Patrick M. Morgan
Tierney Chair, Peace & Conflict, Political Science
School of Social Sciences
School of Social Sciences
PH.D., Yale University
B.A., Harpur College (now SUNY Binghamton)
B.A., Harpur College (now SUNY Binghamton)
University of California, Irvine
5269 Social Sciences Plaza B
Mail Code: 5100
Irvine, CA 92697
5269 Social Sciences Plaza B
Mail Code: 5100
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
International Politics, Peace and Security Issues - national and international, U.S. Foreign Relations, U.S.-European Relations, International Relations Theory
Academic Distinctions
POSCO Fellowship, East-West Center, Honolulu 2007-8
Fellowship, Rockefeller Center, Bellagio, Italy 1997
Vice President, International Studies Association 1988-9
Fulbright - Catholic University Leuven, Belgium 1985
Fellow - Wilson Center, Washington, DC 1973-4
Political Science Department, University of California, Irvine 1991-
Political Science Department, Washington State University 1967-1991
University of Washington, Visiting Professor 1980-1982
College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium Visiting Professor, Professor 1985-1997
Fellowship, Rockefeller Center, Bellagio, Italy 1997
Vice President, International Studies Association 1988-9
Fulbright - Catholic University Leuven, Belgium 1985
Fellow - Wilson Center, Washington, DC 1973-4
Political Science Department, University of California, Irvine 1991-
Political Science Department, Washington State University 1967-1991
University of Washington, Visiting Professor 1980-1982
College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium Visiting Professor, Professor 1985-1997
Political Science Department, University of California, Irvine 1991-
Political Science Department, Washington State University 1967-1991
University of Washington, Visiting Professor 1980-1982
College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium Visiting Professor, Professor 1985-1997
Political Science Department, Washington State University 1967-1991
University of Washington, Visiting Professor 1980-1982
College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium Visiting Professor, Professor 1985-1997
Research Abstract
Professor Morgan has concentrated his research primarily on national and international security matters - deterrence theory, strategic surprise attack, arms control, and related subjects. He has also had a long standing interest in theoretical approaches to the study of international politics. Currently he is involved in projects on the theory and practice of deterrence in the post-Cold War era, security strategies for global security management, and security in Northeast Asia.
Complex Deterrence coedited with T.V. Paul and James Wirtz, University of Chicago Press, 2009
US-ROK Relations: The Alliance and the Decline of Trust" in In-Young Kim, ed. Trust, Democracy, and Peace in Northeast Asia, Seoul 2008
"The Role of the United States in the North Korean Nuclear Crisis" in T. Roehrig, et al eds. Korean Security in a Changing East Asia, Praeger 2007
"Theory and Practice of Security Management for a Highly Dynamic Environment: Challenge and Response in the Northeast Asian System" in Myongsob Kim, ed. Security in Northeast Asia, Seoul 2008.
US-ROK Relations: The Alliance and the Decline of Trust" in In-Young Kim, ed. Trust, Democracy, and Peace in Northeast Asia, Seoul 2008
"The Role of the United States in the North Korean Nuclear Crisis" in T. Roehrig, et al eds. Korean Security in a Changing East Asia, Praeger 2007
"Theory and Practice of Security Management for a Highly Dynamic Environment: Challenge and Response in the Northeast Asian System" in Myongsob Kim, ed. Security in Northeast Asia, Seoul 2008.
International Security: Problems and Solutions (CQ Press, 2006)
"Information Warfare and Domestic Threats to American Security," Contemporary Security Policy Vol. 26 No. 3 April 2003
"NATO and European Security: The Creative Use of an International Organization," Journal of Strategic Studies Vol 26 No. 3 (September 2003)
Deterrence Now, Cambridge University Press 2003
Reviewing the Cold War, coedited with Keith Nelson 1999 Praeger
Security Studies Today, with T. Terriff, S. Croft, and L. James 1999, Polity Press
Regional Orders, coedited with David Lake 1997 Penn State University Press
"Multilateralism and Security: Prospects in Europe" in John Ruggie, ed., Multilateralism Matters, 1993.
"The Impact of the Revolution in Military Affairs," Journal of Strategic Studies March 2000
"Liberalist and Realist Security Studies at 2000: Two Decades of Progress?" Contemporary Security Policy December 1999
"Getting the 'Liberalist Transition" Under Way: the Experience of the East Asian Regional International System," The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Winter 1999
"US-North Korean Security Relations" in C. J. Lee and D. S. Suh, eds, North Korea After Kim Il Sung Lynne Rienner 1998
Professional Societies
International Studies Association
American Political Science Association
International Institute for Strategic Studies (London)
Pacific Council on International Policy
Research Centers
Center for Global Peace & Conflict Studies
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