Gilbert Geis
Professor Emeritus, Criminology, Law & Society
School of Social Ecology
School of Social Ecology
PH.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1953
University of California, Irvine
2391 SEII
Mail Code: 5150
Irvine, CA 92697
2391 SEII
Mail Code: 5150
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
All aspects of crime and delinquency.
Academic Distinctions
Research Abstract
As a retired professor, Gil Geis is able to do pretty much what he pleases in regard to research projects - presuming he is capable of mastering the subject. In the past few years, he has co-written books on a 17th century witchcraft case in England, on five "crimes of the century" in the United States, and on the fertility clinic scandal at UCI, and edited, with Mary Dodge, a collection of essays by leading figures in criminology on their advice for newcomers. In the same period, he also co-authored a textbook on criminology (4th edition) and on juvenile delinquency (3d edition). He publishes a great deal because he likes to write and has been at it long enough to have gotten some sense of how to put together an acceptable article or book chapter.
His major interest always has been white-collar crime, but he will tackle anything that he finds interesting and intriguing - he and a colleague, for instance, have written some five articles during the last two years on the Americans with Disabilities Act as it relates to the construction of sports arenas.
His major interest always has been white-collar crime, but he will tackle anything that he finds interesting and intriguing - he and a colleague, for instance, have written some five articles during the last two years on the Americans with Disabilities Act as it relates to the construction of sports arenas.
"Scrutiny on the Bounty: Business Rewards for Crime Tips," (with Ted Huston and Joseph Wells), Business Horizons, 35 (November-December, 1992), 80-81.
"Lost in the Melting Pot: Asian Youth Gangs in the United States," (with John Huey- Long Song and John Dombrink), Gang Journal, 1 (1992), 1-12.
(Editor). "White-Collar Crime," (with Paul Jesilow). Annals of the American Academy of Political Science and Social Science, 525 (January 1993), 1-169. ["Preface," 8-11].
"Matthew Arnold and the Lowestoft 'Witches,'" (with Ivan Bunn). Nineteenth-Century Prose, 20 (Spring 1993), 1-17
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