Johanna F. Shapiro

Picture of Johanna F. Shapiro
Director, Program in Medical Humanities & Arts, Family Medicine
School of Medicine
Professor Emeritus, Family Medicine
School of Medicine
PH.D., Stanford University
Phone: (714) 824-3748
Fax: (714)456-7984
University of California, Irvine
Rm 835 - Bldg 200 - Rt 81
101 The City Drive South
Mail Code: 2975
Orange, CA 92868
Research Interests
Qualitative research on patient narrative and the doctor-patient relationship; communication skills; literature and medicine
Academic Distinctions
Gold Star Award, Gold Humanism Honor Society, 2007

Reviewer, Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Essay Contest 2005-current

Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award, presented by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, 2005

Pfizer/AAFPF Visiting Professorship in Family Medicine,
Group Health Cooperative, Family Medicine Residency Program, Seattle, WA, 2005

UCI School of Medicine, Associated Medical Students, The Alberto Manetta Award – “extraordinary commitment to enhancing the prestige and morale of the School of Medicine”

Inductee, Gold Humanism Honor Society, 2005-current

Excellence in Teaching Award – UCI College of Medicine, 2004

UCI 10th Annual Celebration of Teaching Award – only line faculty to receive award in the College of Medicine 2003

Sigma Xi Prize, Best Poster, UCI-COM Faculty Research Poster Session, 2003

Poem “The Mother Without Breasts” selected for exhibit at UCI Chao Cancer Center’s “A Celebration of Life”, National Cancer Survivors’ Day Program, 2003
Poem “Living with Cancer” selected for reading at “Women Interrupted: Cancer Suurvivors and Loved Ones Lost” Kansas City, MO 2003

Invited Hooder, UCI-COM graduation
Grainne McEvoy-Mulholland, MSIV 2003
Melinda Glines, MSIV 2002
Lorena Hillman MSIV 2002

UCI-COM Medical Humanities Program cited, “Adding a Dose of Fine Arts,” column one, Los Angeles Times 2003
Editor’s Choice Award for Outstanding Achievement in Poetry, and the International Library of Poetry 2002
Feature article, “Professor Helps Doctors Repair Their Detachment” Chicago Tribune 2002
Feature article, ”Poetry Enriches Medical Education,” New University News 2001
Feature article, “Cultivating Compassion,” UCI News 2001

Most Valuable Professor, Office of Medical Education 2001

Feature Editor, “Literature and the Arts in Medical Education”, Family Medicine, 1999-present
North American Primary Care Research Group Grant – Generating Project Research Fellowship 1997-98
Research Abstract
As a psychologist and medical educator, Dr. Shapiro has focused her research and scholarship on various aspects of the doctor-patient relationship, including physician interactions with "difficult," stigmatized, and culturally diverse patient populations. Her research has also examined uses of literature and the arts in medical education to develop attitudes of empathy and humanism. She has written extensively on teaching empathy in medical education.
Shapiro J, Lie D. A comparison of medical students’ written expressions of emotions and coping and standardized patients’ ratings of student professionalism and communication skills. Medical Teacher 2004;26:733-735.

Schaff P, Shapiro J. The limits of narrative and culture: Reflections on Lorrie Moore’s ‘People Like That Are the Only People Here: Canonical Babbling in Peed Onk.’ Journal of Medical Humanities 2006;27:1-17. Reprinted in Short Story Criticism, Jelena Krstovic (ed), Gale, Cengage Learning: Bloomfield Hills, MI, 2011.

Shapiro J, Duke A, Boker J, Ahearn CS. Just a spoonful of humanities makes the medicine go down: introducing literature into a family medicine clerkship. Medical Education 2005;39:605-612.

Shapiro J, Rucker L, Robitshek R. Teaching the art of doctoring: an innovative medical student elective. Med Teach. 2006;28:30-5.

Shapiro J, Stein HF. Poetic license: writing poetry as a way medical students examine their professional relational systems. Families, Systems, & Health 2005; 23:278-292.

Shapiro J, Longenecker R. Country doctors in literature: helping medical students understand what rural practice is all about. Academic Medicine, 2005;80:724-727

Shapiro J, You think you know me. Journal of Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 2006;7:61

Shapiro J. Breaking bad news. Academic Medicine 2005;80:108-109.

Shapiro J. Stories medical students tell. Self, Stories, Society, 2005;2:48-61.

Lenahan P, Shapiro J. Using multimedia humanities-based approaches to teach intimate partner violence in a family medicine clerkship. Family Medicine, 2005;37:543-5.

Shapiro J, Rucker L, Beck J. Training the clinical eye and mind. Medical Education, 2006;40:263-268.

Shapiro J, Rucker L, Boker J, Lie D. Point-of-view writing: a method for increasing medical students’ empathy, identification and expression of emotion, and insight. Education for Health, 2006;1:96-105.

Shapiro J. Listening to the voices of medical students in poetry: self, patients, role-models, and beyond. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 2006;1:17-30.

Shapiro J, Lie D, Gutierrez D, Zhuang G. “That would never have occurred to me”: a qualitative study of medical students’ views of a cultural competence curriculum. BMC Med Educ 2006;6:31.

Shapiro J, Kasman D, Shafer A. Words and wards: a model of reflective writing and its uses in medical education. J Med Humanit 2006;27:231-44.

Shapiro J. Mortal lessons. Acad Med 2006;81:1104-5.

Shapiro J, Nguyen V, Mourra S, Ross MA, Thai T, Leonard R. The Use of Creative Projects in a Gross Anatomy Class. Journal for Learning through the Arts: A Research Journal on Arts Integration in Schools and Communities 2006;2. Article 20.

Shapiro J. A sampling of the medical humanities. Journal for Learning through the Arts: A Research Journal on Arts Integration in Schools and Communities 2006;2. Article 1.

Shapiro J. Always a surprise, even a wonder. J Med Humanit 2007;28:111-114.

Shapiro J. Walking a mile in their patients' shoes: empathy and othering in medical students' education. Philos Ethics Humanit Med. 2008;3:10. Review.

Lie D, Shapiro J, Pardee S, Najm W. A focus group study of medical students’ views of an integrated complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) curriculum: Students teaching teachers. Medical Education Online. 2008;13(3).

Shapiro J, Coulehan J, Wear D, Montello M. Medical humanities and their discontents: definitions, critiques, and implications. Acad Med 2009;84:192-8.

Shapiro J, Nguyen VP, Mourra S, Boker JR, Ross M, Thai TM, Leonard RJ. Relationship of creative projects in anatomy to medical student professionalism, test performance and stress: an exploratory study. BMC Med Educ. 2009;9:65.

Najm WI, Lie D, Shapiro J, Llenderrozos HJ.Group medical visits as a teaching tool in a family medicine clerkship. Fam Med. 2009;41(9):625-31.

Cohn FG, Shapiro J, Lie DA, Boker J, Stephens F, Leung LA. Interpreting values conflicts experienced by obstetrics-gynecology clerkship students using reflective writing. Acad Med. 2009;84(5):587-96.

Shapiro J. Medicine and the arts. Protect Yourself from This by Karen Fiser. Commentary. Acad Med. 2009;84(3):354-5.

Shapiro J. Medical Readers’ Theater: Truth at a slant. American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Bulletin. Spring, 2009:12-13.

Shapiro J. Walking the dog: Incorporating poetry to help learners connect with relationship-centered care. Literature, Arts, & Medicine Blog; April 30th, 2009

Shapiro J, Mourra S. Doctor doggerel: Can poems make you a better medic? Student BMJ 2010;18;15-17

Lie D, Shapiro J, Cohn F, Najm W Reflective practice enriches clerkship students' cross-cultural experiences. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25 Suppl 2:S119-25.

Shapiro J. Take 2 poems and call me in the morning: reading medically themed poetry for insight and renewal. J Clin Outcomes Manage 2010; 17(11):1-6.

Shapiro J, Astin J, Shapiro SL, Robitshek D, Shapiro DH. Coping with loss of control in the practice of medicine. Fam Syst Health. 2011 Mar;29(1):15-28

Shapiro J. Perspective: does medical education promote professional alexithymia? A call for attending to the emotions of patients and self in medical training. Acad Med. 2011 Mar;86(3):326-32.

Shapiro J. The least of these: Reading poetry to encourage reflection on the care of marginalized patients. J Gen Intern Med 2011.

Afghani B, Besimanto S, Amin A, Shapiro J. Training of Clinical Empathy: The Medical Students’ Perspectives. Education for Health 2011; 24 (1).

Shapiro J. Young doctors come to see the Elephant Man. Fahey T, Kimball R. (Eds), Peering behind the curtain: essays on disability and the extraordinary body in contemporary theater, New York: Routledge, 2002, pp: 84-94..

Shapiro J. Using literature and arts to develop empathy in medical students. In Farrow TFD, Woodruff PWR (eds), Empathy in mental illness and health. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 473-494.

Shapiro J. The Inner World of Medical Students: Listening to the Voices of Medical Students in Poetry. Radcliffe Press, 2009.

Shapiro J, Shafer A. Raymond Carver teaches medical students about dying. Paul Benedict Grant and Katherine Ashley, eds., Carver Across the Curriculum: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching the Fiction and Poetry of Raymond Carver. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.

Shapiro J. Mutual transformation at the conjunction of biomedicine and the humanities: Fantasy or possibility? In Fuery P. Medicine, culture, and the arts, in press, 2010

Shapiro J. Using Movies to Help Learners Explore Relational Ethics in Healthcare. In Colt H, Friedman L, and Quadrelli S. (eds). The Picture of Health: Medical Ethics and the Movies

Shapiro J. The paradox of teaching empathy in medical education." In Decety J (ed). The social neuroscience of empathy: From bench to bedside.
1) Shapiro J. Can poetry be data? Potential relationships between poetry and research. Families, Systems, & Health, 2004;22:171-177.

2) Shapiro J., Rucker L. The Don Quixote effect: why going to the movies can help develop empathy and altruism in medical students and residents. Families, Systems, & Health, Accepted, 2004.

3) Shapiro J, You think you know me. Journal of Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, accepted, 2004

4) Shapiro J, Monzo LD, Rueda R, Gomez JA, Blacher J. Alienated advocacy: Perspectives of Latina mothers of young adults with developmental disabilities on service systems. Mental Retardation2004;42:37-54. (cover article)

5) Shapiro J, Morrison EH, Boker JR. Teaching empathy to first year medical students: evaluation of an elective literature and medicine course. Education for Health: Change in Learning and Practice 2004;17:73-84.

6) Morrison EH, Shapiro J, Harthill M. Throwing pearls and hoping they stick: resident physicians’ understanding of their roles as clinical teachers. Medical Education, 2004.

7) Shapiro J, Mosqueda L, Botros D. A caring partnership: expectations of aging persons with disabilities for their primary care doctors. Family Practice 2003;20:635-641.

8) Shapiro J, Rucker L. Can poetry make better doctors? Teaching the humanities and arts to medical students and residents at the University of California, Irvine, College of Medicine. Academic Medicine 2003:78:953-957.

9) Shapiro J. All the world’s a stage: theatrical performance in medical education. Medical Education 2003;37:1-6.

10) Rucker L, Shapiro J. Becoming a physician: students’ creative projects in a third-year IM clerkship. Academic Medicine 2003;78:391-397.

11) Shapiro J, Hollingshead J, Morrison EH. Self-perceived attitudes and skills of cultural competence: a comparison of family medicine and internal medicine residents. Medical Teacher 2003; 25:327-329.

12) Shapiro J, Hollingshead J, Morrison EH. Primary care resident, faculty, and patient views of barriers to cultural competence, and the skills needed to overcome them. Medical Education 2002;36:749-759.

13) Shapiro J, Friedman M, Lie, D. The resident as teacher of medical humanities. Medical Education, Really Good Stuff 2002; 36:1.

14) Shapiro J. At the gynecologist’s. Academic Medicine 2002; 77:1224-1225
15) Shapiro J. How is a patient like a poem? Academic Medicine, 77:410-413, 2002.

16) Shapiro J. (Re)Examining the clinical gaze through the prism of literature. Families, Systems, & Health, 20:161-170, 2002.

17) Shapiro, J. How do physicians teach empathy in the primary care setting? Academic Medicine, 77:323-328, 2002.

18) Shapiro J. Self and Other through the prism of AIDS: a literary examination of relationships with patients. Microbes and Infection, 4:111-117, 2002.

19) Shapiro J, Ross, V. Applications of narrative theory and therapy to the practice of family medicine. Family Medicine, 34: 96-100, 2002.

20) Shapiro J, Freedman B. Choosing our paradigms. Families, Systems, & Health, 19: 369-374, 2001.

21) Shapiro J, Prislin M, Hanks C, Lenahan P. Predictors of psychosocial teaching styles in a family practice residency program. Family Medicine, 33: 607-613, 2001.

22) Shapiro J. Using triangulation concepts to understand the doctor-patient-family relationship. Families, Systems, & Health, 19: 203-210, 2001

23) Prislin MD, Lie D, Shapiro J, Boker J, Radecki S. Standardized patients – will the questions never end? Academic Medicine, 76:S90-S92, 2001.

24) Shapiro J. Eyes wide shut: Teaching about persons with disabilities to medical students. Kaleidoscope, 42: 36-45, Jan 2000.

25) Shapiro J, Yu R, White M. Conflicting doctor and patient agendas: A case illustration. Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management, 7: 41-45, 2000.

26) Shapiro J, Prislin M, Shapiro D, Lie D. Literary narratives examining control, loss of control, and illness: Perspectives of patient, family, and physician. Families, Systems, & Health, 18:441-453, 2000.

27) Shapiro J, Lie D. Doc in a box. Academic Medicine, 75:724-725, 2000.

28) Shapiro J, Lie D. Using literature to help physician-learners understand and manage “difficult” patients. Academic Medicine, 75:765-768, 2000. (Reprinted in the UCI Anteater Reader, Reviewed for excellence in academic writing by L. Leung, 2002.)

29) Shapiro J, Yu R, White MK. Reconciling doctor and patient agendas: a case illustration. Seminars in Medical Practice, 3:30-36, 2000.

30) Shapiro J. The patient examines the doctor. Family Medicine, 32;157-8, 2000.
Director, Doctor-Patient Relationship Training, DW Reynolds Foundation, ) DWRF – 44869; Communication: The Art of Geriatric Medicine; P.I. L. Mosqueda, M.D.
Professional Societies
Association of American Medical Colleges
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
American Society of Bioethics and Humanities
Association of Medical School Professors of Psychology
Other Experience
Bayer Foundation Doctor-Patient Communication Faculty Development Program, Bayer Certification
Healer's Art
Training Certificate 2006
Graduate Programs
Last updated