Diane R. Campbell

Picture of Diane R. Campbell
Distinguished Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
B.S., Stanford University
OTH, Duke University
Phone: (949) 824-2242
Fax: (949) 824-2181
Email: drcampbe@uci.edu
University of California, Irvine
459 Steinhaus Hall
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Evolution in Natural Populations; Hybrid Zones; Plant-Pollinator Interactions
Academic Distinctions
AAAS Fellow
Associate editor for Functional Ecology 2010-2019
Board of Trustees, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory 1998-2002, 2015-2020
Fulbright Specialist 2011-2015
Reviewing editor for Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2003-2007
Elected to Council, Society for the Study of Evolution 1999-2001
George Lamb Lecturer 1998
Associate editor for Evolution 1992-1994
Research Abstract
The Campbell lab studies evolution in natural populations, including the influence of pollinators on plant traits and how plant-animal interactions are affected by global change. Three sample projects are described below.

PROJECT 1: Predicting evolution in response to climate change and how that impacts the demography of plant populations

Evolutionary rescue is a process in which a population responds to a new selective regime rapidly enough that the increase in absolute fitness outpaces negative demographic effects. We are capitalizing on three decades of research with Ipomopsis plants to measure how natural selection on multiple traits is altered by increased drought under climate change and the evolutionary and demographic consequences. Early snowmelt has negative impacts on the demography of focal plant populations and also influences natural selection on some traits. Selection of flower traits by animal pollinators is less intense in years with early snowmelt. We are now examining the potential for evolutionary response in functional vegetative traits.

PROJECT 2: Selection on floral volatile emissions and other traits due to pollinators and herbivores

We are taking an experimental approach to understanding selection on combinations of traits, with an emphasis on floral volatile emissions. Production of a minor component of the scent in Ipomopsis attracts hawkmoths to approach the flowers. Flower color then influences whether or not the moth inserts its proboscis, effecting pollination. We are testing whether the combination of responses by pollinators (hummingbirds and hawkmoths) and seed predators (flies) that influence fitness at different points in the life cycle can generate correlational selection on combinations of traits. Floral fragrances are sampled and analyzed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to identify key compounds used in subsequent tests of insect behavior in the field.

PROJECT 3: Hybrid zones as a natural laboratory for measuring mechanisms of ecological speciation

The mechanisms by which new species form is one of the central issues in evolutionary biology. In ecological speciation, reproductive isolation between incipient species arises as a result of divergent natural selection between environments. We are testing two major mechanisms of ecological speciation in plants. One mechanism relies on pollinator-mediated divergent selection, and the other relies on divergent selection imposed by other features of the habitat. This requires us to take diverse approaches, including long-term reciprocal transplants in the field, studying behavior of hummingbird pollinators, and measuring physiological traits such as photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency.

Prospective graduate students: Please contact me at drcampbe@uci.edu if you are interested in joining my lab.
Campbell, D. R., M. V. Price, N. M. Waser, R. E. Irwin, A. K. Brody. 2022. Comparative impacts of annual variation in snowmelt and species interactions on population dynamics of a subalpine plant. Journal of Ecology 110: 1102-1112.
Navarro, J., Powers J. M., Paul, A. and D. R. Campbell. 2022. Phenotypic plasticity and selection on leaf traits in response to snowmelt timing and summer precipitation. New Phytologist 234: 1477-1490.
Powers, J. M., Sakai, A. K., Weller, S. G., and D. R. Campbell. 2022. Variation in floral volatiles across time, sexes, and populations of wind-pollinated Schiedea globosa. American Journal of Botany 109: 345-360.
Powers, J., Briggs, H. M., Dickson, R., Li, X., and Campbell, D.R. 2022. Earlier snowmelt and reduced summer precipitation alter floral traits important to pollination. Global Change Biology 28: 323-339.
Campbell, D.R., Bischoff, R. A. Raguso, M., Briggs, H., and P. Sosenski. 2022. Selection of floral traits by pollinators and seed predators during sequential life history stages. American Naturalist 199: 808-823.
Gallagher, M. K. and D. R. Campbell. 2021. Experimental test of the combined effects of water availability and flowering time on pollinator visitation and seed set. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 641693.
Recart, W. and D.R. Campbell. 2021. Unraveling the ecological and evolutionary impacts of a plant invader on the pollination of a native plant. Biological Invasions 23: 1533-1547.
Powers, J.M., R. Seco, C.L. Faiola, A.K. Sakai, S.G. Weller, D.R. Campbell, and A. Guenther. 2020. Floral scent composition and fine-scale timing in two moth-pollinated Hawaiian Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 1116.
Mullins, M., J.D. Uyl, E. Cruz, S. Trail, B. Davidson, D. Campbell, and E. Mooney. 2020. Advanced phenology of higher trophic levels shifts aphid host plant preferences and performance. Ecological Entomology 45: 1004-1014.
Kuppler, J., Albert, C., Ames, G., Armbruster, S., Bönisch, G., Boucher, F., Campbell, D., Carneiro, L., Chacón-Madrigal, E., Enquist, B., Fonseca, C. R., Gómez, J. M., Guisan, A., Higuchi, P., Karger, D., Kattge, J., Kleyer, M., Kraft, N., Larue-Kontic, A., Lázaro, A., Lechleitner, M., Loughnan, D., Minden, V., Niinemets, Ü., Overbeck, G., Parachnowitsch, A., Perfectti, F., Schellenberger C.D., Sletvold, N., Stang, M., Alves dos Santos, I., Streit, H., Wright, J., Zych, M., and R. Junker. 2020. Global gradients in intraspecific variation in vegetative and floral plant traits are partially associated with climate and species richness. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 992-1007.
Gallagher, M.K. and D.R. Campbell. 2020. Pollinator visitation rate and effectiveness vary with flowering phenology. American Journal of Botany 107: 445-455.
Eisen, K.E., D.R. Campbell, E. Richards and M.A. Geber. 2019. Differences in flowering phenology are likely not the product of competition for pollination in Clarkia communities. International Journal of Plant Sciences 180: 974-986.
Campbell, D.R. 2019. Early snowmelt projected to cause population decline in a subalpine plant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 116(26): 12901-12906.
Recart W., B. Ottoson, and D.R. Campbell. 2019. Water influences how seed production responds to conspecific and heterospecific pollen. American Journal of Botany 106(5):1-9.
Campbell, D.R., P. Sosenski, and R.A. Raguso. 2019. Plasticity of floral volatiles in response to increasing drought stress. Annals of Botany 123: 601-610.
Campbell, D.R., A. Faidiga, and G. Trujillo. 2018. Clines in traits compared over two decades in a plant hybrid zone. Annals of Botany 122: 315-324.
Campbell, D.R., A.K. Brody, M.V. Price, N.M. Waser, and G. Aldridge. 2017. Is plant fitness proportional to seed set? An experiment and a spatial model. American Naturalist 190: 818-827.
Recart, W. and D. R. Campbell. 2021. Water availability influences the relationship between pollen intensity and seed production. AOB Plants 13: plab074.
Gallagher, M.K. and D.R. Campbell. 2017. Shifts in water availability mediate plant-pollinator interactions. New Phytologist 215: 792-802.
Weller, S.G., Sakai, A.K., Campbell, D.R., Powers, J.M., Pena, S.R., Keir, M., Loomis, A., Heintzman, S., and Weisenberger, L. 2017. An enigmatic Hawaiian moth is a missing link in the adaptive radiation of Schiedea. New Phytologist 123: 1533-1547
Bruckman, D. and D.R. Campbell. 2016. Pollination of a native plant changes with distance and density of invasive plants in a simulated biological invasion. American Journal of Botany 103:1458-1465.
Bruckman, D. and D.R. Campbell. 2016. Timing of invasive pollen deposition influences pollen tube growth and seed set in a native plant. Biological Invasions 18: 1701-1711.
Campbell, D.R., A. Jürgens, and S.D. Johnson. 2016. Ethological isolation between hybridizing Zaluzianskya species: the influence of volatiles and flower orientation on hawkmoth foraging choices. New Phytologist 210: 333-342.
Raguso, R.A., Thompson, J.N., and D.R. Campbell. 2015. Improving our chemistry: Challenges and opportunities in the interdisciplinary study of floral volatiles. Natural Products Reports 32: 893-903.
Campbell, D.R. and J.M. Powers. 2015. Natural selection on floral morphology can be influenced by climate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 21050178.
Bischoff, M., R.A. Raguso, A. Jürgens and D.R. Campbell. 2015. Context-dependent reproductive isolation mediated by floral scent and color. Evolution 69:1-13.

Campbell, D.R., M. Forster, and M. Bischoff. 2014. Selection of trait combinations through bee and fly visitation to flowers of Polemonium foliosissimum. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 325-336.
Bischoff, M., A. Jürgens, and D.R. Campbell. 2014. Floral scent in natural hybrids of Ipomopsis (Polemoniaceae) and their two parental species. Annals of Botany 113: 533-544.
Campbell, D.R. and C. Wendlandt. 2013. Altered precipitation affects plant hybrids differently than their parental species. American Journal of Botany 100: 1322-1331.
Campbell, D.R., M. Bischoff, J.M. Lord, and A.W. Robertson. 2012. Where have all the blue flowers gone: pollinator responses and selection on flower colour in New Zealand Wahlenbergia albomarginata. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 352-364.
Campbell, D.R., Weller, S.G., A.K. Sakai, T. M. Culley, P.N. Dang, and A.K. Dunbar-Wallis. 2011. Genetic variation and covariation in floral allocation of two species of Schiedea with contrasting levels of sexual dimorphism. Evolution 65: 757-770.
Waser, N.M., Campbell, D. R., Price, M.V., and A.K. Brody. 2010. Density-dependent demographic responses of a semelparous plant to natural variation in seed rain. Oikos 119: 1929-1935.
Campbell, D.R., Wu, C.A. and S.E. Travers. 2010. Photosynthetic and growth responses of reciprocal hybrids to variation in water and nitrogen availability. American Journal of Botany 97: 925-933.
Campbell, D.R., M. Bischoff, J. Lord, and A.W. Robertson. 2010. Flower color influences insect visitation in alpine New Zealand. Ecology 91: 2638-2649.
Campbell, D.R. 2009. Using phenotypic manipulations to study multivariate selection of floral trait associations. Annals of Botany 103: 1557-1566.
Campbell, D.R., N.M. Waser, G. Aldridge, and C.A. Wu. 2008. Lifetime fitness in two generations of Ipomopsis hybrids. Evolution 62: 2616-2627.
Price, M.V., D.R. Campbell, N.M. Waser, and A.K. Brody. 2008. Bridging the generation gap in plants: pollination, parental fecundity, and offspring demography. Ecology 89: 1596-1604.
Ashman, T., T. M. Knight, J. Steets, P. Amarasekare, M. Burd, D. R. Campbell, M. R. Dudash, M. O. Johnston, S. J. Mazer, R. J. Mitchell, M. T. Morgan, and W. G. Wilson. 2004. Pollen limitation of plant reproduction: Ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences. Ecology 85: 2408-2421.
Campbell, D. R. and N. M. Waser. 2007. Evolutionary dynamics of an Ipomopsis hybrid zone: confronting models with lifetime fitness data. American Naturalist 169: 298-310.
Aldridge, G. and D. R. Campbell. 2007. Variation in pollinator preference between two Ipomopsis contact sites that differ in hybridization rate. Evolution 61: 99-110.
Campbell, D.R., C. Galen, and C.A. Wu. 2005. Ecophysiology of first and second generation hybrids in a natural plant hybrid zone. Oecologia 144: 214-225.
Wu, C.A. and D.R. Campbell. 2005. Cytoplasmic and nuclear markers reveal contrasting patterns of spatial genetic structure in a natural Ipomopsis hybrid zone. Molecular Ecology 14: 781-792.
Campbell, D.R. and N.M. Waser. 2001. Genotype by environment interaction and the fitness of plant hybrids in the wild. Evolution 55: 669-676.
Campbell, D. R., N. M. Waser, and E. J. Melendez-Ackerman. 1997. Analyzing pollinator-mediated selection in a plant hybrid zone: hummingbird visitation patterns on three spatial scales. American Naturalist 149: 295-315.
Campbell, D. R. 1996. Evolution of floral traits in a hermaphroditic plant: field measurements of heritabilities and genetic correlations. Evolution 50: 1442-1453.
Campbell, D. R., N. M. Waser, and M. V. Price. 1996. Mechanisms of hummingbird-mediated selection for flower width in Ipomopsis aggregata. Ecology 77: 1463-1472.
Campbell, D. R. and K. J. Halama. 1993. Resource and pollen limitations to lifetime seed production in a natural plant population. Ecology 74:1043-1051.
Funded by NSF
Professional Societies
Society for the Study of Evolution
Ecological Society of America
Botanical Society of America
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