James M. Swanson

Picture of James M. Swanson
Director, Child Development Center, Pediatrics
School of Medicine
Professor, Pediatrics
School of Medicine
Professor, Epidemiology
School of Medicine
PH.D., Ohio State University
University of California, Irvine
Child Development Center
19722 MacArthur Boulevard
Mail Code: 4480
Irvine, CA 92612
Research Interests
ADD, ADHD, Child Development
Research Abstract
Dr. Swanson's research focuses on hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder and conduct disorder in children. Through his research, Dr. Swanson has developed procedures for monitoring the cognitive effect of stimulant medication, the most frequent treatment for this group of patients. His research also focuses on biochemical and genetic factors related to these disorders.

Dr. Swanson is also investigating the effect of intensive, early intervention for children with attention and conduct disorders through a school-based treatment program conducted in cooperation with the Orange County Department of Education. This program is carried out at the Child Development Center. In addition, he is evaluating the risk and protective factors for anti-social behavior of hyperactive children as they mature.
Swanson JM, Kraemer HC, Hinshaw, SP, Arnold, LE, Conners, CK, Abikoff, HB, Clevenger W, Davies M, Elliott, G, Greenhill, LL, Hechtman, L, Hoza, B, Jensen, PS, March, JS, Newcorn JH, Owens L, Pelham, WE, Schiller E, Severe, J, Simpson S, Vitiello, B, Wells, CK, Wigal, T, Wu, M. (2001). Clinical Relevance of the Primary Findings of the MTA: Success Rates Based on Severity of ADHD and ODD Symptoms at the End of Treatment. J. Amer. Acad. Child & Adolesc. Psychiatry, 40(2): 168-179.
Swanson JM, Posner M, Wasdell M, Sommer T, Fan J. (2001). Genes and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Current Psychiatry Reports, 3: 92-100.
Swanson JM, Hanley T, Simpson S, Davies M, Schulte A, Wells K, Hinshaw S, Abikoff H, Hechtman L, Pelham W, Hoza B, Severe J, Molina B, Odbert B, Forness S, Gresham F, Arnold LE, Wigal T, Wasdell M, Greenhill L. (2000). Evaluation of Learning Disorders in Children with a Psychiatric Disorder: An Example From the Multimodal Treatment Study for ADHD (MTA Study). In L.L. Greenhill (Ed.), Learning Disabilities: Implications for Psychiatric Treatment, 19(5): 97-125
Swanson JM, Volkow N. (2001). Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Properties of Methylphenidate in Humans. In M.V. Solanto, A.F.T. Arnsten, F.X. Castellanos. (Eds.), Stimulant Drugs and ADHD: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, (pp. 259-282). Oxford University Press.
Swanson, JM. (1992). School-based Assessments and Interventions for ADD students. Irvine, CA: K.C. Publishing.
Swanson JM, Riederer SA, Young RK. (1974). IMPS: Interactive Math Package for Statistics. Publication IM/18/8/23/74 of Project C-BE, University of Texas, Austin.
Malone MA; Kershner JR; Swanson JM. Hemispheric processing and methylphenidate effects in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Child Neurology, 1994 Apr, 9(2):181-9.
Malone MA; Swanson JM. Effects of methylphenidate on impulsive responding in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Child Neurology, 1993 Apr, 8(2):157-63.
Craft S; Gourovitch ML; Dowton SB; Swanson JM; Bonforte S. Lateralized deficits in visual attention in males with developmental dopamine depletion. Neuropsychologia, 1992 Apr, 30(4):341-51.
Forness SR; Swanson JM; Cantwell DP; Youpa D; Hanna GL. Stimulant medication and reading performance: follow-up on sustained dose in ADHD boys with and without conduct disorders. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 1992 Feb, 25(2):115-23.
National Children’s Study (NCS)
Professional Societies
Senior Fellow, Sackler Institute at Cornell University
Research Centers
Child Development Center
Last updated