Abel Klein
Professor, Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
School of Physical Sciences
PH.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1971
University of California, Irvine
340K Rowland Hall
Mail Code: 3875
Irvine, CA 92697
340K Rowland Hall
Mail Code: 3875
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Mathematical Physics: Random Schrödinger operators
Academic Distinctions
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
1982-present: Professor, Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine.
1996-1999: Chair, Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine.
1977-1982: Associate Profesor, Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine.
1974-1977: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine.
1972-1974: Instructor, Princeton University.
1971-1972: Adjunct Assistant Professor, UCLA.
1996-1999: Chair, Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine.
1977-1982: Associate Profesor, Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine.
1974-1977: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine.
1972-1974: Instructor, Princeton University.
1971-1972: Adjunct Assistant Professor, UCLA.
Research Abstract
The main subject of Klein's research is the study of phenomena that occur in disordered systems. Impurities can change dramatically the properties of certain materials. The best known examples are transistors, which are made of certain materials whose properties are modified by impurities. Such materials are modeled by disordered systems.
Random Schrödinger operators describe an electron moving in a medium with random impurities. In the widely accepted picture, in three or more dimensions there exists a transition from an insulator region, characterized by localized states, to a very different metallic region, characterized by extended states, while in one or two dimensions there are only localized states and no metal-insulator transition. Klein's research aims to further the mathematical understanding of this picture.
Random Schrödinger operators describe an electron moving in a medium with random impurities. In the widely accepted picture, in three or more dimensions there exists a transition from an insulator region, characterized by localized states, to a very different metallic region, characterized by extended states, while in one or two dimensions there are only localized states and no metal-insulator transition. Klein's research aims to further the mathematical understanding of this picture.
NSF DMS-1301641
Professional Societies
American Mathematical Society
International Association of Mathematical Physics
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