Henry C. Lim
Professor, Chemical Engineering & Materials Science
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
PH.D., Northwestern University
University of California, Irvine
816F Engineering Tower
Mail Code: 2575
Irvine, CA 92697
816F Engineering Tower
Mail Code: 2575
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Bioreaction and Bioreactor Engineering
Academic Distinctions
Research Abstract
On-Line Adaptive Optimization of Fed-Batch Bioreactors
Investigator: H.C. Lim
Research Assistant: J. Hansen
Support: Monsanto Company
Many industrially important fermentation processes are carried out in semibatch (fed-batch) mode in order to overcome various metabolic regulations and to take advantage of regulated promoter systems in recombinant cells. The objective is to develop an on -line adaptive optimization scheme to optimize the bioreactor performance, and apply the scheme to the optimization of invertase production by recombinant yeast cells.
Optimization of Recombinant Cell Fermentation Processes
Investigator: H.C. Lim
Research Assistant: B-Y. Chen
Support: California Biotechnology Research Grant
Decoupling of host-cell growth, gene amplification, and cloned gene expression through the use of regulated promoters provides an important means to optimize recombinant cell fermentation by utilizing most efficiently the limited biosynthetic potential, l eading to a substantial improvement in the overall process productivity. Using Escherichia coli with Q-mutation containing bacteriophage ?, the researchers are studying the induction kinetics and environmental control using two-stage reactors to maximize the yield and productivity of cloned-gene products.
Kinetic Studies and Optimization of Foreign Gene Expression in a Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Containing Alcohol Dehydrogenase II Promoter
Investigator: H.C. Lim and J. Hong
Research Assistant: K. Han
Support: Lucky Co.
Many recombinant products are produced by yeast cells containing alcohol dehydrogenase II promoter. A systematic study is being carried out to reveal the induction kinetics, plasmid stability, and key component effects. Examination of reactor optimization strategy and media composition will follow to maximize the production of foreign proteins in yeasts containing alcohol dehydrogenase II promoter.
Optimization of High-Order Fed-Batch Cultures
Investigators: H.C. Lim and J. Hong
Research Assistant: J. Lee
Support: Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea
Currently available computational schemes are inadequate or infeasible in determining the optimal profiles for most fed-batch cultures of recombinant cells due to high dimensionality. Various computational schemes, both optimal and suboptimal, are being d eveloped and tested to obtain optimal profiles. The ultimate goal is to obtain an off-line general computational scheme and extend it to on-line adaptive optimization scheme.
Investigator: H.C. Lim
Research Assistant: J. Hansen
Support: Monsanto Company
Many industrially important fermentation processes are carried out in semibatch (fed-batch) mode in order to overcome various metabolic regulations and to take advantage of regulated promoter systems in recombinant cells. The objective is to develop an on -line adaptive optimization scheme to optimize the bioreactor performance, and apply the scheme to the optimization of invertase production by recombinant yeast cells.
Optimization of Recombinant Cell Fermentation Processes
Investigator: H.C. Lim
Research Assistant: B-Y. Chen
Support: California Biotechnology Research Grant
Decoupling of host-cell growth, gene amplification, and cloned gene expression through the use of regulated promoters provides an important means to optimize recombinant cell fermentation by utilizing most efficiently the limited biosynthetic potential, l eading to a substantial improvement in the overall process productivity. Using Escherichia coli with Q-mutation containing bacteriophage ?, the researchers are studying the induction kinetics and environmental control using two-stage reactors to maximize the yield and productivity of cloned-gene products.
Kinetic Studies and Optimization of Foreign Gene Expression in a Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Containing Alcohol Dehydrogenase II Promoter
Investigator: H.C. Lim and J. Hong
Research Assistant: K. Han
Support: Lucky Co.
Many recombinant products are produced by yeast cells containing alcohol dehydrogenase II promoter. A systematic study is being carried out to reveal the induction kinetics, plasmid stability, and key component effects. Examination of reactor optimization strategy and media composition will follow to maximize the production of foreign proteins in yeasts containing alcohol dehydrogenase II promoter.
Optimization of High-Order Fed-Batch Cultures
Investigators: H.C. Lim and J. Hong
Research Assistant: J. Lee
Support: Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea
Currently available computational schemes are inadequate or infeasible in determining the optimal profiles for most fed-batch cultures of recombinant cells due to high dimensionality. Various computational schemes, both optimal and suboptimal, are being d eveloped and tested to obtain optimal profiles. The ultimate goal is to obtain an off-line general computational scheme and extend it to on-line adaptive optimization scheme.
Lee, B.S., Kang, I.S., and Lim, H.C. "Chaotic Mixing and Mass Transfer Enhancement by Pulsatile Laminar Flow in an Axisymmetric Wavy Channel" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, V42(N14),:2571-2581, 1999.
Lee, J.H., Lim, H.C., Yoo, Y.J., and Park, Y.H., " Optimization of Feed Rate Profile for a Monocolonal Antobody Production" Bioprocess Engineering, 20 (2), 137-146, 1999.
Lee, J.H. and Lim, H.C., "Development of Non-singular Optimization Algorithm and Its Application to Chemical Engineering Systems", Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16(1), 118-127, 1999.
Chen, B.-Y. and Lim, H. C. "Optimal Mode of Operation for Temperature Induction of Bacteriophage lQ- Mutant in Escherichia coli", Bioprocess Engineering, 19(1), 7-10, 1998.
Lee, J. H., Hong, Juan and Lim, Henry C., "Optimization of Fed-Batch Culture Systems with Two Feed Rates", Chemical Engineering Communications, 164, 61-77, 1998.
Lin, C.-S., Chen, B.-Y., Park, T. H., and Lim, H.C., "Characterization of Bacteriophage l Q- Mutant for Stable and Efficient Production of Recombinant Protein In Escherichia coli System" Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol.57. No.5, 529-535, 1998.
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