Thomas J. Carew
Donald Bren Professor and Chair, Neurobiology and Behavior
School of Biological Sciences
School of Biological Sciences
Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Ph.D., University of California, Riverside, 1970
University of California, Irvine
2205 McGaugh Hall
301 Qureshey Research Lab
Mail Code: 4550
Irvine, CA 92697
2205 McGaugh Hall
301 Qureshey Research Lab
Mail Code: 4550
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of memory
Academic Distinctions
2001 Elected Fellow of AAAS
2003 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research
2004 Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2005 Elected Chair of Neuroscience Section, AAAS
2005 Elected Councilor, International Society for Neuroethology
2006 Elected Member, Dana Alliance
2007 Elected President, Society for Neuroscience
2008 President, Society for Neuroscience
2009 Past President, Society for Neuroscience
2003 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research
2004 Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2005 Elected Chair of Neuroscience Section, AAAS
2005 Elected Councilor, International Society for Neuroethology
2006 Elected Member, Dana Alliance
2007 Elected President, Society for Neuroscience
2008 President, Society for Neuroscience
2009 Past President, Society for Neuroscience
Research Abstract
Memories can last from a few seconds to a lifetime. In my laboratory we study the neuronal basis of these diverse forms of memory. We use a relatively simple animal, Aplysia, because its nervous system affords significant advantages for identifying synaptic, biophysical, and molecular changes underlying different stages of memory. The fundamental goal of our experiments is to achieve an understanding of the mechanisms by which the nervous system acquires, stores, and retrieves information.
Ye, X. and Carew, T.J., (2010) Small G protein signaling in neuronal plasticity and memory formation: The specific role of ras family proteins. Neuron, 68: 340-361.
Carew, T. J., and Magsamen, S. (2010) Neuroscience and Education: An Ideal Partnership for Producing Evidence Based Solutions To Guide 21st Century Learning. Neuron 67: 685-688.
Reissner, K.J., Pu, L., Schaffhausen, J.H., Boyle, H.D., Smith, I.F., Parker, I., and Carew, T.J. (2010) A novel postsynaptic mechanism for heterosynaptic sharing of short-term plasticity. J. Neurosci. 30: 8797-8806
Shobe, J., Zhao, Y., Ye, X., Stough,, S., Martin, K. and Carew, T.J. (2009) Temporal phases of activity-dependent plasticity and memory are mediated by compartmentalized routing of MAPK signaling in Aplysia sensory neurons. Neuron 61:113-125.
Ye, X., Shobe, J.L., Sharma, S.K., Marina, A., and Carew, T.J. (2008) Small G proteins exhibit pattern sensitivity in MAPK activation during the induction of memory and synaptic facilitation in Aplysia. PNAS ,U S A. 2008 Dec 23;105 51):20511-6
Philips, G.T., Tzvetkova, E I., and Carew, T.J. (2007) Transient mitogen-activated protein kinase activation is confined to a narrow temporal window required for the induction of two-trial long-term memory in Aplysia. J. Neuroscience: 27(50) 13701-13705.
Marinesco S, Wickremasinghe, N and Carew, T.J. (2006) Regulation of behavioral and synaptic plasticity by serotonin release within local modulatory fields in Aplysia J. Neuroscience.
Sharma, SK, Sherff, CM, Stough,S, Hsuan, V and Carew,TJ (2006) A tropomyosin-related kinase B ligand is required for ERK activation, long-term synaptic facilitation, and long-term memory in Aplysia. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 103:14206-14210.
Reissner, K. Shobe, J, and Carew, TJ (2006) Molecular nodes in memory processing: insights from Aplysia. Cell Mol Life Sci. 63(9):963-74.
Philips, G. T., Tzvetkova, E I., Marinesco, S. and Carew, J. (2006) Latent Memory for Sensitization in Aplysia Learning & Memory, Learning&Memory, 13:224-229.
Sherff, CM and Carew, TJ (2004) Parallel somatic and synaptic processing in the induction of intermediate-term and long-term synaptic facilitation in Aplysia. PNAS 101:7463-7468
Sutton, M.A., Bagnall, MW, Sharma, SK, Shobe, J., and Carew, TJ (2004) Intermediate-term memory for site-specific sensitization in Aplysia is maintained by persistent activation of protein kinse C. J. Neuroscience 24: 3600-3609
Sharma, SK and Carew, TJ (2004) The Roles of MAPK Cascades in Synaptic Plasticity and Memory in Aplysia: Facilitatory Effects and Inhibitory Constraints. Learning&Memory 11: 373-378.
Marinesco, S, Kolkman, KE and Carew, TJ (2004) Serotonergic modulation
in Aplysia : I. A distributed serotonergic network activated by sensitizing stimuli. J Neurophysiol: 92: 2468-2486
in Aplysia : I. A distributed serotonergic network activated by sensitizing stimuli. J Neurophysiol: 92: 2468-2486
Marinesco, S, Wickremasinghe, N, Kolkman, KE, and Carew, TJ (2004) Serotonergic modulation
in Aplysia : II. Cellular and behavioral consequences of increased serotonergic tone. J Neurophysiol:92: 2487-
in Aplysia : II. Cellular and behavioral consequences of increased serotonergic tone. J Neurophysiol:92: 2487-
Other Experience
Society for Neuroscience 2008—2009
Society for Neuroscience 2008—2009
Graduate Programs
Neurobiology and Behavior
Research Centers
Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
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