Edriss S. Titi
Professor, Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
School of Physical Sciences
Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
PH.D., Indiana University, 1986
University of California, Irvine
249 Multipurpose Science and Technology Building
Mail Code: 3875
Irvine, CA 92697
249 Multipurpose Science and Technology Building
Mail Code: 3875
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Turbulence Theory, Navier-Stokes Equations, Computational Mathematics
Academic Distinctions
Award of Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education, School of Physical Sciences, UCI, (1991-1992),(2002-2003).
Orson Anderson Visiting Scholar, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1997-1998).
Varon Visiting Professorship, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Israel (1999).
Stanislaw M. Ulam Visiting Scholar, Los Alamos National Laboratory (2002-2003).
Fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK, (2004-present).
Member of the Editorial Board "International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications" (1999-present).
Member of Editorial Board: "Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization" (2002-Present).
Member of the Editorial Board "Nonlinearity" (2002-Present).
Orson Anderson Visiting Scholar, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1997-1998).
Varon Visiting Professorship, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Israel (1999).
Stanislaw M. Ulam Visiting Scholar, Los Alamos National Laboratory (2002-2003).
Fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK, (2004-present).
Member of the Editorial Board "International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications" (1999-present).
Member of Editorial Board: "Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization" (2002-Present).
Member of the Editorial Board "Nonlinearity" (2002-Present).
1986-1988: L.E. Dickson Instructor, Department of Mathematics, The University of Chicago.
Research Abstract
I am interested in the long-time behavior of solutions to dissipative Partial Differential Equations, such as the Navier-Stokes equations, and in designing numerical method for integrating them. Also, I am interested in identifying the degrees of freedom that mentor this finite dimensional long-time behavior in order to be able to control these solutions.
C.R. Doering and E.S. Titi, Exponential decay rate of the power spectrum for solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 6 (1995), pp. 1384-1390.
S. Chen, C. Foias, D. Holm, E. Olson, E.S. Titi, and S. Wynne, The Camassa--Holm equations and turbulence, Physica D, Vol. 133,(1999), 49-65.
C. Foias, D. Holm and E.S. Titi,
The three dimensional viscous Camassa-Holm equations and their relation to the Navier--Stokes equations and turbulence theory, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 14 (2002), 1-35.
The three dimensional viscous Camassa-Holm equations and their relation to the Navier--Stokes equations and turbulence theory, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 14 (2002), 1-35.
C. Cao, I. Kevrekidis and E.S. Titi, Numerical criterion for the stabilization of steady states of the Navier-Stokes equations, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol. 50 (2001), 37-96.(Special Issue in Honor of C. Foias and R. Temam).
C. Cao and E.S. Titi, Global well-posedness and finite dimensional
global attractor for a 3-D planetary geostrophic viscous model,
Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 56 (2003),198-233.
global attractor for a 3-D planetary geostrophic viscous model,
Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 56 (2003),198-233.
M. Oliver and E.S. Titi, Gevrey regularity for the attractor of a
partially dissipative model of Benard convection in a porous medium, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 163 (2000), 292-311.
partially dissipative model of Benard convection in a porous medium, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 163 (2000), 292-311.
H. Bellout, S. Benachour and E.S. Titi, Finite-time singularity versus global regularity for hyperviscous Hamilton-Jabcobi-like equations, Nonlinearity, 16 (2003), 1967-1989.
C. Foias, D. Holm and E.S. Titi, The Navier--Stokes-alpha model of fluid turbulence, Physica D, Vol. 152 (2001), 505-519.(Special
Issue in Honor of V.E. Zakharov on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday).
Issue in Honor of V.E. Zakharov on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday).
Y. Chung and E. S. Titi, Inertial manifolds and Gevrey regularity for
the Moore--Greitzer model of an axial--flow compressor, Journal
Nonlinear Science, Vol. 13 (2003), 1-26.
the Moore--Greitzer model of an axial--flow compressor, Journal
Nonlinear Science, Vol. 13 (2003), 1-26.
L. Margolin, E.S. Titi and S. Wynne, The postprocessing Galerkin and nonlinear Galerkin methods - a truncation analysis point of view, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 41 (2003), 695-714.
P. Constantin, E. S. Titi and J. Vukadinovic,Dissipativity and Gevrey regularity of a Smoluchowski equation, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol. 54 (4)(2005), 949-970.
E. Olson And E.S. Titi, Determining modes for continuous data assimilation in 2-D turbulence, Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 113 (2003), 799-840.
P. Constantin, I. Kevrekidis and E.S. Titi, Remarks on a Smoluchowski equation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 11 (2004), 101-112.
P. Constantin, I. G. Kevrekidis and E. S. Titi, Asymptotic states of a Smoluchowski equation, Archive of Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Vol. 174 (2004), 365-384.
A. Cheskidov, D. D. Holm, E. Olson, and E. S. Titi, On a Leray-alpha Model of Turbulence, Royal Society London, Proceedings, Series A, Mathematical, Physical Engineering Sciences, Vol. 461(2005), 629-649.
A. Ilyin, A. Miranville and E. S. Titi, Small viscosity sharp estimates for the global attractor of the 2-D damped-driven Navier--Stokes equations, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2 (2004), 403-426.
C. Cao, E.S. Titi and M. Ziane, A "horizontal" hyper--diffusion 3-D thermocline planetary geostrophic model: well-posedness and long time behavior, Nonlinearity, Vol. 17 (2004), 1749-1776.
Professional Societies
Other Experience
Weizmann Institute of Science, since 2003
Weizmann Institute of Science, since 2003
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