Byung H. Choi
Professor Emeritus, Pathology
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Other not listed
M.D., Yonsei University College of Medicine(Korea), 1953
OTH, Yonsei University (Korea), 1963
OTH, Yonsei University (Korea), 1963
University of California, Irvine
D440 Medical Sciences I
Mail Code: 4800
Irvine, CA 92697-4800
D440 Medical Sciences I
Mail Code: 4800
Irvine, CA 92697-4800
Research Interests
Neuropathology, Neurobiology, Neurotoxicology
Academic Distinctions
The Kaiser-Permanent Award for Excellence in Teaching, Univ. Calif. Irvine:
1990, 1995, 1999, 2002
Siver Beaker Award for Recognition of outstanding all-around basic science faculty of the year, Univ. of Calif. Irvine: 1990, 1998, 2000, 2001.
1990, 1995, 1999, 2002
Siver Beaker Award for Recognition of outstanding all-around basic science faculty of the year, Univ. of Calif. Irvine: 1990, 1998, 2000, 2001.
Research Abstract
The research interests of this laboratory are developmental neurobiology dealing with the mechanism of neuronal migration and final positioning, the lineage studies of macroglial and microglial cells in the CNS, ontogenesis of excitatory amino acid receptors in the developing brain, the effects of methylmercury on the developing brain, the protease nexins in development and CNS pathology and studies of Alzheimer's disease.
Choi BH:Glutathione glycoside is highly effective against oxidative injuries. JKAMA 8: 5-13, 2002.
Choi BH: Cell suicide signals in health and disease: A brief review for beginners. JKAMA 8: 39-46, 2002.
Ikeda,T, Koo H. Xia YX, Ikenoue, T, Choi BH: Bimodal upregulation of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in the neonatal rat brain following acute ischemic/hypoxic injury. Int J Dev Neurosci 20: 555-562, 2002.
Koo H., Choi BH: Expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in the developing human fetal brain. Int J Dev Neurosci 19: 549-558, 2001.
Ikeda T, Xia XY, Xia YX, Ikenoue T, Han B, Choi BH: Glail cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) protects against ischemia/hypoxia-induced brain injury in neonatal rat. Acta Neuropathol 100: 161-167, 2000.
Ikeda T, Xia Y, Xia X, Ikenoue T. Choi BH: Experssion of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic facor in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of the devveloping rat. Int J Dev Neurosci 17: 1-14, 1999.
Ikeda T, Choi BH, Yee S, Murata Y, Quilligan EJ:
Oxidative stress, brain white matter damage and
intrauterine asphyxia in fetal lambs. Internat. J. Dev.
Neurosci.17, 1-14,1999.
Robles M, Choi BH, Han B, Santa Cruz K, Kim RC: Repin-induced neurotoxicity in rodents. Exp Neurol 152: 129-136, 1998.
Robles M, Wang N, Kim R, Choi BH: Cytotoxic effects of repin, a principal sesquiterpene lactone of Russian knapweed. J Neurosc Res 47: 90-97, 1997.
Choi BH, Yee S, Robles M: The effects of glutathione-glycoside in methylmercury poisoning. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 141: 357-364, 1996.
Yee S., Choi BH: Oxidative stress in neurotoxic effects of methylmercury poisoning. Neurotoxicol 17: 17-26, 1996.
Choi BH, Kim RC, Vaughn PJ, Lau A., Van Nostrand WE, Cotman CW, Cunningham DD: Decreases in protease nexins in Alzheimer;s disease brain. Neurogiol Againg 16: 557-562, 1995.
Choi BH: Cell suicide signals in health and disease: A brief review for beginners. JKAMA 8: 39-46, 2002.
Ikeda,T, Koo H. Xia YX, Ikenoue, T, Choi BH: Bimodal upregulation of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in the neonatal rat brain following acute ischemic/hypoxic injury. Int J Dev Neurosci 20: 555-562, 2002.
Koo H., Choi BH: Expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in the developing human fetal brain. Int J Dev Neurosci 19: 549-558, 2001.
Ikeda T, Xia XY, Xia YX, Ikenoue T, Han B, Choi BH: Glail cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) protects against ischemia/hypoxia-induced brain injury in neonatal rat. Acta Neuropathol 100: 161-167, 2000.
Ikeda T, Xia Y, Xia X, Ikenoue T. Choi BH: Experssion of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic facor in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of the devveloping rat. Int J Dev Neurosci 17: 1-14, 1999.
Ikeda T, Choi BH, Yee S, Murata Y, Quilligan EJ:
Oxidative stress, brain white matter damage and
intrauterine asphyxia in fetal lambs. Internat. J. Dev.
Neurosci.17, 1-14,1999.
Robles M, Choi BH, Han B, Santa Cruz K, Kim RC: Repin-induced neurotoxicity in rodents. Exp Neurol 152: 129-136, 1998.
Robles M, Wang N, Kim R, Choi BH: Cytotoxic effects of repin, a principal sesquiterpene lactone of Russian knapweed. J Neurosc Res 47: 90-97, 1997.
Choi BH, Yee S, Robles M: The effects of glutathione-glycoside in methylmercury poisoning. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 141: 357-364, 1996.
Yee S., Choi BH: Oxidative stress in neurotoxic effects of methylmercury poisoning. Neurotoxicol 17: 17-26, 1996.
Choi BH, Kim RC, Vaughn PJ, Lau A., Van Nostrand WE, Cotman CW, Cunningham DD: Decreases in protease nexins in Alzheimer;s disease brain. Neurogiol Againg 16: 557-562, 1995.
Robles M, Choi BH, Han B, Santa Kruz K, Kim RC:
Repin-induced neurotoxicity in rodents. Exp. Neurol.
152:129-136, 1998.
Repin-induced neurotoxicity in rodents. Exp. Neurol.
152:129-136, 1998.
Ikeda T, Murata Y, Quilligan EJ, Choi BH, Parer JT, Doi
S, Park SD : Physiological and histological changes of
brain in near-term fetal lambs exposed to asphyxia by
partial umbilical cord occlusion. Am. J. Obst. Gynecol.
178:24-32, 1998.
S, Park SD : Physiological and histological changes of
brain in near-term fetal lambs exposed to asphyxia by
partial umbilical cord occlusion. Am. J. Obst. Gynecol.
178:24-32, 1998.
Oak S, Choi BH: The effects of glutathione glycoside in
acetaminophen-induced liver cell necrosis Exp. Mol.
Pathol. 65:15-24, 1998.
acetaminophen-induced liver cell necrosis Exp. Mol.
Pathol. 65:15-24, 1998.
Robles M, Wang N, Kim R, Choi BH: Cytotoxic effects of
repin, a principal sesquiterpene lactone of Russian
knapweed. J. Neurosci. Res. 47:90-97, 1997.
repin, a principal sesquiterpene lactone of Russian
knapweed. J. Neurosci. Res. 47:90-97, 1997.
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