digital Transition - Results from a Survey of US Households, JOM (the journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) 63(8): 14-17, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-011-0148-5
* J38 You S., Lee G., Ritchie S., Saphores J.-D., Sangkapichai M., Ayala R. 2010. Air Pollution Impacts of Shifting San Pedro Bay Port's Freight from Truck to Rail in Southern California. Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2162: 25–34. DOI: 10.3141/2162-04
* J37 Ogunseitan, O.A., Schoenung, J.M., Saphores, J.-D., Shapiro, A.A., 2009. The Electronics Revolution: From E-Wonderland to E-Wasteland, Science, 30/10/09: 326 (5953): 670 - 671
* J36 Tsai, M.-T., Saphores, J-D, and A. Regan. 2012. Valuation of Freight Transportation Contracts under Uncertainty, Transportation research Part E.
* J35 Tsai, M.-T., Regan, A. and J.-D. Saphores. forthcoming. Freight Transportation Derivatives Contracts: State of the Art and Future Developments, Transportation Journal.
* J34 Saphores, J-D, Nixon, H., Ogunseitan, O., and A. Shapiro. 2009. How much e-waste is there in US basements and attics? Results from a national survey, Journal of Environmental Management 90(11): 3322–3331.
* J33 Garde, A., Saphores, J-D, Matthew, R. and K. Day. 2010. Sustainable Neighborhood Development: Insights from Southern California, Environment and Planning Part B, 37 (3): 387-407.
* J32 Lee, G., You, S., Ritchie, S., Saphores, J-D, Sangkapichai, M., and Jayakrishnan, R. 2009. Environmental Impacts of a Major Freight Corridor: A study of the I-710 in California, Transportation Research Record 2123, 119–128. DOI: 10.3141/2123-13
* J31 Aguilar-Benitez, I. and J.-D. Saphores, forthcoming. “Aspectos Institucionales y Políticas para Reforzar el Pago de los Servicios del Agua en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas y Laredo Texas” Gestión y Política Pública
* J30 Sangkapichai, M., and Saphores, J.-D., 2009. “Why are Californians interested in hybrid cars?” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 52 (1): 79–96.
* J29 Aguilar-Benitez, I. and J.-D. Saphores, 2010. “Public Accountability and Performance of Two Border Water Utilities,” Water Policy 12, 203-219. doi:10.2166/wp.2009.032.
* J28 Nixon, H., and Saphores, J.-D., 2009. “Information and the decision to recycle: Results from a survey of US households,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 52 (2): 257 – 277.
* J27 Aguilar-Benitez, I. and J.-D. Saphores, 2008. “An analysis of nonpayment of water services in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico,” Water Resources Research 44. DOI: doi:10.1029/2007WR006225.
* J26 Lincoln, J.D., A. Shapiro, J.C. Earthman, J.-D. Saphores, and O. Ogunseitan, 2008. “Design and Evaluation of Bioepoxy-Flax Composites for Printed Circuit Boards,” IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing 31 (3): 211-220.
* J25 Nixon, H., and Saphores, J.-D., 2007. “Impacts of motor vehicle operation on water quality in the US – Cleanup costs and policies,” Transportation Research Part D 12 (8): 564-576.
* J24 H. Nixon, Saphores, J.-D., O. Ogunseitan, and A. Shapiro, 2009. “Understanding Preferences for Recycling Electronic Waste in California: How Environmental Attitudes and Beliefs Influence Willingness to Pay,” Environment and Behavior 41: 101-124. doi:10.1177/0013916507310053.
* J23 Nixon, H., and Saphores, J.-D., 2007. “Financing Electronic Waste Recycling - Californian Households’ Willingness to Pay Advanced Recycling Fees,” Journal of Environmental Management, 84 (4): 547-559.
* J22 Lincoln, J.D., O. Ogunseitan, A. Shapiro, and J.-D. Saphores, 2007. “Leaching Assessments of Hazardous Materials in Cellular Telephones,” Environmental Science and Technology 41: 2572-2578.
* J21 Saphores, J.-D., H. Nixon, O. Ogunseitan, and A. Shapiro, 2007. “California Households’ Willingness to Pay for “Green” Electronics,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 50(1): 113 – 133.
* J20 Saphores, J.-D., and M. Boarnet, 2006. “Uncertainty and the Timing of an Urban Congestion Relief Investment - The no-land case,” Journal of Urban Economics 59 (2):189-208 .
* J19 Shapiro, A., J.K. Bonner, O. Ogunseitan, J-D. Saphores and J. Schoenung, 2006. “Implications of Pb-Free Microelectronics Assembly in Aerospace Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies 29 (1): 60-70.
* J18 Saphores, J.-D., H. Nixon, O. Ogunseitan, and A. Shapiro, 2006. “Household Willingness to Recycle Electronic Waste - An Application to California,” Environment and Behavior 38(2): 183-208.
* J17 Saphores, J.-D., and I. Aguilar, 2005. “Smelly Local Polluters and Residential Property Values - A Hedonic Analysis of Four Orange County (CA) Cities,” Estudios Económicos 20 (2): 197-218.
* J16 Saphores, J.-D., 2005. “The Density of Bounded Diffusions,” Economics Letters 86(1): 87-93.
* J15 Saphores, J.-D. and J. Shogren, 2005. “Managing Exotic Pests under Uncertainty,” Ecological Economics 52(3): 327-39.
* J14 Schoenung, J., O. Ogunseitan, J.-D. Saphores, and A. Shapiro, 2004. “Policy Differences and Knowledge Gaps on the Adoption of Pb-Free Electronics,” Journal of Industrial Ecology 8(4): 59-85.
* J13 Saphores, J.-D., E. Gravel, and J.-T. Bernard, 2004. “Regulation and Investment under Uncertainty- An Application to Power Grid Interconnection,” Journal of Regulatory Economics 25(2): 169-186.
* J12 Saphores, J.-D., 2004. “Environmental Uncertainty and the Timing of Environmental Policy,” Natural Resources Modeling 17(2): 163-190.
* J11 Saphores, J.-D., 2003. "Harvesting a Renewable Resource under Uncertainty." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28 (3): 509-529.
* J10 Khalaf, L., J.-D. Saphores, and J.-F. Bilodeau, 2003. “Simulation-Based Exact Jump Tests in Models with Conditional Heteroskedasticity,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28(3): 531-553.
* J9 Saphores J.-D., L. Khalaf, and D. Pelletier, 2002. “On ARCH and Jumps in Natural Resource Prices, An Application To Pacific Northwest Stumpage Prices,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84(2): 387-400.
* J8 Saphores J.-D., and B. Bakshi, 2001. “Global Warming, Forests, and Biodiversity,” Energy Studies Review 10(1): 49-56.
* J7 Saphores J.-D., 2000. “The Economic Threshold with a Stochastic Pest Population: A Real Options Approach,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82, 541-555.
* J6 Barla, P., J. Doucet, and J.-D. Saphores, 2000. “Protecting Natural Habitats on Private Lands: Market Instruments and Canadian Policy,” Canadian Public Policy, 26.1 (March): 95-110.
* J5 Meyburg A.H., J.-D. Saphores, and R.E. Schuler, 1998. “The Economic Impacts of a Divisible-Load Permit System for Heavy Vehicles,” Transportation Research, Part A, 32A.2: 115-127.
* J4 Meyburg A.H., J.-D. Saphores, and R.E. Schuler, 1996. “Collecting Usage Data for Analyzing a Heavy Vehicles Divisible Load Permit,” Transportation Research Record 1522 (January): 9-17.
* J3 Pak R.Y.S. and J.-D. Saphores, 1991. “Rocking Rotation of a Rigid Disc in a Half-Space,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 28(3): 389-401.
* J2 Pak R.Y.S. and J.-D. Saphores, 1991. “Torsion of a Rigid Disc in a Half-Space,” International Journal of Engineering Science, 29(1): 1-12.
* J1 Pak R.Y.S. and J.-D. Saphores, 1991. “On the Response of a Partially Embedded Rod to Axial Load,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 58(June): 599-602.
* J51 Grant S.B., Fletcher T.D., Feldman D., Saphores J.D., Cook P.L.M., Stewardson M.J., Low K., Burry K., Hamilton A.J. 2013. Adapting Urban Water Systems to a Changing Climate: Lessons from the Millennium Drought in Southeast Australia. Environmental Science & Technology 47(19): 10727 – 10734.
* J50 Milovantseva, N, and J.-D. Saphores, 2013. E-waste bans and U.S. households' preferences for disposing of their e-waste. Journal of Environmental Management 124(30): 8-16.
* J49 Lam, C.W., Lim, S.-R., Ogunseitan, O.A., Shapiro, A.A., Saphores, J-D, Brock, A., Schoenung, J. 2013. Integrating toxicity reduction strategies for materials and components into product design: A case study on utility meters. Environmental Management 9(2): 319-328.
* J48 Milovantseva, N, and J.-D. Saphores, 2013. Time bomb or hidden treasure? Characteristics of junk TVs and of the U.S. households who store them. Waste Management 33(3): 519-529.
* J47 Grant, S., Saphores, J.-D., Feldman, D.L, Hamilton, A.J., Fletcher, T., Cook, P., Stewardson, M., Sanders, B.F., Levin, L.A., Ambrose, R.F., Deletic, A., Brown, R., Jiang, S.C., Rosso, D., Cooper, W.J., Marusic, I., forthcoming. Conserving Water and Reusing Wastewater to Meet Water Needs. Science.
* J46 Lee, G., You, S, Ritchie, S., Saphores, J.-D., Jaykrishnan, R., and Ogunseitan, O., forthcoming. Assessing Air Quality and Health Benefits of the Clean Truck Program in the Alameda Corridor, CA. Transportation Research Part A.
* J45 Li, W., and J.-D. Saphores, forthcoming. Assessing the Impacts of Freeway Truck Traffic on Residential Property Values: A Southern California Case Study. Transportation Research Record.
* J44 Pincetl, S., Gillespie, T., Pataki, T., Saatchi, S. and J.-D. Saphores, forthcoming. Urban Tree Planting Programs, Function or Fashion? Los Angeles and Urban Tree Planting Campaigns, GeoJournal.
* J43 Saphores, J-D.M., O.A. Ogunseitan, and A.A. Shapiro. 2012. Willingness to engage in pro-environmental behavior: An analysis of e-waste recycling based on a national survey of U.S. households. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 60:49-63.
* J42 Saphores, J.-D., and W. Li, 2012. Estimating the value of urban green areas: A hedonic pricing analysis of the single family housing market in Los Angeles, CA, Landscape and Urban Planning, 104(3–4): 373–387, DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.11.012.
* J41 Li, W., and J.-D. Saphores, 2012. A Spatial Hedonic Analysis of the Value of Urban Land Cover in the Multifamily Housing Market in Los Angeles, CA, Urban Studies DOI: 10.1177/0042098011429486.
* J40 Gillespie, T.,W., Pincetl, S., Brossard, S., Smith, J., Saatchi, S., Pataki, D., and J.-D. Saphores, 2011. A Time Series of Urban Forestry in Los Angeles, Urban Ecosystems, DOI 10.1007/s11252-011-0183-6.
* J39 Saphores, J-D, and Milovantseva, N. 2011. E-waste and the Digital Transition - Results from a Survey of US Households, JOM (the journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) 63(8): 14-17, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-011-0148-5
* J38 You S., Lee G., Ritchie S., Saphores J.-D., Sangkapichai M., Ayala R. 2010. Air Pollution Impacts of Shifting San Pedro Bay Port's Freight from Truck to Rail in Southern California. Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2162: 25–34. DOI: 10.3141/2162-04
* J37 Ogunseitan, O.A., Schoenung, J.M., Saphores, J.-D., Shapiro, A.A., 2009. The Electronics Revolution: From E-Wonderland to E-Wasteland, Science, 30/10/09: 326 (5953): 670 - 671
* J36 Tsai, M.-T., Saphores, J-D, and A. Regan. 2012. Valuation of Freight Transportation Contracts under Uncertainty, Transportation research Part E.
* J35 Tsai, M.-T., Regan, A. and J.-D. Saphores. forthcoming. Freight Transportation Derivatives Contracts: State of the Art and Future Developments, Transportation Journal.
* J34 Saphores, J-D, Nixon, H., Ogunseitan, O., and A. Shapiro. 2009. How much e-waste is there in US basements and attics? Results from a national survey, Journal of Environmental Management 90(11): 3322–3331.
* J33 Garde, A., Saphores, J-D, Matthew, R. and K. Day. 2010. Sustainable Neighborhood Development: Insights from Southern California, Environment and Planning Part B, 37 (3): 387-407.
* J32 Lee, G., You, S., Ritchie, S., Saphores, J-D, Sangkapichai, M., and Jayakrishnan, R. 2009. Environmental Impacts of a Major Freight Corridor: A study of the I-710 in California, Transportation Research Record 2123, 119–128. DOI: 10.3141/2123-13
* J31 Aguilar-Benitez, I. and J.-D. Saphores, forthcoming. “Aspectos Institucionales y Políticas para Reforzar el Pago de los Servicios del Agua en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas y Laredo Texas” Gestión y Política Pública
* J30 Sangkapichai, M., and Saphores, J.-D., 2009. “Why are Californians interested in hybrid cars?” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 52 (1): 79–96.
* J29 Aguilar-Benitez, I. and J.-D. Saphores, 2010. “Public Accountability and Performance of Two Border Water Utilities,” Water Policy 12, 203-219. doi:10.2166/wp.2009.032.
* J28 Nixon, H., and Saphores, J.-D., 2009. “Information and the decision to recycle: Results from a survey of US households,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 52 (2): 257 – 277.
* J27 Aguilar-Benitez, I. and J.-D. Saphores, 2008. “An analysis of nonpayment of water services in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico,” Water Resources Research 44. DOI: doi:10.1029/2007WR006225.
* J26 Lincoln, J.D., A. Shapiro, J.C. Earthman, J.-D. Saphores, and O. Ogunseitan, 2008. “Design and Evaluation of Bioepoxy-Flax Composites for Printed Circuit Boards,” IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing 31 (3): 211-220.
* J25 Nixon, H., and Saphores, J.-D., 2007. “Impacts of motor vehicle operation on water quality in the US – Cleanup costs and policies,” Transportation Research Part D 12 (8): 564-576.
* J24 H. Nixon, Saphores, J.-D., O. Ogunseitan, and A. Shapiro, 2009. “Understanding Preferences for Recycling Electronic Waste in California: How Environmental Attitudes and Beliefs Influence Willingness to Pay,” Environment and Behavior 41: 101-124. doi:10.1177/0013916507310053.
* J23 Nixon, H., and Saphores, J.-D., 2007. “Financing Electronic Waste Recycling - Californian Households’ Willingness to Pay Advanced Recycling Fees,” Journal of Environmental Management, 84 (4): 547-559.
* J22 Lincoln, J.D., O. Ogunseitan, A. Shapiro, and J.-D. Saphores, 2007. “Leaching Assessments of Hazardous Materials in Cellular Telephones,” Environmental Science and Technology 41: 2572-2578.
* J21 Saphores, J.-D., H. Nixon, O. Ogunseitan, and A. Shapiro, 2007. “California Households’ Willingness to Pay for “Green” Electronics,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 50(1): 113 – 133.
* J20 Saphores, J.-D., and M. Boarnet, 2006. “Uncertainty and the Timing of an Urban Congestion Relief Investment - The no-land case,” Journal of Urban Economics 59 (2):189-208 .
* J19 Shapiro, A., J.K. Bonner, O. Ogunseitan, J-D. Saphores and J. Schoenung, 2006. “Implications of Pb-Free Microelectronics Assembly in Aerospace Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies 29 (1): 60-70.
* J18 Saphores, J.-D., H. Nixon, O. Ogunseitan, and A. Shapiro, 2006. “Household Willingness to Recycle Electronic Waste - An Application to California,” Environment and Behavior 38(2): 183-208.
* J17 Saphores, J.-D., and I. Aguilar, 2005. “Smelly Local Polluters and Residential Property Values - A Hedonic Analysis of Four Orange County (CA) Cities,” Estudios Económicos 20 (2): 197-218.
* J16 Saphores, J.-D., 2005. “The Density of Bounded Diffusions,” Economics Letters 86(1): 87-93.
* J15 Saphores, J.-D. and J. Shogren, 2005. “Managing Exotic Pests under Uncertainty,” Ecological Economics 52(3): 327-39.
* J14 Schoenung, J., O. Ogunseitan, J.-D. Saphores, and A. Shapiro, 2004. “Policy Differences and Knowledge Gaps on the Adoption of Pb-Free Electronics,” Journal of Industrial Ecology 8(4): 59-85.
* J13 Saphores, J.-D., E. Gravel, and J.-T. Bernard, 2004. “Regulation and Investment under Uncertainty- An Application to Power Grid Interconnection,” Journal of Regulatory Economics 25(2): 169-186.
* J12 Saphores, J.-D., 2004. “Environmental Uncertainty and the Timing of Environmental Policy,” Natural Resources Modeling 17(2): 163-190.
* J11 Saphores, J.-D., 2003. "Harvesting a Renewable Resource under Uncertainty." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28 (3): 509-529.
* J10 Khalaf, L., J.-D. Saphores, and J.-F. Bilodeau, 2003. “Simulation-Based Exact Jump Tests in Models with Conditional Heteroskedasticity,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28(3): 531-553.
* J9 Saphores J.-D., L. Khalaf, and D. Pelletier, 2002. “On ARCH and Jumps in Natural Resource Prices, An Application To Pacific Northwest Stumpage Prices,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84(2): 387-400.
* J8 Saphores J.-D., and B. Bakshi, 2001. “Global Warming, Forests, and Biodiversity,” Energy Studies Review 10(1): 49-56.
* J7 Saphores J.-D., 2000. “The Economic Threshold with a Stochastic Pest Population: A Real Options Approach,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82, 541-555.
* J6 Barla, P., J. Doucet, and J.-D. Saphores, 2000. “Protecting Natural Habitats on Private Lands: Market Instruments and Canadian Policy,” Canadian Public Policy, 26.1 (March): 95-110.
* J5 Meyburg A.H., J.-D. Saphores, and R.E. Schuler, 1998. “The Economic Impacts of a Divisible-Load Permit System for Heavy Vehicles,” Transportation Research, Part A, 32A.2: 115-127.
* J4 Meyburg A.H., J.-D. Saphores, and R.E. Schuler, 1996. “Collecting Usage Data for Analyzing a Heavy Vehicles Divisible Load Permit,” Transportation Research Record 1522 (January): 9-17.
* J3 Pak R.Y.S. and J.-D. Saphores, 1991. “Rocking Rotation of a Rigid Disc in a Half-Space,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 28(3): 389-401.
* J2 Pak R.Y.S. and J.-D. Saphores, 1991. “Torsion of a Rigid Disc in a Half-Space,” International Journal of Engineering Science, 29(1): 1-12.
* J1 Pak R.Y.S. and J.-D. Saphores, 1991. “On the Response of a Partially Embedded Rod to Axial Load,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 58(June): 599-602.
Professional Societies
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World Bank 2003—2004
World Bank 2003—2004
Staff Engineer
Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1989—1991
Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1989—1991
Staff Engineer
Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1986—1987
Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1986—1987
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