Preston K. Stanford
Assistant Professor, Logic & Philosophy of Science
School of Social Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Assistant Professor, Logic & Philosophy of Science
School of Social Sciences
School of Social Sciences
PH.D., University of California, San Diego
University of California, Irvine
769 Social Science Tower
Mail Code: 5100
Irvine, CA 92697
769 Social Science Tower
Mail Code: 5100
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Biology, Causation, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Early Modern Philosophy, Empiricism, Locke, Hume, Pragmatism
Research Abstract
My work concerns the epistemic and pragmatic projects of the contemporary scientific enterprise. I am especially interested in aspects of ongoing research in the biological sciences, questions about the metaphysical foundations of current scientific theories in all fields (esp. the causal concepts they employ and the causal inferences they license), the nature of the contemporary scientific enterprise itself, the epistemic status of its theoretical claims, and the ways in which that enterprise has evolved out of the Empiricist and Pragmatist philosophical traditions.
(1995). "For pluralism and against realism about species", Philosophy of Science 62: 70-91.
(1998). "Reference and natural kind terms: The real essence of Locke's view", Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 79: 78-97.
(forthcoming December 1999; with Philip Kitcher). "Refining the causal theory of reference for natural kind terms", Philosophical Studies.
(forthcoming). "The Manifest Connection: Causation, Meaning and David Hume", Journal of the History of Philosophy.
(forthcoming). "An Antirealist Explanation of the Success of Science", Philosophy of Science.
Professional Societies
American Philosophical Association, Philosophy of Science Association, Hume Society
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