Richard I. Frank
Professor Emeritus, Classics
School of Humanities
School of Humanities
School of Humanities
School of Humanities
PH.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1965
University of California, Irvine
Humanities Office Building 2 115
Mail Code: 3275
Irvine, CA 92697
Humanities Office Building 2 115
Mail Code: 3275
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Roman history, Latin elegy and satire, classical tradition
Research Abstract
My research has been focused on Roman civilization in all its aspects. I began with work on the Roman army, in particular its role as the model for bureaucratic systems in the later Empire. This led to my first book and continues to be an interest. Later I turned to the interaction between politics and literature, with particular focus on the development of a distinctive ideology by the Roman ruling class. The great model here is the work of Ranuccio Bianchi Baninelli. My current project is an examination of Roman studies from Petrarch to Gibbon. Roman law has been a crucial factor connecting this field with the development of the modern state.
Scholae Palatinae: The Palace Guards of the Later Roman Empire (1969)
"Augustan Elegy and Catonism," Aufsteig und Niedergang d. romischen Welt (1982)
"Olympic Myths and Realities," Arete (1984)
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